I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 141 Great Power and the Gate to Cross-Borders!

"Jiang Hao, the Taoist disciple of Huang Tianzong, has met the two elders!"

Jiang Hao spoke slowly.


Master Yuanjing and Master Fangtong looked at each other, and then there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Huang Tianzong has a way, and they know it.

After all, this was the big deal at the beginning.

The sect leader even reported it to the Supreme Elders.

But in fact, none of them had ever met Jiang Hao.

Or maybe I just met him once from a distance and didn’t have a deep impression.

Now that Jiang Hao had revealed his identity, the two Supreme Elders had a brief recollection and immediately had an impression.

The person in front of me is Jiang Hao!

However, Jiang Hao went to the Central Territory, reportedly seeking a chance to enter the Tao.

How many years has this been?

Jiang Hao has successfully entered Taoism and become a real person?

"Zhenren Jiang, come down and talk quickly."

The two were overjoyed and immediately invited Jiang Hao in.

"I've met the two elders."

Jiang Hao saluted again.

But the two real men shook their heads and were not polite.

"Jiang Zhenren, according to Huang Tianzong's rules, once you become a real person in Taoism, you will automatically become the supreme elder of the sect. Therefore, you have the same status as us now. We are both elders of Huang Tianzong. We refer to each other as elders or fellow Taoists. Just call each other.”

Fang Tong said.

Once you enter Taoism, your identity will be completely different from now on.

No matter where it is, whether in the Southern Region or the Central Region, it's actually the same.

Jiang Hao is now a real Taoist, just like the two Supreme Elders of Huang Tianzong.

Jiang Hao was not polite, nodded and said: "Then Jiang has met these two fellow Taoists."

"Master Jiang, you're welcome."

"By the way, fellow Taoists, what happened to Baiyu Mountain? I heard about Baiyu Mountain as soon as I returned to the Southern Territory, but I always felt that the mountain was shrouded in mist, and others couldn't explain it clearly."

Jiang Hao continued to ask.

The two real people looked at each other.

Master Yuan Jing spoke slowly: "Master Jiang has probably not returned to the sect yet, right?"

"No, I'm planning to rush back to the sect."

"It's no wonder that Taoist friends don't know the situation of Baiyu Mountain. This Baiyu Mountain was built by a Taoist Lord, known as Baiyu Taoist Lord, Baiyu Ancestor, etc. His identity and origin are quite mysterious, but in recent years we have been fighting with Baiyu Mountain. After many interactions, I roughly figured out their origins, and they should be from the Eastern Region."

"Eastern Region?"

Jiang Hao only stayed in the Southern Region and the Central Region for a period of time.

In fact, I don’t know anything about the Eastern Region, Northern Region, Western Region, etc.

"Baiyu Taoist Lord comes from the Eastern Region, why are you coming to the Southern Region now?"

Jiang Hao asked.

The two masters looked at each other, then took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Master Jiang, do you know what realm is above Dao Lord?"

"Above the Dao Lord?"

Jiang Hao was slightly startled.

He really hadn't heard of it.

No matter the Southern Region or the Central Region.

It seemed that the strongest person he could hear was Daojun.

Taoist kings are high above and control all living beings.

Stronger than Daojun?

Jiang Hao had never even heard of it.

"I dare to ask you two fellow Taoists, what is above the Tao Lord?"

"Beyond the Dao Lord is a powerful person! Or someone with great supernatural powers."

"The powerful ones traveled across borders, traveled to all realms, and passed down many teachings and traditions. Our ancestors in the Southern Region, the Central Region, etc., all used to drink blood like hair and drink blood, and were slaves of many mythical beasts. It is the powerful ones who cross realms. Come and pass on many methods to enter the Tao, so that we, the human race, can rise and eventually become the masters of this world."

Jiang Hao was shocked.


He had heard of great power.

Only by condensing the true spirit can one become powerful!

This is the information Jiang Hao obtained when he "deduced" the true spirit in the Yanwu Temple.

Jiang Hao was very strange at that time.

He had obviously only heard of Zhenzhen and Daojun, but never heard of any great power. However, the "True Spirit" was deduced in the Yanwu Temple, which is the characteristic of achieving great power.

Of course, it was ultimately proven that what Jiang Hao had condensed was only the prototype of the true spirit, not the real true spirit.

But even so, Jiang Hao vaguely understood the terror of Almighty.

At that time, Jiang Hao speculated that perhaps the power was still higher than that of Dao Lord.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

"What does Bai Yushan's coming to the Southern Territory have to do with Da Neng?"

Jiang Hao became even more confused.

"It's a long story."

"Our world is called the 'Purple Realm' because the first great power born in our world is called Zimao Tianzun, and the Purple Realm is named after this."

"Zimao Tianzun traveled to all realms and returned, only to find that since the birth of a great power tens of thousands of years ago, no great power has been born in the Purple Realm. So, Zimao Tianzun decided to give all living beings in the Purple Realm a chance."

"Zimao Tianzun will leave a cross-border gate in the Central Region, Eastern Region, Western Region, Southern Region, and Northern Region. Those who have entered the Taoist Realm or above can pass through the cross-border gate to pursue opportunities across borders."

"The Eastern Territory is much stronger than the Southern Territory as a whole. The White Jade Dao Lord may not want to compete with those Dao Lords in the Eastern Territory, so he brought some people to the Southern Territory, hoping to become the eighth overlord-level force in the Southern Territory. Compete for the spot at the Southern Territory Cross-border Gate.”

Jiang Hao understood.

Pick the persimmons soft and pinch them.

Ancestor Baiyu bullied the Southern Territory for being too weak.

It was difficult to compete for places in the Eastern Region, so I went to the Southern Region to compete for places.

Moreover, if Patriarch Bai Yu succeeds, will some other Dao Lords follow suit and go to the Southern Territory to compete for the Cross-border Gate quota?

When the time comes, the seven local overlord-level forces in the Southern Territory will become mere foils and reduced to the bottom of the heap.

Even the cross-border quota cannot be obtained.

"The seven sects of the Southern Region have no power to fight back against Baiyu Mountain? No matter how strong the Baiyu Patriarch is, he is only one person. There is no Daojun in the seven sects of the Southern Region?"

Jiang Hao asked.

"Of course there is a Daojun, and even those Daojuns have been dispatched, but they have not been able to do anything to Baiyu Daojun. Similarly, Baiyu Daojun can't do anything to the Daojun of the seven sects of the Southern Region, so we can only expand our territory in this way."

Jiang Hao frowned.

He keenly noticed some problems.

"Baiyu Mountain is expanding towards Daqian and Huangtian Sect. Could it be that Daqian and Huangtian Sect don't have Daojun?"

Master Fang Tong sighed and said: "Master Jiang, you guessed right. Although Daqian and Huangtian Sect are both considered to have a foundation, there is no Daojun in the sect."

Jiang Hao was silent.

He now completely understood.

There is a Daojun in the Southern Region, but Daqian and Huangtian Sect do not have a Daojun.

If Baiyu Mountain wants to expand, it is also expanding towards Daqian and Huangtian Sect.

As for those sects with Daojun, Baiyushan will not provoke them.

"The gate of cross-border..."

Jiang Hao knew that this cross-border quota was very important.

It was very important for both the Taoist masters and the Daojun.

"Master Jiang, don't worry. Although our Huangtian Sect and Daqian don't have Daojuns, the seven sects in the southern region are of the same blood. Daojun Baiyu can't personally deal with us, so there are naturally Daojuns in the southern region to contain us."

"So, we only need to repel Baiyushan at the level of the real person."

Jiang Hao's eyes lit up.

If Daojun doesn't intervene, and it's just at the level of the real person, then he won't be afraid.

Jiang Hao was about to ask about the situation of Master Baiyushan.

Suddenly, there was a noise from outside.

Then a thunderous voice rolled in: "Yuan Jing, Fang Tong, come out and die!"

Hearing this voice, Master Yuan Jing and Master Fang Tong looked at each other, and their faces became very ugly.

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