Zhou Zhan was dumbfounded.

"Gan~~I'm really not dead, and he still has autonomy? Or does Laozi activate his autonomy?"

At this moment, Zhou Zhan had a feeling of "Laughing to death, my stunts are looking for death?".

He didn't expect it.

Not only is this giant not dead, but he also has a sense of autonomy.


Just because he wanted to chop his nose hair, he awakened the giant's autonomous consciousness.

If he doesn't do this action.

Perhaps with the strength of a giant, I didn't bother to talk to him.

"What's wrong with me? Am I bloated? Why have I always been doing things these days-so mindless?"

Zhou Zhan wanted to cry.

What kind of mentality is it to kill yourself? It is a kind of despair without tears.

These thoughts flashed in my mind for an instant.

Zhou Zhan cautiously looked at the giant's phantom of consciousness.

Because the giant is too big, Zhou Zhan still can't see the giant's appearance.

Zhou Zhan could only feel that there was a boundless stalwart, gaze full of indescribable power, falling on him.

The horror of this gaze is like bloodline suppression.

In front of the master of this gaze, Zhou Zhan seemed to be unable to produce the courage to fight back.

"What the hell is going on? Is this giant's understanding of Dao far surpassing my understanding of Kendo? So, this is Dao suppression?"

Zhou Zhan doesn't know yet.

This kind of suppression is not the suppression of the avenue, nor the suppression of the blood, but the suppressing force generated by the force of the rules of the world.

At this moment.

Just when Zhou Zhan was sweating all over his head, but couldn't think of a way to "escape", the giant's phantom of consciousness suddenly burst into a dazzling light.


The giant's boundless phantom of consciousness shrank at an incredible speed.

At first glance, it was still bigger than the sun.

But in the blink of an eye, the giant's phantom of consciousness turned into a normal human size and confronted Zhou Zhan in the air.

Until this time.

Zhou Zhan can see what this giant looks like?

A very strange feeling.

The appearance of giants is very ordinary, they belong to the kind of appearance that can't be found when they are thrown in a pile of people.

But after watching it for a long time, it gives people a sense of ever-changing.

Can Zhou Zhan see countless faces on the face of this giant, even his own appearance?


More importantly: Zhou Zhan didn't feel the slightest murder in this giant.

What does this show?

This shows: Either this giant is not what he thought, wants to be resurrected, wants to absorb nourishment?

Either the giant ignored him, so there would be no murder.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Either this giant perfectly hides any thoughts, and with Zhou Zhan's current level of strength, he still can't feel this giant's thoughts.

These three possibilities, except for the first one, the latter two possibilities are all nightmares for Zhou Zhan.

"Master of Kendo?"

Zhou Zhan said nothing.

The giant with a "changing" face on the other side suddenly uttered a voice.

What he said was not any language on the earth, but directly conveyed to Zhou Zhan's heart and turned into a voice that Zhou Zhan could understand.

To describe it in one word, it is "Dadao Leiyin"!


The giant looked at Zhou Zhan curiously, and his eyes revealed a touch of surprise: "This constellation has fallen for so long, and has been absorbing the energy of the entire galaxy. According to the truth, there will be no people who can walk on the road of cultivation. Encountered a master of kendo. Moreover, it is a new master of kendo that has been developed independently."

When the giant said this, with an interesting expression, he looked at Zhou Zhan carefully.

When Zhou Zhan heard these words, he was slightly relieved.

Judging from the current situation of the giant, he should have no malice towards Zhou Zhan, at least not killing intent.

Since there is no killing mind, Zhou Zhan naturally has to inquire about the secrets of this universe.

Thought of this.

Zhou Zhan took a deep breath, looked at the giant in front of him, bowed his hand, and said respectfully:

"Senior, can I ask you a question?"

Zhou Zhan uses Kendo to make his voice, and what he says can be transformed into any kind of voice that reaches his heart.

Whenever you hear what Zhou Zhan is saying, no matter what kind of creature it is, as long as you have a little IQ, you can understand what Zhou Zhan is saying.

············ Ask for flowers·········

"you say."

The giant smiled slightly, and nodded with some kind eyebrows.

Zhou Zhan arched his hand again and asked the doubts in his heart:

"Junior would like to ask, who is Senior?"

"The junior would like to ask, what is the real appearance of the universe?"

"Junior would like to ask, is there a strong person like Senior outside the galaxy?"

"Junior wants to ask, who killed Senior?"

"Junior still wants to ask, can Senior be resurrected?"


Zhou Zhan asked the doubts in his heart one by one, then looked directly at the giant's eyes, showing an expression of expectation.

Zhou Zhan felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth of this world.

....... ........ 0

As long as this giant can answer his questions.


For him, there will be no more secrets in this universe.

When Zhou Zhan finished asking so many questions in a row, the giant laughed softly, then nodded, answering one by one.


The first question he answered made Zhou Zhan dumbfounded.

"Who is this seat?"

"Let me think about it, what should you call this seat?"

The giant's eyes narrowed slightly, and after only a second, he showed a suddenly realized expression, and said with a smile:

"According to the current understanding of this constellation by the people of the earth, this constellation should be the earth's way of heaven."

Zhou Zhan: "..."

He was dumbfounded.

He blinked.

He blinked again.

He blinked for the third time.



Zhou Zhan exploded directly.

My special code!

Actually it is really the earth's way of heaven? ? ?

Zhou Zhan's eyes were round, he didn't think about it. A possibility he had thought of randomly before was actually true.

This giant is actually the way of their earth?

But after that, Zhou Zhan was shocked again.

Giants are the heavenly path of the earth.

He was so powerful that he was actually killed?

Doesn’t it mean:

Or are there other heavenly ways that are more powerful than the earth's heavenly ways?

Or is there a horrible existence in the universe that can kill the earth's heavenly path? wide.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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