ten minutes later.

Zhou Zhan imitated the UP master of the sword practice area "Amidst the Rain and Coolness", he opened the door with enthusiasm and greeted Tang Panpan and walked in.

"Brother Long, I watched the video you sent me. I can only say: The anchor called Double One is very scheming!"


Tang Panpan's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately asked: "You use professional knowledge to tell me, how deep is his scheming?"

Tang Panpan was a little excited.

In the live broadcast of Zhou Zhan, he suffered two losses in a row. After losing the Governor and losing face, he seemed to disappear, as if he had directly surrendered, but in fact he was holding back his big move.

He didn't believe that Zhou Zhan could use a wooden sword to split the wooden piles, there was definitely a ghost in it.


He continued to spend money to let Zhou Zhan perform hacking, but he couldn't bear it. After all, the price of the five governors started, even he couldn't bear it.


He contacted his friends and found Yanyuliangliang, the first UP master of the biu station to practice swordsmanship, and wanted to fight fakes through Yanyuliangliang.

In this regard, he also gave a promise that as long as the crackdown is successful, he will pay 20,000 Kyushu dollars.

Twenty thousand Kyushu coins!

For Yanyuliangliang, who has only 50,000 or 60,000 fans more than Zhou Zhan, there are already a lot of them. Of course, he will not refuse.


Yanyu Liangliang had a very good attitude towards Tang Panpan, he was afraid that Tang Panpan would run away.

Hearing Tang Panpan's words like this, Misty Rain smiled slightly, and politely handed Tang Panpan a mandarin, and after it was lit by Tang Panpan, he said confidently:

"Brother Long, do you know boxing champion Dasen?"

Tang Panpan nodded.(Read more @ wuxiamtl.com)

Yanyu Liangliang smiled and said: "The boxing power of boxing champion Osen has always been above 500 kg (Baidu data). If it is boxing champion Osen, like the wooden peg in the video, he can interrupt it with a punch. The arm of the wooden stake. But even boxing champion Ohmori can never cut the arm of the wooden stake with a wooden sword."

"This is because the strength that the wooden sword can withstand is limited. When the bursting force exceeds the strength that the wooden sword can withstand, the wooden sword will shatter. For example, no matter how strong a person is, he cannot break his chopsticks with noodles, because The noodles are too fragile."

Tang Panpan frowned: "I know what you said. I found you because I wanted you to help me fight fakes, not for science."

Tang Panpan's tone was a bit unpleasant, but Yanyuliangliang didn't care at all.

Internet writers like Tang Panpan with an annual income of tens of millions, have more cash in his hand than the so-called billionaires, a little temperamental.

He chuckled at Tang Panpan and said, "Brother Long, don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

"In fact, the way to fight counterfeiting is very simple."

Yan Yuliang clicked the corner of his mouth and confidently said, "Doesn't that double one will be broadcast live for 3 hours every day? When he broadcasts the live broadcast, he will connect the wheat daily. When I will be connected to the wheat, I will use facts to prove that he is cheating. "

When the misty rain and the cool words fell, Tang Panpan immediately asked, "What are you going to do?"

Yanyuliangliang said his thoughts: "I plan to engage in a competition when he is connected to the wheat..."

It took Yanyuliangliang for three minutes to explain his thoughts to Tang Panpan.

Tang Panpan's eyes brightened after listening. He was even a little excited, and his breathing became quicker. He seemed to have seen the beautiful picture of Zhou Zhan's ruin.

"However, Brother Long."

Yanyu Liangliang suddenly said, "You have to help me with this matter."

Tang Panpan said proudly: "Say, as long as the fight against counterfeiting is successful, I will help with everything."

"Little things."

Yan Yu Liangliang smiled and said, "I and the Double One are both small anchors, and I can't communicate with the customer service. Let the technicians of the biu station carry out internal control, and let us connect the microphone directly."

"But Long Brother, you are different. You spent more than two million yuan at the biu station. The customer service will definitely give you face. As long as you tell, I will be 100% with that pair."

"Of course, I will try to take the initiative to connect the wheat, but he may not pass my application for connecting the wheat."

After Yanyuliangliang said, Tang Panpan laughed.


He spent more than two million at the biu station, and he can still do this kind of internal manipulation.

Unless the biu station is willing to abandon him.

not to mention.

As long as he doesn’t talk about this kind of internal manipulation, who doesn’t know about it?

Thinking of this, Tang Panpan nodded and promised: "Okay, I'll contact the customer service of the biu station later."


the next day!

"I'm going, why am I so hungry? It's still daytime. Did I practice the sword all night?"

Zhou Zhan looked at the sky outside in despair, thinking in shock.

This thought passed away in a flash, Zhou Zhan quickly took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time above: April 8th, 12:50 noon!

Zhou Zhan raised his head in disbelief, "I really practiced swords for a night, but the point is that I don't feel how long it has been? Besides, I didn't feel sleepy either, I just couldn't stand the hunger."

"Forget it, don't care about this, hurry up and order a takeaway, it will be live broadcast soon."

Because of the urgent time, Zhou Zhan didn't have the time to ponder the results of his practice this evening. He sat down on the computer chair and ordered the takeaway as quickly as possible. .

Read more @ wuxiamtl.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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