Kyushu and Knife currency countries have the most advanced satellite positioning systems in the world.

Just turn on the system and lock the IP.


Unless you are in deep mountains, old forests, or other places with obstructions, otherwise as long as the official needs, you will be photographed clearly!


At this moment.

When Zhou Zhan jumped from the fighter plane to the fuselage, the officials of the Kyushu country and the Knife currency country all saw this picture clearly.


Master Sanbai, who was seeing this scene through the screen connected to the satellite positioning system, immediately stood upright with a "swish" in excitement.

"He's really there! Haha~ That Kyushu sword Immortal is really in this Kyushu Air Force team..."

As soon as Master Sanbai laughed, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Zhou Zhan is indeed there.

But he actually jumped directly onto the fuselage. What does this mean, why doesn't Master Sanbai understand?

This shows that Zhou Zhan does not want to accept their "negotiations" at all, and also intends to destroy all the fighter jets dispatched by the country with one sword and one man.

29 But the point is...

How can this be?

Their fighters and those of Kyushu are close to three kilometers apart.

Can you attack at such a long distance?


An aura flashed in Master Sanbai's mind, and his face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme.

He got it.

He understood that he and Frian had made an empiricist error.

Their cognition of Zhou Zhan still stayed when a sword smashed the sea.

At that time, Zhou Zhan, with the help of the state of enlightenment to increase the power of swordsmanship, could only split a kilometer-long sea with a single sword, and it was indeed impossible to attack the fighters of the sword country.

But the key.

Four months have passed since Zhou Zhan opened the sea with a sword.

For four months, Zhou Zhan has been creating cultivation techniques in retreat. No one knows how powerful his swordsmanship is?

In other words:

"This Kyushu sword Immortal may really not fly, but his swordsmanship is enough to smash things 3000 meters away." This conclusion emerged in Master Sanbai's mind.

When these thoughts flashed in the heart of Master Sanbai.


Master Sanbai panicked.

With a sullen face, he yelled at a middle-aged man in military uniform next to him:

"Hurry up and send the order: Let them retreat right away! At the same time as the retreat, shoot out all the bullets and artillery shells. Our cultivation technique is no longer available in the sword currency country, so we must not let the Kyushu sword Immortal survive!"


Master Sanbai finally reacted, but it was too late.(Read more @

Because of this time, Zhou Zhan has prepared his own means of attack.

The moment he pulled out the Saint Immortal sword, he raised his right arm up, the Saint Immortal sword was held by him, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the sky.

Next second.

"Om", "Om", "Om"...

"Yin", "Yin", "Yin"...

The terrifying buzzing sound and the sky-shaking sword roar resounded at the same time.

This is the movement produced by Zhou Zhan when he blends the immortal sword power and the sword aura generated by the immortal sword power into the holy Immortal sword at the same time.

When Zhou Zhan first merged the sword power of the sun and the moon with the sword power of yin and yang, he had the strength comparable to the sword that severed the typhoon.

And now.

Zhou Zhan has merged all the sword power he comprehended, forming an unprecedented infinite sword power.

The power of immeasurable swordsmanship is strong enough to make Zhou Zhan's swordsmanship powerful enough to be ten times or dozens of times stronger than that of cutting a typhoon...


Zhou Zhan is still holding the holy Immortal sword!

The Saint Immortal sword is a weapon made by Shen Tie Tie Jing and Zhou Zhan with various sword forces day after day.

The holy Immortal sword can resonate most violently with Zhou Zhan's infinite sword power.

With so many factors layered on top of each other, Zhou Zhan's power has increased to an incredible level before the sword has been slashed out.

Because the satellite positioning is locked by the signal, and then the picture is displayed frame by frame by computer technology.


The Kyushu officials and the Knife currency country officials can't see any terrible pictures.

But in the depths of the Pacific Ocean!

But in the eyes of every Kyushu country, knife currency country... of the air force fighters on the scene!

They clearly saw that the moment Zhou Zhan pointed the holy Immortal sword directly at the sky, at the moment when the buzzing and sword groans sounded, a transparent, monstrous sword appeared above Zhou Zhan's head and pointed at the sky.

at first.

This transparent monstrous sword is only tens of meters in length.

But in the blink of an eye, it became 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, 1000 meters...

till the end.

As if only a second or two passed, a 3,000-meter-long transparent giant sword appeared in the eyes of all Air Force fighters.

This scene was too shocking, too terrifying.

The monstrous giant sword pointed directly at the sky, as if to tear the sky apart. Even the air force fighters of the sword country could not feel the terrifying power of the monstrous giant sword at all, they also understood:

As long as this sword is cut, they are absolutely dead.

"No, God, it's not true, it's definitely not true."

"Help me, who will help me, I don't want to die."

"Damn, they asked us to die, Kyushu has the true god Immortal."


This emotion of fear spread rapidly in the hearts of every Air Force fighter of the Knife Country, and they almost felt that death had come.

Having said so much, in fact, only ten seconds have passed.

At this time, Master Sanbai hadn't even fully reacted.

Standing on the fuselage, Zhou Zhan glanced around at the enemy fighters around him, his face extremely cold.

Zhou Zhan doesn't have any soft-hearted thoughts.

What these enemy Air Force fighters said was: He promised to announce the cultivation technique, and then took the initiative to retreat.


Does he not promise?

Will these people attack him and kill him and all the Kyushu Air Force fighters?

This is the enemy of life and death, and Zhou Zhan is not so kind yet.


Zhou Zhan looked back.


He grabbed the Saint Immortal sword, pointed it straight at the right hand of the sky, swiped it down suddenly, and then swept in all directions centering on him.


too fast!

Each of the Kyushu Air Force fighters only saw the transparent monstrous sword drop, and then followed Zhou Zhan's actions, sweeping past enemy fighters in all directions, and it was all over.

The next moment.

A scene that made the faces of high-level people around the world panicked and panicked.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

A series of explosions resounded in just one second.

The 100 fighter jets sent by the knife country disguised as countries around the world exploded in just one second. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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