I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 524 gods! (Please order the whole set or customize it (1/2)

Chapter 524 gods! (Please order in full or customize

At this time, a certain city in Sam country.

A smokeless chase that no one knows about is taking place on the Internet.

At this time, it was not long before dawn in the sky, and it was just entering night in Sam's country on the other side of the earth.

In an apartment room in LSJ City, a dark-skinned girl put her hands on the keyboard calmly, typing rapidly, and lines of code kept coming out.

However, as time passed, sweat began to appear on her forehead and her complexion gradually deteriorated.

Just a few hours ago, she had just hacked into a backup server of the FBI in Sam Country, hoping to prove her ability in the industry.

In the world of hackers, this girl has the code name GODS, which is transliterated as God.

They are among the top three hacker technicians in Sam Country.

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning, Morris was in the top ten in this ranking.

However, under Lu Li's training, Morris's current programming ability may be able to easily beat these so-called rankings.

The level of knowledge is different.

From this, we can see that this girl's skills are better than Morris before.

After the intrusion, GODS discovered that the backup server was a fishing trap used by the FBI. As soon as she broke in, she was immediately locked, and then she hurriedly abandoned her broiler.

At the same time, she hid herself among countless broilers, but the FBI's technical skills were obviously not empty. Under the attack of several people, she kept losing the prepared broilers.

At this time, GODS already regretted invading the FBI's backup server, just out of curiosity, competitiveness and vanity, and wanted to show his abilities in the industry.

And if she is caught by the FBI, she will be in jail for a period of time.

She can't imagine life without Internet-connected devices, she fears life without a keyboard, and she even wants to continue swimming in this world full of code.

However, at this time, what she needs to solve is the immediate dilemma, how to get rid of these dog-skin plaster-like FBI technicians who are chasing after her.

The cocks she had reserved all over the world were being pulled out one by one. This chase had been going on for hours and she didn't have many cocks left.

If she can't find a new way out, her current IP address needs to be exposed.


GODS yelled angrily, and her last few cocks were pulled out by the FBI people.

what to do! what to do!

GODS kept inputting various retrieval codes. Suddenly, a broiler virus that was implanted at an unknown time was activated by her. She was stunned at first because the IP location of this broiler was not very good.

But she can no longer control so much at this time. If she is caught, she will not be able to access various Internet-connected devices. She can't imagine this kind of life.

For victory!

She growled lowly, and then walked directly into the cock, which stunned the FBI technicians who originally thought they had a chance to win.

They all started to celebrate that they were about to catch this loach, but they didn't expect that she actually had a cock.

Just when they were full of confidence and wanted to continue to crack the system, they suddenly discovered that the language of this system was completely incomprehensible!

For a time, they were blocked from the door of this system. If they could not crack the system, they would not be able to catch the little loach.

GODS found out that the other party had been thrown away, and he breathed a sigh of relief and was safe.

I didn’t expect that I could still find a way out at the end of my rope. Sure enough, the God of Luck does exist!

If time could travel to the next day, perhaps the FBI at this time would be condemning Chinese hackers for invading the FBI system.

However, this is of no use.

at this time.

GODS collapsed on the sofa, gasping for air, which eventually turned into laughter, becoming more and more hearty.

She reached out and grabbed the champagne placed in the ice bucket next to her, poured herself a glass of champagne, and toasted to her best friend, a self-assembled laptop.

After drinking, she relaxed, untied some wires on her body, then grabbed the blanket on the sofa, covered herself casually, and fell asleep.

After several hours of intense work and tremendous psychological pressure, she needed a break.

The night is getting darker, and in the quiet apartment there is only the hum of the laptop fan running and the sound of wind blowing from time to time outside the window. The whole world is quiet.

In the end, GODS suddenly turned over and shivered all over. She forgot to check the system she had just entered. After all, it was a system that could prevent FBI technicians from breaking in.

When GODS connected to the system, her face looked a little confused, and the dense code data made her feel dizzy.

This is not a system composed in English, nor is it the Linux known on the market, nor is it a commercial system.

It is more like a private system, it has its own origin, it does not participate in English code, but it is compatible with the Linux system she uses.

Does it seem more advanced?

"Friends, these are the words of China." GODS looked at these codes and his expression changed a little. China actually developed its own system? !

She even doubts her ability. Does she really have the ability to install a virus program into this system?

It's impossible, okay!

However, in fact, with GODS's ability, she couldn't crack this system at all. She tried some means later to take control of this system.

But people ignored her, as if they didn't care about her means at all, just like a person who is completely immune to damage, standing still and letting people use various means to deal with him.

How could a person who is immune to damage be hurt by these means?

Similarly, GODS didn't use her own ability to hack into this system.

But when she was spreading chicken viruses all over the world, she happened to throw a virus into the depths of a system of the Changsheng Club.

At that time, the Changsheng Club had not yet made its own independent system, but the system built by Morris based on Linux rules. Anyone with similar strength could hack into it.

Not to mention just hacking into a small hard disk file.


And by chance, the 'Eye of Immortality' in the 'Changsheng System' swept the hard disk when it was replaced, and regarded this program as its own user.

And opened a virtual space and certain permissions for it, hoping that it can cooperate with itself to carry out system changes.

It is worth mentioning that when the "Eye of Immortality" is updated, it will feedback some of its optimized programs to the "Eternal Life System" to achieve mutual complementation and progress together.

:!8;.! Chapter 525 Mysterious Great God?

Under countless coincidences, GODS's life was saved.

In GODS's view, this is a master who is countless times stronger than her. Seeing her pitiful, he opened a small door for her to come in and hide.

At this time, she is already a user of the "Eternal Life System". If you have to describe it, she is regarded as an internal test user by the "Eternal Life System", hoping that she can submit some BUGs to improve herself.

And the "Eye of Immortality" agreed to the existence of this user during the update.

"The master who built this system must not be a human!"

After GODS peeped at the system wholeheartedly, GODS couldn't help but complain.

At the same time, she kept thinking about the hackers she knew, trying to find out who could open a backdoor for her.

But she found that these people could not build a new, independent system that was not based on the current programming language.

After all, strictly speaking, hackers are just looking for loopholes in various programs and cracking them. Some of them just like the pleasure of cracking programs, and also help some large companies find loopholes, submit them after 250, and earn their rewards.

Some want the pleasure of destruction, similar to Morris before, he wants the whole world to remember his existence, not just to get rewards.

Take Bill Company for example, he has a department that specializes in receiving bugs submitted by these hackers, and each bug is divided into different rewards according to the severity.

The lowest reward is $500, and the highest is millions or even tens of millions of dollars.

Top technology companies will not be satisfied with their own technicians, but mobilize hackers across the network to help them find loopholes, so as to make their systems more perfect and safer.

Some technology companies even design a vulnerability search activity specifically for their own systems, in other words, a security detection activity.

At this time, GODS felt that the master who designed this program did not seem to need a hacker.

No hacker in the world could hack into such a system, it was very advanced and very complete!

GODS waited for a long time, wanting to wait for the master who opened a backdoor for her to chat with her. After all, at this time, she was like a bird in a cage, and could only observe the situation outside through the gap.

But after waiting for a long time, she did not see the master contact her.

Therefore, she could only take the initiative to contact. She tried to create a small document in the small space assigned to her, and then typed two Chinese characters with her cognition.


Fortunately, she had studied Chinese characters in the Celestial Empire before, so it would not be too difficult for her to recognize some of the codes of this system now.

After all, she was just a user at this time and did not need much knowledge of programming languages.

To describe it, it was as simple as you holding a mouse, clicking the right button and the left button on the blank screen.

This is the user permission that the ‘Eternal Life System’ has opened up for her. Simple instructions can call up the code program within the permission, and to understand these codes, you only need to have a certain level of Chinese knowledge, not necessarily all Chinese characters.

Of course, if you want to crack this program from the outside, you must be completely familiar with the Chinese characters of the Celestial Empire and use them skillfully.

After waiting for a while, GODS was a little frustrated. This expert seemed to ignore her.

She continued to try.

“Excuse me, do you know me?”

“Can you answer my questions?” But it seemed that the other person didn’t intend to pay attention to her.

If an ordinary hacker saw this unfamiliar system, he would naturally feel a certain sense of fear, and in order to avoid his IP address being read, he could only withdraw.

But who is GODS?

A person with a strong curiosity who dared to try to hack into the FBI system of his own country.

Now that she has encountered such a system, how can she not be curious? Moreover, she has been given some permissions. If she can't take a good look at this system, what's the point?

The strong curiosity has occupied GODS's mind at this time.

Since you ignore me, then fine, I will break into your system and trample your arrogant attitude under my feet!

If GODS knew that this was a backdoor opened by the system, not by humans, I don't know what kind of expression she would have.

The person who has been teasing the program for a long time was saved by a program one day.

She used the permissions she could use and entered a line of search code, which was written in Chinese. For this reason, she also specially moved out a "Xinhua Dictionary" she used when she was studying before from under her bed.

When the permissions were retrieved by her, she suddenly found that she seemed to have entered a strategic-level system. 'Eye of Immortality.' This is a graphics processing system with super high recognition efficiency. It can't even be described as a graphics processing system alone. It actually contains an autonomous learning mechanism! There is another core code program, which she cannot understand at all, it is too complicated.

But in her eyes, this super efficient graphics processing system is surrounded by countless codes, like... a seal!

In fact, this seal was set by Lu Li. After all, this program that can evolve to monitor everyone in the world has not yet been launched.

Imagine that all your life trajectories from birth to death are recorded by surveillance cameras and then backed up and stored in a certain database.

They only need a code to know your life. How terrible is it?

The world is not ready for this program, so Lu Li can only seal it and wait for it to be unsealed in the future when it is needed.

This is not only for the world, but also for the stable development of the Changsheng Club.

But now, the 'Changsheng System' has opened up certain permissions for her, as well as a small opening that can unlock the seal, and can mobilize certain identification permissions.

GODS tried to call this permission, his face was a little ruddy, as if he was excited.

Indeed, GODS was excited, because the role this program could play was huge, and no programmer could remain reserved in front of this system.

Except for the Monster Company that designed this program.

She tried to write a small program using the Chinese characters she understood, but it was a bit difficult.

If she changed to English code and Linux system rules, she could write dozens of small programs in minutes.

After that, she connected this program to the interface of the "Eye of Eternal Life".

Then she tried to connect a monitoring network to the interface of the "Eye of Eternal Life". This was a system she had cracked before, a monitoring network of a small town in LSJ City. .

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