In the evening, Sucheng No. 4 Middle School.

Jingle Bell Bell Ring! The bell rings for the end of class.

Li Mu walked out of the school gate.

I passed by the agricultural material store next to the school and bought a few bags of vegetable seeds and rice seeds.

At a young age, he has to carry a family, and Li Mu is too difficult.

But he didn't have any way, living in a single-parent family, he had long been used to this kind of life.

Li Mu's mother was bleeding heavily when she gave birth to him, and the doctor asked his father Li Yuan to protect the big and the small.

Li Yuan stammered a little as soon as he was in a hurry to speak: "Bao... Protect...... "Li

Yuan originally wanted to protect his daughter-in-law, but as soon as he was excited and stammered, the doctor understood that he was protecting the baby.

By the time Li Yuan reacted, the doctor had already left.

So Li Mu was born unexpectedly, and his mother, died!

This is the version that Li Mu heard about his mother.

Li Yuan was deeply affected by the departure of his daughter-in-law, and he drank heavily all day long, and the family's savings had long been drunk.

In addition, Li Yuan has no financial resources, which makes the family even worse.

Until now, Li Mu's tuition fee for the third year of high school has not yet been settled.

Li Muchang is relatively delicate, and Li Yuan likes to watch him in a daze when he is drunk.

His eyes were full of memories, and Li Mu was a little puzzled and even a little scared at first.

He was afraid that the drunken Li Yuan would think of him!

Of course, this is just his imagination.

It wasn't until he heard Aunt Wang next door say that he looked very much like his mother that Li Mu understood.

Li Yuan thought of his mother.

Li Mu's father is not serious and often drinks heavily, but he has always been very good to Li Mu and has never beaten Li Mu after drinking.

Li Mu is also more competitive, and his grades have always been among the best in school, which is a typical child of other people's families.

The family has a few acres of land, and Li Mu usually takes care of it.

It's late spring, and it's time to plant rice.

Li Mu took the money he had saved hard to buy rice seeds and vegetable seeds.

Li Yuan didn't know about this money, otherwise he might have used it to buy wine a long time ago.

Li Mu's home is in the northwesternmost direction of the village, and the road to the school is also a country road.

Li Mu has long been familiar with this road, after all, he has been walking for so many years, and he is so familiar that Li Mu knows when to turn around with his eyes closed.


A thunderclap sounded in the sky, startling Li Mu.

Li Mu looked up at the sky, the sunset in the west was extremely bright, and there was not even a cloud overhead.

What's the situation? Didn't you hear it was raining today?

"What the hell, can this thunder? There's a kind of you have another one! "


"! It's really coming! If you have the ability, you can have eight more! "

Boom! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Li Mu is stupid, he has been counting, no more, no less, exactly eight!

God, are you kidding me?

I'm just a student, not Thor, don't be so accurate, okay?

And you won't be struck by lightning, right?

Tell the truth! Li Mu was a little scared.

Although he is not feudal and superstitious, the scene in front of him is completely beyond his cognition!

"It must be a coincidence, if you want me to believe it, you will put another one... Not two thunders! "


The last layer of defense in Li Mu's heart was defeated, and he didn't want to run directly in the direction of home!

While running, I habitually counted my steps.

He has been very sensitive to numbers since he was a child, and it can be said that he is a number controller, so Li Mu's math scores have always been very good.

He has walked this road for many years, and he has calculated clearly how many steps it takes to walk home and how many steps it takes to run.

According to your current stride, you should turn right if you run forty-three steps further, and you will fall into the ditch if you take one more step!

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Li Mu's mouth!

Forty-two! Forty-three! Get ready to turn right!


Li Mu was frightened and took one more step directly.

"Nima! Thief God, you stepped on the horse on purpose! Yes~!

Li Mu was ready to fall into the mud, but he found that things were a little unexpected to him, it had been so long, he had finished shouting a word, why hadn't his face had a close contact with the earth?

Li Mu only felt that his eyes were dark, but his consciousness was extremely clear.

He could feel his body still falling, but it didn't accelerate or slow down.

Li Mu's first reaction in his heart was that I must be dreaming.

If you really fall into the abyss, you should be doing free fall now, but why is your speed uniform?

I rub! What am I thinking?

I just fell into the ditch!

But why does it feel like it's been down for five minutes?

This ditch is a bit deep!

It's not scientific!

[In the system binding, the current progress is 1%. The

sudden sound broke the peace, and Li Mu was taken aback.

"What the hell?"

Li Mu pinched the root of his thigh, it's all a dream anyway, it's better to pinch it harder!

Hiss! It hurts!

Am I not dreaming?

Or did I just pinch myself in my dream and it hurt in my dream?

No matter how much it is, instead of thinking about it here, it is better to take advantage of this rare leisure time to review today's homework.

The proton was discovered by Rutherford, and the neutron was discovered by Chadwick.

Today's focus is on the composition of the nucleus, the difficulty is the isotope!


Li Mu quickly finished reviewing all the new lessons of the day, and found that he was still missing.

Isn't this dream a little too long?

Two thousand years later !

Li Mu's face finally had an intimate contact with the earth, and he screamed out directly in pain.

"! Hurt! Hurt! Hurt!

Li Mu opened his eyes and looked around, he was still familiar with the formula, phew! It's still a familiar place.

Didn't you just fall into the ditch? Could it be that I fell into a ditch and fell into a coma? Did you have such a magical dream?

I looked at the cartoon watch in my hand, and the time was right!

Normally, I should almost get here, even if I ran a few steps, I was in a coma for a minute and 35 seconds at most, and it was not a big problem!

And in the process of being in a coma, I reviewed everything I learned today in my mind, and I still remember it vividly.

Normally, it takes nearly two hours, and this wave is sure to make a profit!

Just the time saved can go to the field and plant all these vegetable seeds and rice seeds.

Li Mu patted the dust on his body and continued to walk towards his home, looking at the sky with some fear.

"If you have the ability, you can give me another flat thunder!"

A crow flew by, quacking.

A piece of bird droppings landed a meter away from Li Mu's side.

"I'm really dreaming, how can I say thunder and thunder?"

[In the system binding, the current progress is 2%.

"I'm lost, I see you, come out!"

Li Mu looked around, there was no place for hiding people at all, so naturally it was impossible for someone to respond to him.

Li Mu shook his head, is this an auditory hallucination?

[You don't have auditory hallucinations, I solemnly tell you now, you have crossed, although everything in front of you is still everything you are familiar with, but you have traveled to a parallel space that will never intersect with your world. Li

Mu didn't believe in evil and began to look for it carefully.

But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find where the voice came from.

"Silly fork, I've watched too many sci-fi movies, don't think you can fool me with some high-tech I don't know, and parallel space? You go on! Can make me believe that even if you make it up realistically! "

System: ("▼Dish▼)

Is it too late for me to change the host now?

Ignore him!

Li Mu found that there was no sound, and confirmed his thoughts even more.

Hum! You want to lie to me! You're still too tender!

Thought that all these years my knowledge was learned in vain?

Die, Hit the Street!

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