I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 664: A record that goes down in history

Mean? Ashamed?

Not at all!

Every soldier participating in this battle is full of blood and pride!

Because, if he succeeds, he will lay the foundation for victory!

"This is definitely a feat that will go down in history." Zhang Xingde, who was following closely behind Zhuang Fei, licked his lips, unable to suppress his excitement.

As Zhuang Fei's best friend and best partner among the first ten generals, he naturally came with him.

In front of them, there were groups of transportation troops of giant legions.

That's right, traditional Ministry of Transportation troops.

In the thousands of years of inheritance and development of the giants, they have been pursuing faster and stronger. They have developed a strong and extraordinary inheritance in personal strength, especially in duels. However, everything else is It looks like a mess.

There is no flying air force developed, and there is no teleportation capability that represents a strong inheritance. Even important materials on the battlefield must rely on this relatively traditional method for transportation.

This gave Zhuang Fei's team a chance to expand their victories!

"There are almost twenty fifth-tier giants, which is about the same number as ours." A fifth-tier human warrior in charge of investigation returned, also with an excited expression, "There must be a warning technique, but I just tried it , I can cover up the fifth level surprise attack, and under the surprise attack, at least one-third can be solved first!"

This fighter will be a newly emerging powerhouse in the past few years.

The most missing thing is the record.

But what is in front of him at this moment is not just the record of the mouth?

"Let's go." Zhuang Fei was also decisive, "The giants still have the ability to send messages over long distances. I guess they have already discovered us, but it doesn't matter, our inheritance is far stronger than theirs!"

Inheritance is the technology on the extraordinary battlefield, and the relationship with the enemy is the spear and shield.

Even if the enemy has already entered the state of highest alert, so what?

Their probing techniques can't find traces of strong human beings!

As an assassin, Zhuang Fei, if he doesn't move, he can do it, and if he moves, he will do his best!

His whole body turned into a pitch-black dagger, piercing the giant's neck in an instant, making this surprise battle, which started with the fall of a fifth-order giant, explode suddenly!


The cold and biting killing intent burst out from the void, and the area that seemed abnormally calm just a moment ago turned into a terrifying battlefield in an instant.

The earth cracked, rocks and clouds collapsed.

All the strong human beings, whether they are veterans or new gods of war, at this moment, are fighting as human beings against alien races as enemies.

Vigorous movements and crazy killing intent don't even need to transmit information, the fifth-order powerhouses on the frontline battlefield can feel the source of the movements.

The leader of the giant clan, Tate's eyeballs turned red at this moment.

The worst happened.

These despicable, shameful human beings who dare not fight head-on, sent people to encircle and suppress their transport troops, without any courage!

"Go to support immediately!" He roared loudly at the rest of the fifth-level powerhouses, "Go to the fifth level, hurry on the road with all your strength, without material, we can only retreat!"

The rest of the giant powerhouses have also understood how bad things are.

All eyes are red.

"Damn humans!"


"They should be cast aside by all races!"

"A bunch of cowards!"

If it is a tribe of giants, if someone uses this tactic, even if they win, they will be despised by the whole tribe, and then they will be surrounded and suppressed by countless giants as a disgrace to the giants.

But as the main general, Tate, a member of the giant inscription masters with extremely high power, has already faintly reacted.

Even felt fear.

It is humans who are fighting with them now, not giants!

As long as they are defeated, no matter what means they use, they will eventually win. No one will fight for the giants, and they may even laugh at the humiliation of the giants.

"Could it be that we are really wrong, and the giant race has really reached the point where it must be reformed?" Tate sat back in his seat, looked at the soldiers who were still charging at the front, and covered his forehead in pain.

Since the beginning of the Ten Thousand Clans War, they have already discovered that other races are different from them.

But, in the course of war and conquest, they encountered no invincible enemy.

The so-called conspiracies and tricks used by those weak races are regarded as useless struggles and a symbol of weakness. Only a few people claim that the wisdom of those weak races still has merit, but such voices are quickly suppressed go down.

He was also a member of the suppression of this voice.

After all, how ridiculous it is to learn from a race that is only fit to be food for giants!

The giant race will only learn from the strong who beat themselves.

And now...

Facing this race called human beings, which was extremely weak even more than ten years ago, Tate felt the fear of defeat for the first time in his life.

Do not! How could the mighty mountain giants be defeated! They are the most powerful race among all races!

Born to dominate everything!

Tate clenched his fist tightly, stood up again, and gave orders to more fighters to charge!

He wants to break through this tortoise shell and let weak humans face their fears!

This is obviously not easy.

The current strength of human beings is not much weaker than that of the giants, and in the past nine years, the defensive formations on the front line are still being continuously optimized and supplemented. If it is only defense at this moment, they have absolute confidence that they can defend it!

Behind is the land, human beings will never lose even an inch of land, this is the will and determination passed down by countless martyrs during the five years of darkness!

The battle seemed to be at an impasse.

And Tate finally got good news.

The strong men he sent out provided timely support, and the bug-like humans in the rear all evacuated as soon as they felt it.

There is no intention of fighting them head-on.

The returning giants were quite satisfied one by one.

It was like winning a battle.

"Hmph, human beings are really just a bunch of cowards."

"What fear is there for such a weak race?"

"That's right, it's no different from those races that were easily defeated by us. When we defeat this ridiculous line of defense, we will flee."

"I don't understand why the emperor left them at the end."


Tate still felt a little uneasy in his heart, but after hearing the news, he was also relieved.

At least, the war resources are still kept.

After asking, they also know how to leave a few more people there to supplement the strength of the escort.

"Not bad!" Tate stood up and was about to say a few words of encouragement to everyone.

Suddenly, his face froze.

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