After Li Ruifeng said these two sentences, Chen Kaiping's heart was beating, showing an expression of envy.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say anything.

Li Ruifeng is right. The only way to keep the swordsmanship anchor Zhou Zhan is to give shares.

And it has to give a lot, at least more than other live broadcast platforms, to be qualified to keep Zhou Zhan, the great god.

Just imagine, what Zhou Zhan's live broadcast today will be, after being edited and uploaded to major video websites, what a huge sensation will it cause?


The country will definitely not take action. After all, Zhou Zhan's current strength can not stop the hot weapons such as shells. Even as long as there is a chance to shoot, ordinary firearms can destroy Zhou Zhan with one shot.

No matter how strong Zhou Zhan's swordsmanship is, he is still a mortal body, and his speed is far less than that of bullets bursting out of a hole.


As far as the national level is concerned, Zhou Zhan's threat is not great. As long as he does not use this swordsmanship to break the law and discipline, the state will not target Zhou Zhan.

Unless Zhou Zhan's strength can be so powerful that ordinary firearms, even artillery shells, will be useless to him.

But is that possible?


Does this matter?

This is not important at all.

The important thing is: Zhou Zhan's sword splitting the boulder, and then smashing it into pieces, will arouse the youth of Kyushu, even the middle-aged and elderly, to regain the enthusiasm of martial arts dreams.

Countless people will regard Zhou Zhan as an idol, and maybe even take the nicknames like "Sword God" and "Sword Saint".

Such Zhou Zhan's ability to attract money can be described as a cash cow or God of Wealth.


Li Ruifeng is right, giving shares is the best way to keep Zhou Zhan.(Read more @

When Chen Kaiping thought about this, Li Ruifeng looked at "Superman Anxin" and said solemnly: "You immediately contact the Propaganda Department and the Technical Department. No matter how much money I spend, let them, within an hour, Upload the sword that Mr. Zhou Zhan broadcasted today to the homepage of all video sites, understand?"

"As long as you can do this well, you will be the deputy director of the supervision department of our biu station in the future."

An Xin: "..."

He choked on the spot.

Is there such a good thing?


An Xin excitedly promised to Li Ruifeng: "President Rui, don't worry, I promise that within an hour, the video of Teacher Zhou Zhan's sword will appear on all video websites."

Li Ruifeng nodded, looked at Chen Kaiping, and said in a deep voice: "Get ready for a meeting now!"


After 50 minutes.

Douyin, Chopsticks, Bakushan... The same video appeared on the homepage of major video websites with the title: Shocked! The master of swordsmanship splits mountains and rocks with one sword!

Users of these video sites have long been accustomed to such titles.

They clicked in subconsciously.

When the figure in the video is the anchor of the biu station whose ID is called Shuangyi and his real name is Zhou Zhan, many users who have never believed that Zhou Zhan can smash a baseball bat with a single sword showed a speechless expression.

They didn’t watch the video directly, but slid down a bit, and found that in the comment area, there were already a lot of "Fuck, this Zhou Zhan again?" Video?" "This anchor is so hard at the backstage, he has his video push every day?"...Such a comment.

follow closely.

These talents clicked and watched the video. When they saw Zhou Zhan split the boulder with a sword in the rainstorm, then it shattered into densely packed gravel, towards the scene of falling below the cliff, the users of the video website laughed.

They quickly swiped to the comment interface and sent out a comment.

"Has the biu station fooled us as sand sculptures? A sword can split such a large stone and the sand sculptures will believe it?"

"That's right, the last time I saw this kind of video, it was the ghost and animal video of Yue Zhangmen I saw in Penguin Space. Yue Zhangmen practiced the evil swordsmanship and split a stone tablet with a sword."

"Hahaha~ the head of Shen Tema Yue, meaning that Zhou Zhan also practiced evil swordsmanship?"

"Puff, all the bamboo shoots in my hometown have been taken by your grandchildren.


There has always been a group of keyboard guys on the Internet who, no matter what they see, the first reaction is to spray.


At first, it was almost all keyboard man spraying the authenticity of this video.

Almost a minute later, when Zhou Zhan's fans arrived, the style of painting in the comment area immediately changed in reverse.

"Hehe~ I'm also drunk, why are you guys like you underneath every video?"

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that no one in this world can do it, understand?"

"Don't tear it up with them. These people must have not graduated from elementary school. I don't know there is a saying: There are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky, and a mountain is higher than the other."

"That's right, tear it up with them, they will only lower your IQ to the same level as theirs, and then beat you with a wealth of experience."

"Really, I keep telling you whether you believe it or not... If you really believe it or not, go to the biu station and have a look."


[Remarks: The protagonist's strength will be completely believed by the whole country after the third plot is written in the introduction! 】.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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