As soon as Lu Dao left, there was no need for Li Mu to continue to stay here.

I need to take a good rest today, and tomorrow is the official exam.

Although I can already enroll in school directly, the process still has to go through.

It's still early, it's still early to rest, and Li Mu doesn't know what to do for a while.

Li Mu was still thinking about it when he heard a noisy sound coming from the entrance of the camp again.

Li Mu was a little surprised, what was the situation?

Didn't you say that all the participants had arrived? Why are there still people coming here?

Out of curiosity, Li Mu came to the entrance.

Soon saw Shao Yi, where there is excitement, this guy is indispensable.

Seeing Li Mu Shao Yi, he immediately greeted him warmly.

"Brother Mu, you're here too."

Li Mu looked at the buses and trucks outside, a little unclear.

"What's going on? Why did so many people suddenly come.

"Brother Mu, haven't you forgotten, this live broadcast is broadcast live across the country, whether it is a TV station or a major platform on the Internet, but they are all gearing up to do a big job."

Li Mu clapped his hands, how could he forget about this matter.

After the staff of those media got out of the car, they quickly took out a lot of professional equipment.

Immediately, many people with long guns and short cannons pointed in the direction of the camp and frantically pressed the shutter.

The staff of these media were obviously also admonished, and no one came to interview them, but only took pictures from a distance.

Maybe I'm afraid that I will disturb the rest of the students.

Next, under Li Mu's shocked gaze, hundreds of drones took off one after another.

This time, the qualification test of the competition is okay and can be broadcast live, and the second test is that it is impossible for those reporters and cameras to follow.

I don't know what kind of danger exists along the way, and most of these media workers are ordinary people, and it is impossible to risk their lives.

It can only be filmed by drones, and now it's just a test machine, and by the way, it's a survey of the terrain to see where it's easier to have a good fight.

After a few glances, Li Mu lost interest and turned back to his tent directly.

After going back, Li Mu boredly swiped his phone.

He found that whether it is watching short videos or news, all the attention of the media today is on this entrance exam.

The word that human beings can cultivate has just spread, and many people have not yet seen the existence of cultivators.

And this entrance exam is just right for the people to see the power of the supernatural.

Li Mu suddenly understood why there was a spirit corpse in the second exam.

This may be in order to let more people know about the existence of the spirit corpse and make the public aware of the necessity of cremation.

Li Mu originally wanted to rest, but he found that he couldn't sleep at all, and now it was too noisy outside.

And when I watched the short video just now, I had already brushed the overhead scene of the camp.

I don't know how many drones are filming on top of my head.

Since he couldn't rest, Li Mu didn't force it anymore.

Or decided to go out and hang out.

In the process of shopping, Li Mu found that he didn't know when, Huang Xiaolei and Zhou Qi were mixed together.

Is this the legendary gathering of things by like, and people by groups?

Li Mu didn't take it too seriously, glanced at the two of them and turned to leave.

Huang Xiaolei and Zhou Qi also saw Li Mu, and immediately stopped talking when they saw Li Mu.

waited until Li Mu left before resuming the conversation.

"Zhou Shao, I am classmates with that guy, and I usually look at this guy very unpleasantly."

"Is everything you say true? Are you sure this guy doesn't have any background?

"I'm sure, this guy is a poor farmer, but Zhou Shao, you should be careful, this guy's combat effectiveness is still quite terrifying."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhou Qi's mouth.

Even if this guy's combat effectiveness is not weak, what can he do?

Dealing with him may not require him to intervene at all.

Walking so close to Shao Yi is considered unlucky!

"Alright, you can leave, look at these guys, don't make any mistakes."

"Okay, Zhou Shao, I know what to do."

Huang Xiaolei nodded and left, Zhou Qi looked at Huang Xiaolei's departing back, with some deep disdain on his face.

After looking at the surroundings, Zhou Qi took out his mobile phone.

A call was made and the call was quickly connected.

"Fauber, are you ready?"

"Young master, everything is ready, and it has been placed in the position you specified, but the old slave still wants to ask, are you sure you want to do this? This is not a trivial matter, and if it is discovered, it will not be easy to handle.

"What's not going to be easy? I'm going around with something going on, do you know what the situation is going on in the mountains? "

Young master, I have figured it out, I have already sent you the map through my mobile phone."

"Okay, I know Fubo, don't worry, I won't make a move without absolute certainty."

"Young master, you just have a number in your heart, or that sentence, be careful in everything, after all, there are many strong people this time, if you really want to be discovered, maybe the master won't be able to protect you."

"I know it in my heart, so let's do it, hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Qi looked in the direction of Tang Yun's tent.

Don't try to escape from the palm of your hand what you like.

Now everything is ready and we just wait for the game to begin.

Let's hope everything goes according to my plan.


After Li Mu walked around, he found that there was nothing to visit.

Now that he hasn't arrived at school, he can't farm, and he doesn't need to study, Li Muzhen feels very bored.

After returning to the tent, he found that Yan Dalong and the others were playing games in a group.

He didn't know anything about the game, so he didn't plan to watch it.

Li Mu couldn't understand why young people nowadays like to play games so much.

I have to say that Shao Yi is really rich, and yesterday he knew that Evil Lai didn't have a mobile phone, so he helped Evil Lai to make the latest pineapple 18.

and helped Li Mu change one, which made Li Mu very embarrassed.

In the end, I accepted it very reluctantly.

At this point, the mobile phone he sent to charge the phone bill was officially laid off.

I have to say that the pineapple phone is powerful.

The speed of operation is not comparable to that of his original phone.

Domestic machines are cattle!

Several people also saw that Li Mu was back, but now that the team battle was in full swing, they didn't have time to say hello to Li Mu.

Shao Yi: "Evil, well done, your name is really not wrong, although your other heroes use a mess, but I also have to admit that you beat the wild thief!"

"That's a must, after all, if you die once with Dian Wei, you feel like you've confessed once,!" The dragon saved me, I died! Feel like your body is hollowed out!

Yan Dalong: "Haha, evil comes, let me harvest if you die, the greatness of your life and the glory of your death, watch me take away a wave of noodles." "

A few people had a great time.

It's the first day of playing the game, and the accounts are all newly registered, and it's still a bronze.

I really don't know if I can have so much fun playing a bronze game?

Maybe that's the joy of men.

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