For the pursuit of water waves, Li Mu is still quite confident that he can dodge it.

After all, with Ling Bo Weibu here, his speed is not slow.

He also helped Huang Xin with distraction, and Huang Xin's speed in this nurse was too slow.

Coupled with the large amount of burden on her chest, if Li Mu didn't help, she would probably be choking.

The team that ran past Li Mu just now had already been caught up by Li Mu.

And the distance is getting farther and farther, and the members of that team don't know how long they have been running, they are all a little exhausted, or they are mercilessly swallowed by the waves.

After running for two minutes, Li Mu asked everyone to stop.

At this time, the damage of the water wave is negligible.

Li Mu saw Huang Xiaolei's team again.

Huang Xiaolei looked at Li Mu with a confused expression.

I don't know why Li Mu returned, didn't he want his team to keep a distance from them?

Do you want to go back to this situation now?

"Li Mu? What's the situation? "

It's okay, I encountered a little accident just now, that is, the tutor of the academy is putting some powerful spiritual skills, but they can't kill us, you should also be careful."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he waved his hand at Huang Xiaolei, and then started to return the same way.

Shao Yi: "Brother Mu, do you feel that something is missing?" Li

Mu: ᕙ(·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ )???

"Is there one? There is no one less, one, two, three, four, five, six, one is not more, one is not less! "

At this time, the forest has just experienced the impact of the waves, and the ground is very muddy.

The ground was very soft, and the shoes of several people were already covered with mud.

After Li Mu finished speaking, he shook off the mud on his feet and continued to set off.

As soon as I set off, I felt like I had stepped on something.

Just as he was about to look at something, he felt a hand grasp his foot.

Even if Li Mu was not timid, he was still taken aback.

It can't be a corpse that emerges from the ground.

Thinking of this, he kicked it directly, and quickly retreated after kicking.

"Ah~! Brother Mu, don't shoot, your own people!

Li Mu was stunned, he actually stepped on someone, and this voice is so familiar!

Under the shocked gaze of several people, a man covered in mud stood up.

"I'm lost, it's a human or a ghost, report it."

"This makes people sad, it's me, Zhuge Zhengwu!"

Li Mu: =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇

) The rest of the people: ∑ (°口°๑)

! Sins and sins, because Zhuge Zhengwu has always been alone behind the team.

When liquidating the number of people, he habitually ignored this guy.

"Brother Zhuge , what kind of shape are you?"

"Don't mention it, I've been running with you, and it's not a big problem, but suddenly I tripped and was caught up by the waves, and I was hit by a lot of mud, and it became what I am now."

Liu Fei couldn't stand it anymore, and the spiritual power in his body surged.

A natural shower appeared directly above Zhuge text.

Zhuge Zhengwen was not polite, and simply rinsed it.

Seeing that Zhuge Zhengwu was fine, Li Mu and the others continued to set off, and quickly opened the distance between Zhuge Zhengwu and Zhuge Zhengwu.

This guy is so unlucky, his bad luck is contagious, and he must stay away.

On the way, I saw a lot of team members who had been hit by the waves before.

These students were not injured, but many of them had obviously a big belly, and they thought they had drunk a lot of water.

The instructor of the academy obviously controlled the power of the psychic technique very well, and did not cause much damage.

However, it also slowed down the speed of the students.

And it was not only Li Mu's side who was attacked, almost all the students were taken care of by the academy instructor.

It's actually not too far from the academy, according to everyone's footsteps.

It is absolutely possible to reach the academy within two hours.

But these teachers were so mixed up.

The problem arises, due to the impact of the spiritual skills of the academy master, the speed of these students has become slow


The students could only see a rough idea, and their vision in the forest was very limited.

But those who watch the live stream are different.

In order to make these viewers more intuitive to watch the live broadcast.

The equipment on site is the most high-end, and the effect shot at night will not be unclear.

These range-based spiritual skills directly gave them a new understanding of the supernatural world.

"! Is this the method of the powerhouses of the Anomalous Realm?

"I'm a surfer, and to be honest, it's hard to see such big waves at the beach, and this is man-made, and I want to surf."

"I'm going to awaken! I'm willing to trade my lifetime of singleness upstairs for my awakening ability! "


In the command center, Lu Daoyi looked at the pictures coming from everywhere.

A smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Little guy, if you want to enter the New South, it's not so easy, if you don't let you peel off your skin, it's impossible to let you in directly."

Wang Yue also had a smile on her face, in fact, she also wanted to play with those students.

However, she is a shadow department, so she is not suitable for this kind of operation, and she is good at assassination.

You can't really hurt these students, can you?

At this moment, Lu Daoyi's mobile phone rang.

Lu Daoyi frowned and picked up the mobile phone on the table.

Shown above is an unfamiliar number.

Lu Dao hung up directly without thinking about it, he is also a big man, and those who really need to contact him are basically saved by him.

All unfamiliar numbers will be treated as spam calls.

But not long after, the phone rang again.

It's still that unfamiliar number.

Lu Dao thought about it for a while, but decided to take it.

What if something really important?

Lu Daoyi picked up the phone, and he was a little curious in his heart, I don't know who called?

"Hey, who's that?"

"Dare not answer my call, Lu Daoyi, are you very capable?"

"What so much nonsense? Who are you?

"Can't you hear me?"

Lu Daoyi suddenly thought of something, he already knew who the owner of this voice was.

Lu Daoyi's face couldn't help but become a little difficult to look at.

"Han Wu, what do you mean? What is the purpose of calling me at this time?

"Old man, I really thought you had forgotten me? It's nothing but to catch up with you, by the way, I'm in Meilan Town now, I want to see you, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I didn't come alone, I also brought two king-level ones, and dozens of general-level ones, do you want to come over to catch up? "

Lu Daoyi: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄....

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope! Don't think about it, I just want to catch up with you, if I don't come, I don't know what I'll do. "

I see, I'll go over right now and wait for me in Merlan Town."

"Good! I'll give you a coordinate!

As soon as Han Wu finished speaking, in the direction of Meilan Town, a huge firework exploded directly in the air.

This is definitely not an ordinary firework, it is the ability of a fire-type ability.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to see it from such a distance.

"I'm waiting for you here!"

After Han Wu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The sudden situation caught Lu Daoyi a little off guard.

He vaguely felt the smell of conspiracy, but even if it was a conspiracy, he had to go.

There are hundreds of thousands of civilians in the town of Merlan!

If Han Wu goes crazy, he can do anything.

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