All the students departed after noon.

To the real test site, there were twenty miles, and not all of them were moving at full speed.

Therefore, by the time we arrived at the actual mission location, it was already slowly getting dark.

Zhou Qi's team was the first to arrive here.

After arriving here, Zhou Qi ordered the team to stop.

A very important question occurred to him.

Anyway, I worked so hard with the team and was the first to arrive here, what was it for?

This forest must be full of unknown dangers, and if you are the first to go in first, wouldn't that help the other teams clear mines?

Thinking of this, Zhou Qi directly ordered his team to be stationed in place.

Not everyone thought of this, and when they saw Zhou Qi stop directly, someone immediately asked.

"Zhou Shao, why did we stop suddenly? Now that we're in the lead, shouldn't we move on?

The contempt in Zhou Qi's eyes flashed, but it was quickly hidden by him.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm also for everyone's good, although Principal Lu has already roughly said about the dangers we may encounter, but after all, no one knows what awaits us, if we rush in, we are likely to face a siege, it is better to wait for the big army to come, go in together, I want to bring all of you into the academy."

I have to admit that Zhou Qi's words still played a certain role.

It touched a lot of people.

Of course, there is no shortage of shrewd people in the team.

Some people have already seen that Zhou Qi didn't think of it before, but only thought of it when he got here.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been in such a desperate hurry before.

In this situation, Zhou Qi will naturally not be exposed.

After all, they don't want to go into the forest right now.

Once you're in the woods, you're in for the real test.

After Zhou Qi, slowly many teams arrived at the scene.

As soon as the Qian brothers saw Zhou Qi's team, they immediately raised their vigilance.

"I said Zhou Shao, why don't you go in first with the team?"

"Qian Zhongdan, I don't think there is a holiday between us, so don't keep targeting me like this, if you want to seize the opportunity, you can bring someone in yourself, I will never stop you."

"Zhou Qi, don't think that our five brothers are stupid, we don't fall for you, you want us to go in and explore the way, but there is no door."

Zhou Qi looked at the Qian brothers in amazement, these five guys don't look so stupid as they imagined!

Then the two sides confronted each other again.

Next, five more teams of 100 people came one after another.

Seeing so many people gathered here, I quickly reacted.

This is going to be explored by others.

But who is stupid?

Slowly, more and more people gathered here, and soon all the people except Li Mu's team arrived here.

Even the duo of Tang Yun and Han Youxing came here.

At the first moment of Tang Yun's arrival, Zhou Qi greeted him.

"Yun'er, do you two want to join my team, I promise to take good care of you!"

Tang Yun's body was completely blocked by the hat, and no one could see what Tang Yun's expression was now.

Tang Yun obviously didn't want to deal with Zhou Qi, and he didn't bother to answer the conversation.

silently widened the distance between him and Zhou Qi, and found an open space to sit down.

Zhou Qi was bored and angry, and turned around and returned to his team.

However, when Zhou Qi turned around, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Stinky bitch, what a clear high!

I'm going to give you a big gift.

Hopefully, you'll be able to keep your current high level of coldness when the time comes!

The sky became more and more overcast, and everyone began to rest in place, and many people even brought out their own dry food.

Take advantage of this effort to replenish your energy.

Although no one entered the forest first, these people also knew that this situation would not last long, and as soon as one person entered, the others would immediately follow.

All that's missing now is the first person to enter the woods.

Just when everyone was resting, Li Mu, who was originally at the back of the line, finally came late.

Liu Fei and Huang Xin were surprised to see that all the people were here.

"Li Mu, did you already know about this situation, so you let us walk in the back?"

Li Mu didn't speak, but looked at the group of students waiting here in amazement.

Liu Fei and Huang Xin are right.

The reason why Li Mu walked in the end was not really in a hurry.

He just wanted the people who had entered the forest first to test the water.

That's why we walk unhurriedly at the end.

Just half an hour ago, they had settled the dinner.

Li Mu didn't expect that he was so slow, and this group of people was still waiting here.

"Hey~, everyone is still there! I was thinking that we were at the end, maybe you had already reached the end? Why is everyone going to camp here? "

Li Mu, don't say cool things, don't treat everyone for fools."

Zhou Qi was very unhappy when he saw Li Mu, and as soon as Li Mu's words fell, he was directly stunned.

"Oh, that's it, you're not stupid, why were you the first to set off with the team? And now I'm catching up? Zhou

Qi: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄....

Gan! This guy really can't open a pot!

"I have my own ideas, if you're good, you can go in first!"

Li Mu looked at Zhou Qi, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"I'll go in, what's the big deal, since you don't plan to go in, then let me go in first."

Li Mu wasn't joking with Zhou Qi, that's what he meant.

He also saw the situation at the scene.

Of course, he knew that these people in the room didn't really want to camp here.

These people just don't want to be the first to go in and now need someone to break the ice.

In that case, let him break the deadlock.

Li Mu didn't simply talk about it, he walked directly into the forest with his team.

The two thousand people present watched in amazement as Li Mu's team entered the forest.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Yun's mouth, and she found that she was even more interested in Li Mu.

"Xing'er, let's go too!"

Han Youxing looked at Tang Yun with some astonishment, opened his mouth, and finally didn't say anything, nodded and set off with Tang Yun.

With Li Mu and Tang Yun taking the lead, the rest of the people looked at each other a few times.

Under the leadership of several leaders, they also set off towards the forest.

All the people are very cautious, the previous 20 kilometers were all over the house, and from now on, what will greet them is the real test.

The sky had completely darkened.

In addition, the woods are already relatively shady, and the visibility has become very low.

I wonder what will greet them here?

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