I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 430 World Situation! Request full order, custom order

The world's rampage is finally no longer intense.

It seems to have left governments with a chance to breathe.

The current world situation is: the Immortality Club is just as it described when it entered the WTO. They are a peace-loving organization whose main purpose is to promote the development of human civilization.

After entering the WTO.

The 'Immortality Club Global Group' has blossomed everywhere, involving almost all fields of human beings.

The cutting-edge technology displayed by the sub-group 'Future Technology' under the Immortality Club Global Group has made the entire scientific community exclaim!

Before this, no one or any group could imagine that the sixth revolution of mankind was driven and led by a sub-group!

In addition.

Mexico in North America has been completely shrouded in the fear field of the A-level ghosts and fear ghosts...

The rest of the countries have completely controlled the situation of ghosts and monsters rampant one after another.

The heads of the five countries, namely, the Celestial Empire, the United States, the Bear Country, the Sun Never Sets Country, and the French Country, frequently held secret meetings.

Another meeting.

In the content of the meeting, the heads of the five countries were divided into three parties.

The United States and the Bear Country are increasingly wary of the existence of the Immortality Club.

"187 We must closely monitor all the subsidiaries of the 'Immortality Club Global Group' and be able to replace them in the shortest possible time!"

The President of the Bear Country said in a deep voice.

"As far as the strength of the 'Immortality Club Global Group' is concerned, I think it is beyond the level of our countries..."

"So, maybe just as that person said, the Immortality Club may not really have bad intentions..."

The head of the Sun Never Sets Country retorted.

The Celestial Empire remained neutral.

From a personal perspective, the Celestial Empire would rather lean towards the Immortality Club, but from the perspective of human justice, he must remain sober.


Medical College, Old Building.

Lu Li sat in the study and read quietly.

He suddenly stopped and pressed the book in his hand under his palm...

Lu Li closed his eyes.

The magnificent, vast, countless rhizome networks that surround and entangle the deep surface of the earth appeared in his mind!

These countless rhizome networks are spread all over the continents and oceans of the earth. They are crystal clear, with green light surrounding them...

A little bit of green light escaped from the surface of the rhizome and slowly merged into the surrounding land!

These green lights are the so-called "spiritual power". With their integration, the environment of the earth is constantly improving.

A thick divine consciousness suddenly condensed from Lu Li's sea of ​​consciousness, and the divine consciousness communicated with the entire rhizome network.

As Lu Li's divine consciousness swept through the place.

The underground rhizome network in Shencheng, the rhizome network in the Pearl River Delta region, the rhizome network in East China...

The rhizome networks were lit up one after another!

The endless, rich green fluorescence began to grow continuously from the rhizome...

The speed of the birth of this spiritual power is more than twice the previous breeding speed!

Lu Li lit up all the rhizome networks.

He still closed his eyes, feeling the vastness of the entire ‘rhizome network’.

After a long time.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint green in his pupils slowly disappeared.

"The laws of the heavenly way of the antimatter world No. 03 are formed and woven through the branches of the world tree..."

"With the changes in the spiritual environment of the earth, the strength of the creatures."

"The heavenly way of the earth can be condensed in this underground rhizome network, just like the ‘antimatter world No. 03’, I dominate the heavenly way."

Lu Li thought and whispered.

Transformed into the heavenly way, everything under the heavenly way, whether it is living beings or laws, will be under control.

Rich spiritual power continuously permeates every inch of land under the surface.

It is not easy to detect in places that are still in the daytime.

In the dark.

Some places close to the rhizome network can see a little bit of crystal green light radiating from the surface and blending into the air!

Thousands of meters below the sea level.

',8: Silent, dark seabed!

Glittering green light rises...

In the depths of the turbulent ocean, countless deep-sea animals begin to gather...

Densely packed deep-sea animals are happily swallowing the seawater containing spiritual power!

Once, when spiritual power first appeared on the earth, the scene caused by it appeared again, and it was even crazier than before!

In modern cities.

Countless pets seem to become extremely excited at the same time!

The cries of cats and dogs are coming one after another!

Countless birds cover the entire city...

In the past, ants that were not noticed by people came out in droves, sticking to and exploring the ground...

In the primitive forest...

In the mountains and rivers...

Deep sea, near the coast...

Creatures all over the world are having a carnival!

Since the last time, the relevant agencies of various governments have been more meticulous and concerned about environmental testing.

This time.

At the first moment of the change, the relevant personnel quickly paid attention to it.

In a very short time, the relevant documents were submitted to the heads of state.

The first line of the document read: "The world has changed!" "Changed again?"

In the offices of heads of state, presidents and prime ministers looked at the documents, covered their heads with their hands, and couldn't help whispering.

"What a brilliant new era."

Lu Li walked to the window, looking at the countless birds flying in the distance at the edge of the city skyline, he smiled and said.

The first concentration of spiritual power is the perfect environment for the birth of "ghosts".

And this second concentration of spiritual power is the time for "all things" to grow and evolve!

Animals and plants may change, develop intelligence, and show extraordinary talents...

Of course, the same is true for humans!

However, in the evolutionary history cycle of tens of thousands of years, the genetic evolution of humans has long stagnated. In terms of sensitivity to spiritual power and evolution speed, it may be slower than animals.

Lu Li sat back at the desk.

He called back Peng Hao and Zhang Xiao.


Peng Hao and Zhang Xiao faced Lu Li and shouted solemnly.

"Prepare to start absorbing humans, animals and plants with excellent talents..."

Lu Li said in a deep voice.

Although the earth under the new concentration of spiritual power will still be a weak and low-level world for Lu Li, the preparations that should be made still need to be made. .

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