The Pacific Ocean!

There are still 5 days away from the mainland of Kyushu on the sea!

It's 12 noon!

Zhou Zhan and Xin Ruoxue are sitting together in the luxurious lounge of the small cruise ship that Zhou Zhan and Xin Ruoxue are on, and a mobile phone holder is fixed on the glass table in front of them.

With the mobile phone placed on the mobile phone holder, the front camera is aimed at Zhou Zhan and Xin Ruoxue.


Zhou Zhan has opened the biu station and clicked to enter the black screen live broadcast room that has not yet started live broadcast.


Zhou Zhan's mouth twitched slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that after such a long time, his live broadcast room still has 40-50 million popularity, and the number of barrage far exceeds other anchors.

"Ahhhhh, I'm going crazy. Is Mrs Zhou Zhan still okay?" "I'm looking forward to the day when Mr. Zhou Zhan returns." "Daily clock in, I hope that Mr. Zhou Zhan can create a cultivation technique sooner. "I don't know how long it will be before Teacher Zhou Zhan will come back?"...Such barrage filled the entire screen.


Had it not been for biu to stand at Zhou Zhan's signal and temporarily disable the gift-reward function, Zhou Zhan wondered whether he would still be able to get the gift income from many small targets in the short half a year after he disappeared?

These thoughts flashed through my mind.

Zhou Zhan smiled softly. He sat where he was. He just raised his right hand and flicked his fingers so gently, his fingertips shot out an infinite qi, lightly hitting the text button to start the live broadcast.

The mobile phone screen, which obviously needs temperature sensing to control, was actually controlled by Zhou Zhan with his boundless innocence.

This is also a kind of practice that allows Zhou Zhan to practice the detailed use of boundless zhenqi.

It does not matter!

The important thing is: When the black screen of the live broadcast room follows the "point" of Boundless True Qi, the screen appears to be buffering text...


The atmosphere in the Zhou Zhan live broadcast room was quiet.

In the blink of an eye, the barrage was at least reduced.

In another blink, only one-fifth of the barrage remained.

In a blink of an eye, the barrage disappeared completely.


Biu Station, Supervision Department.

An Xin, the deputy director of the Supervision Department, and Zhou Zhan's special super-manager, in recent months, apart from handling the large and small affairs of the Supervision Department, it has been boring.


He was sitting in front of the computer, opening the webpage of Zhou Zhan's live broadcast room, and at the same time, he was bored to browse the live broadcast rooms of other anchors.


The webpage of Zhou Zhan's live broadcast room appeared flashing yellow and flashing yellow. What does this mean that An Xin can't be clear?

This means: Zhou Zhan's live broadcast room has a live broadcast reaction.


An Xin's eyes were round, and he exclaimed: "Fuck, Teacher Zhou Zhan started broadcasting〃~."

His exclamation spread.


All the supervisors who were working in the Supervision Department raised their heads and shouted in shock, excitement, and excitement:

"Really? I'm going. Teacher Zhou Zhan started the broadcast. Doesn't that mean that Teacher Zhou Zhan succeeded?"(Read more @

"That must be a success. Who is Teacher Zhou Zhan? It's just a cultivation technique that can stump him?"

"I just created a cultivation technique. Do you think the cultivation technique is Chinese cabbage?"

"That's right, but it took only half a year for Teacher Zhou Zhan to create the cultivation technique? As expected, it is our Kyushu sword Immortal."

"Is this important? You guys, isn't the important thing: Teacher Zhou Zhan's success, does it mean that we can also practice?"

"Ahhhh~ I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, yes, we can also practice, I really want to practice."


Thinking that Zhou Zhan created the cultivation technique, they can also practice, even if they can't become a sword Immortal like Zhou Zhan, it would be very good to sweep the city... Such thoughts, each superman is so excited that they can't be themselves.

An Xin was also very excited.


After all, he is no longer the small super tube he used to be. He is now in a high position and his xinxing is much stronger than before.

He could barely maintain his composure, and said to all the super pipes:

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and inform all the anchors of this matter, and I will inform President Rui and them that Mr. Zhou Zhan is back, and we must welcome him grandly."

"By the way, Xiao Wang, please go and notify the technical department so that they can restore the gift reward function in the live broadcast room of Teacher Zhou Zhan as quickly as possible."


Wudang Mountain!

Yang Kaiping stood on the top of the mountain where Zhou Zhan had comprehended the sword power, practicing Wudang swordsmanship over and over again.

But compared to before, Zhou Zhan could not hear Zhou Zhan's explanation of swordsmanship, and his progress in swordsmanship was slow to the extreme.

Beside him.

Li Yiyang and Fang Xuqiang also held a wooden sword, rehearsing Wudang swordsmanship over and over again.


They are worse than Yang Kaiping.

Without Zhou Zhan's explanation, they have made no progress in the past few months.

This is the importance of talent.


Seeing that it was already noon, Fang Xuqiang was the first to stop his sword practice. He rubbed his already screaming belly and said softly to Li Yiyang:

"¨"Would you like to go to the dining hall for dinner, or should I bring you here?"

Li Yiyang also stopped practicing swordsmanship, hesitated for a moment, and whispered softly: "Let's go together, and bring a copy for Master Uncle after we finish eating."

The two of them made a decision, took out their phones almost at the same time, and opened the biu station like a daily check-in, and wanted to see if there was any sign of Zhou Zhan's launch.

After a few seconds.


Li Yiyang and Fang Xuqiang both exploded in a foul language at the same time, exclaiming: "Jushi Zhou is on the air!!!"


Yang Kaiping's sword practice stopped.

He looked at Li Yiyang and Fang Xuqiang abruptly, and saw that the dumbfounded expressions of the two of them did not seem to be fake at all, so he quickly returned the wooden sword to its sheath, and, ran over.

Only a few seconds.

Yang Kaiping came to the two of them.


Sure enough, I saw that Zhou Zhan's live broadcast room already had a picture.


Yang Kaiping laughed: "Little friend Zhou Zhan has finally started broadcasting. Could it be that after half a year (Zhao Le Zhao), he has successfully created a cultivation technique?"


Not only the biu station, but also Wudang Mountain discovered the news of Zhou Zhan's launch.

In fact.

this moment!

At this moment!

Countries all over the world have learned the news.

Because it is not yet certain whether Zhou Zhan successfully created the cultivation technique, it is difficult to directly announce the decision to practice swords for the whole people, so not many people in other countries know about Zhou Zhan, the sword Immortal.

But at least.

The top leaders in these countries believe it 100%.


All the top executives of these countries have downloaded the app of biu station!

So natural.

They can receive pop-up messages sent collectively from the biu station.

When it is confirmed that Zhou Zhan is really on the air.


The world has plunged into an unprecedented sensation.

Zhou Zhan has started broadcasting. Almost everyone can understand and understand what this means....

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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