
it is true!

It turns out all this is true!

It turns out that Tianfupu, the king of understanding, really didn't lie. It turns out that the two idiots Sanbai and Frian really offended a god. It turns out that Kyushu really has a god Immortal...

All these thoughts flashed through the hearts of the citizens of the Knife currency country, and the panic that was breeding in them immediately rose to the extreme, and then spread like a plague~

When ten seconds passed, when half a minute passed, when one minute passed...

You can hear almost the same content of roars, protests, and shouts in many cities in the currency country.

"Fak! Three worship of this dementia, he actually angered a god, does he want us to die?"

"Oh, God, why are there gods in Kyushu? What about the gods of our sword country? The Kyushu sword Immortal, he wouldn't want to destroy our sword coins, seven and three kingdoms."

"Think of a way, quickly think of a way, we must be forgiven by Immortal of the Kyushu Sword, I don't want to die yet."

"Sanctioning Frian and Sanbai these two idiots, they are both, they are the gods who have offended Kyushu."

"Existence that can't be killed by peace bombs, these two damn idiots, I really want to greet their whole family!"


In real life, a citizen of a currency country is incompetent and furious.

The video of Zhou Zhan's flying sword is directly locked by a satellite, and then the picture is presented, and there is absolutely no possibility of fraud.

In other words:

Tianfu Pu didn't lie. A god called "Kyushu Sword Immortal" really appeared in Kyushu, who was about to come to their sword and currency country and wanted to retaliate against them.

And on the web.

Netizens really "struck hard"!

However, the target of the heavy punch is not Zhou Zhan, but Frian and Master Sanbai.

What Kyushu people like the ancient 18-kind torture most, as long as they impose 18-kind torture sanctions on Frian and Master Sanbai, they will definitely be forgiven by the Kyushu sword Immortal.

Whatever hangs Frian and Master Sanbai, and then hangs them at the door of the White Palace until there are no bones left, they will surely be forgiven by Immortal, the Kyushu Sword.

What directly dismembered Frian and Master Sanbai, then crushed their corpses to make a statue kneeling and kowtow to Kyushu Sword Immortal, which can definitely extinguish the anger of Kyushu Sword Immortal.

The ugliness of human nature was thoroughly aroused.

In order to survive, and to get forgiveness from Zhou Zhan, these citizens of the Knife currency country had a lot of brains and came up with sanctions that many people in Kyushu had never thought of.

Then.(Read more @

A variety of sanctions were quickly sent to the official mailbox of the knife currency country.

No matter what kind of sanctions these citizens of the currency country have come up with, they have only one purpose:

Must be forgiven by Immortal of Kyushu Sword!


Time flies, and 10 hours have passed, Zhou Zhan is still in the process of flying to the currency country.


Knife currency country, the white palace! Official officials with superior computing power were called here to count the citizens of the Knife currency country and give the "voting" results on how to sanction Frian and Sampai masters.

Six or seven hours passed in a flash.

When Zhou Zhan was about to set foot in the territorial waters of the Sword Country, the official civil servants of the Sword Country who were good at calculation and statistics finally came up with specific results, which are: First, hand over Fulian and Master Sambai to Kyushu. Or Kyushu Sword Immortal, Kyushu Sword Immortal personally decides how to deal with these two idiots, and after Kyushu Sword Immortal calms down his anger, promises to make a statue of Frian and Sanbai masters kneeling and kowtow to Kyushu Sword Immortal in the sword country. It is used to express the apology of the sword country to Kyushu Sword Immortal.

Second, to perform the eighteen tortures of ancient Kyushu to Fulian and Sanbai, allowing them to suffer brutal and inhuman suffering, to wash them away from their sins, and to express the apology of Daobi Kingdom to Kyushu Sword Immortal.

Thirdly, Frian and Master Sanbai will make adult urns, and then after the Kyushu Sword Immortal comes, let them personally apologize to Kyushu Sword Immortal in the most painful way, and strive to get Kyushu Sword Immortal's forgiveness.

This is the top three sanctions.

Laugh to death!

Such scalping sanctions actually come from the so-called free country, the country of knife money.

This is

If this is placed in Kyushu, no one may dare to mention it to the government.

However, the citizens of the currency country, for the safety of their lives and property, seem to have turned into the evil Demon of hell, and they did not hesitate to mention these sanctions.

Tianfupu stood at the desk of the White Palace. He heard the results of the voting clearly and took a breath of shock in his heart...

He was irritated by the cruelty of the citizens of the knife country.

There was a hint of fortune in him.

Fortunately, he failed the ballot. If he was replaced by a husband, he would make the same decision as Master Sanbai after a moment of brainstorming. Wouldn't he be tortured like this?

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Tianfu Pu said to the secretary standing aside: "Take me to see Sanbai and Frian. Take them to the door of the White Palace and wait for the Kyushu Sword Immortal to arrive."

"In addition, post the results of the ballot on the Internet!"

The secretary respectfully said: "Yes, sir!"


A few minutes later.

The closest to the inside of the White Palace is a room with no windows, which is usually used to store sundries.


The sound of the old-fashioned unlocking awakened the sluggish eyes, like the walking dead Frian and Master Sanbai.

These two old men who used to be in the Knife currency country can be said to have called the wind and the rain, and they are high-ranking old men. Now they all seem to be old and teenagers. Master Sanbai has a twilight feeling that they will die on the spot at any time.


The wooden door of the room was opened, revealing Tianfupu's figure.


Fulian and Master Sanbai were taken aback for a moment, and then Master Sanbai said hoarsely: "It's you~ I didn't expect that the person who temporarily held the position of Mister was you."

"If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't rob you in the first place."

There is a touch of self-deprecation and weakness in the voice of Master Sanbai: "In this case, the person who is here now is you."

Tianfupu's face was calm, ignoring the words of Master Sanbai, and a faint voice came from his mouth: "As for your sanctions, I have decided by voting, and you will..."

Tianfu Pu explained how to sanction Master Sanbai.

When I heard that I would be handed over to Immortal of Kyushu Sword, let Immortal of Kyushu Sword dispose of it, and then carved a statue of Immortal kneeling and kowtow to Kyushu Sword Immortal...

"Puff" sounded.

Master Sanbai's blood soared instantly, and then a mouthful of blood came out, and he passed out on the spot.

This is the time.

Zhou Zhan, who had been flying for so long, finally came to the kingdom of sword coins! .

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