I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 216: Improving the True Spirit and the Primordial Spirit!

The first thing Jiang Hao realized was the great road.

His avenue is the avenue of guardianship.

This is also the cultivation system of Zijie, and Jiang Hao is actually the most familiar with it.

"The guardian road is my own road. If you want to be promoted to great power, you must merge with your own road. This is the combined road!"

Jiang Hao actually tried Hedao.

It failed.

More than one failure.

Jiang Hao carefully sorted out the reasons, but the results were not satisfactory.

Therefore, Jiang Hao put aside "he Dao" and focused on cultivating the physical body, and finally achieved great power with the physical body.

Cultivation: Great Power (Level 2)

Root bone: 67.9

Comprehension: 67.9

Spirit: 100

The Dharma Plane of the Realm of Gods and Demons: One Sitting Plane (1236 Worlds)

True Spirit Prototype: 1% progress

The Way of Protection: Perfection

Qingyang Taoist Canon: Perfection

Jiang Hao checked the current body data.

Since his spirit reached 100, Jiang Hao has tried his best to improve his foundation and understanding.

But the two still have not reached 100.

In theory, the Way of Guardianship and the Qingyang Dao Code have been perfected, which means there is no way forward.

If you want to improve, you must transform.

"Wait a minute, there is still a true spirit prototype? The progress has always been only 1%, and the true spirit is actually the avenue system that can automatically condense the true spirit after achieving great power. Condensing the true spirit prototype in advance can theoretically achieve great power It should be fine.”

"I have condensed the prototype of the true spirit long ago, why has it been so long that I can't combine it and achieve great power?"

"Do I have to completely transform the prototype of a true spirit into a true spirit in order to be able to join the Tao?"

Jiang Hao couldn't find any more ways, so let's see if he could improve the prototype of the true spirit.

As a result, Jiang Hao circulated his true spirit.

In the past, the true spirit couldn't be improved, but I didn't know why.

Maybe it's because Jiang Hao is already a powerful person in the physical body.

Or maybe it’s really the third realm that plays a role.

Jiang Hao felt that his "true spirit" was like a small beam of light.

It is so inconspicuous that it seems to be extinguished at any time.

But as he moved, the small beam of light of the true spirit began to gradually spread, and the true spirit continued to improve.

2%, 3%, 4%, 5%…

No obstacles were encountered.

It was as if Jiang Hao became a little more serious, and then his true spirit was improved.

What is the use of the true spirit?

The true spirit can reflect the surroundings, and no changes can escape the true spirit's induction.

The true spirit's induction is better than divine consciousness or even Jiang Hao's ultimate consciousness.

In the past, Jiang Hao had many difficulties when he wanted to improve his true spirit.

But now, the progress of the true spirit prototype is soaring like a rocket.

No difficulty at all.

One month, three months, five months, eight months...

One year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Once you become a powerful person, your practice will be measured in years.

Many powerful people retreat for hundreds or thousands of years.

After all, in theory, great power is immortal and has an infinite lifespan.

Only when the soul dies can the great power die.

But the mind is illusory, and theoretically there is no limit to the lifespan of a powerful being.

Therefore, a hundred years or a thousand years are nothing to mention to the great power.

As for a year?

That's even less worth mentioning.

But Jiang Hao only used it for a year, and the progress of his true spirit prototype has reached 99%.

In other words, it is just a little bit closer to reaching 100%. At that time, it will no longer be the prototype of a true spirit, but a real true spirit!

But it was this little bit that was "stuck".

The "transformation" is never completed.

"If it takes a long time, it should be able to transform."

Jiang Hao had a feeling in his mind.

The third realm does have an effect, and it has a great effect.

Even if you encounter a bottleneck in the transformation of the prototype of a true spirit, you can gradually break the bottleneck and transform into a true true spirit.

However, Jiang Hao has a better way.

It can even save a lot of time.

That is to enter the spirit palace to deduce the true spirit.

The last time Jiang Hao entered the Spirit Palace, he performed the prototype of the true spirit.

If you enter the spirit palace to deduce it again, you will probably be able to deduce the real spirit!

However, in order to enter the Spiritual Palace for deduction, the root bone data must be raised to 100.

Before, Jiang Hao evenly distributed his strength and understanding.

In order to transform into a real true spirit, Jiang Hao prepared to visualize the great sun with all his strength and improve his bones.

Try to raise the root bone data to 100 as soon as possible so that you can have the opportunity to enter the spirit palace to deduce the true spirit.

Because a year has passed, Jiang Hao has not forgotten to visualize.

Therefore, his current base data is 68.5.

There is still 31.5 left. If we concentrate on visualizing the Great Sun, it will actually not take many years, probably more than 20 years, less than 30 years.

A mere twenty or thirty years is just a blink of an eye for a powerful person.

Therefore, Jiang Hao tried his best to visualize the great sun and improve his bones.

If the prototype of true spirit cannot be improved, then we should consider the Yuan Shen system.

The Yuanshen system is the most unfamiliar system to Jiang Hao.

But no matter how strange he is, he has now reached the extreme point where he can no longer make any progress.

According to the spiritual world practice system, many Mahayana monks have also deduced the "transformation" of the soul.

There are even many "roads".

But they are all theoretical "roads".

So far, no spiritual monk has achieved great power.

"There are three main streams of practice in chaos, the physical body, the enlightenment, and the soul. Each system actually has many differentiations, such as 'enlightenment', which includes the avenue of enlightenment, the rules of enlightenment, etc., all of which belong to enlightenment. The physical body, There are systems such as cultivating bloodline, and integrating external objects to cultivate oneself into a Chaos Spiritual Treasure. In fact, they are all of the physical body. "

"As for the soul line, there are much fewer, but it is the most mysterious. For example, some spiritual beings follow the soul line. Their combat power is not necessarily strong, but they have many means and are unpredictable. Another example is the soul. It should belong to the soul lineage.”

"The most important thing in the soul line is enlightenment. As long as you can understand it, you can become a great power in one day! Therefore, the soul is the same, it needs to be enlightened..."

Jiang Hao was thoughtful.

Since enlightenment is needed, it must be related to understanding.

However, he is currently working hard to improve his root bone data, and will put his understanding aside for now.

Wait until the root bone data reaches 100 before considering improving your understanding.

What's more, Jiang Hao's understanding is now 68.5, which is also very high.

It may not mean that you cannot understand the mystery of the soul and become a powerful person.

Therefore, Jiang Hao spent the next time improving his root bone data while also studying the soul.

This insight really made Jiang Hao realize something.

"In addition to enlightenment, Yuan Shen actually has another way, and that is that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes."

"As long as the accumulation of Yuan Shen is large enough, or even so large that it exceeds the limit, then Yuan Shen can transform."

"So, I only need to cut off the Yuan Shen and refine it into the second Yuan Shen... In the end, the two Yuan Shen will merge into one, and maybe the Yuan Shen will be able to transcend its limits in an instant and usher in transformation!"

Jiang Hao's eyes lit up.

The second soul?

This is a deduction made by monks in the spiritual world.

Easier said than done.

The second soul must cut off its own soul.

For the soul, this is a serious injury to the vitality.

Then the second soul cannot be separated from the carrier.

Moreover, if the carrier is weak, the second soul cannot grow to the limit of the soul.

The carrier is equivalent to the heels of the second soul.

If your heels are weak, there's nothing you can do.

The limit of the soul can never be reached.

There are monks in the spiritual world who try to make the second soul reach its limit, but they are still unable to reach the limit of the second soul. Even if they are fused, the effect is average and they cannot transform the second soul.

Jiang Hao had an idea.

"If the Chaos Spiritual Treasure is used as a carrier, the upper limit of the Yuan Shen will be so high that it is unimaginable. At least reaching the limit of the Yuan Shen should be no problem..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao became even more excited.

Doesn’t he already have the Chaos Spiritual Treasure ready-made?

The Wild Sky Tower is the Chaos Spiritual Treasure. Why not give it a try?

"Then give it a try! Even if it doesn't succeed in the end, the soul will be more powerful after the fusion, so there is no loss."

Jiang Hao already made a decision in his heart. (End of chapter)

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