looked at Tang Yun's red little face~

Li Mu's nosebleed flowed down again.

Li Mu is a man, seeing such a beautiful scenery, if he doesn't react at all, it will be a blasphemy of this beauty!

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you!

Tang Yun felt Li Mu's gaze, and when she raised her eyes to look at him, she reacted in hindsight, wanting to block it but found that her hand couldn't block it at all.

Bei Yan bit his lower lip tightly, and the beautiful eyes with water in them also glared at Li Mu fiercely!

It's just that this can be covered with a small hand, but this kind of behavior is even more stimulating to Li Mu.

And the nosebleed began to respond to his master's wishes, and it dripped down a lot!

"Look, rascal, turn around."

Tang Yun's coquettish reprimand made Li Mu also react, and he glanced at it a few more times reluctantly, and then reluctantly looked away.

After thinking about it, Li Mu directly took out a change of clothes from the storage space and threw it over.

"These are my clothes, if you don't dislike them, put them on first."

Tang Yun looked at the clothes that Li Mu threw over, and hurriedly put them on his body.

At the moment of putting on the clothes, Tang Yun felt the power of the medicine again.

This made her react suddenly, the effect of Xiaoyao Water is still there, looking at Li Mu, who was facing away from her, she struggled for a moment, and then whispered.

"That's... Li Mu, can you leave for a while, and take Zhou Qi away by the way.

Li Mu immediately understood what Tang Yun meant.

Tang Yun was afraid that he couldn't help but do something out of the ordinary to him.

For some reason, Li Mu actually had a hint of teasing Tang Yun.

"Actually, if you really can't help it, I can help you solve it."

Li Mu said this, he didn't mean anything else, he just thought that he had a treatment of gherkins in his hand, maybe he could help Tang Yun solve the side effects of Xiaoyaoshui.

What Li Mu didn't know was that his words made Tang Yun misunderstand.

It was also because of the stimulation of Li Mu's words that Tang Yun, who had already been forced to maintain his sanity, could no longer control himself.

Li Mu is now facing away from Tang Yun.

And Tang Yun couldn't control herself anymore at the moment, and hugged Li Mu from behind.

Now the weather is hot, and the clothes on my body are thin.

That's it, Tang Yun began to rub Li Mu's neck.

The strong stimulation made Li Mu couldn't help but shiver again.

The Qingxin Jue continued to run, allowing Li Mu to maintain the last trace of calm.

I want to put Tang Yun down, but this posture is really difficult now.

Li Mu was also out of the way, thinking that the pain could stimulate Tang Yun and keep her awake again, and her hand stretched back directly.

I originally wanted to pinch Tang Yun's thighs, but who knew that the ghost made a god touch Tang Yun's roundness and uprightness.

Li Mu couldn't care so much at this time, so he pinched it directly with a force in his hand.

The strong stimulation made Tang Yun can't help but scream!

And Li Mu also trembled.

Nima, he's almost going crazy too!

Feeling the warm breath spit out from Tang Yun's small mouth, Li Mu also hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, and then pulled her off from him with great effort.

Seeing that Tang Yun was about to attack again, Li Mu gritted his teeth and twisted Tang Yun's thighs fiercely!

A bluish and purple mark soon appeared on Tang Yun's white thigh, but the pain also made her regain a trace of her sanity again!

Tang Yun's eyes finally regained a trace of clarity.

She clenched her little hands and looked at Li Mudao pleadingly.

"Li Mu, please, please take Zhou Qi away and let me stay here alone."

Tang Yun even had a hint of crying in her voice, which made Li Mu couldn't help but feel soft in her heart.

"Can you really? I remember reading on TV that this drug can go wrong if it is not handled properly.

"Please, will you leave?" Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself!

"Actually, I can take care of it."

Li Mu's words made Tang Yun's heart tremble, but she still shook her head resolutely.

Resisting the effect of the medicine to invade her reason again, the delicate lower lip was bitten by her, and a trace of blood began to ooze outward!

"May I beg you to go out first?"

Looking at Tang Yun's current appearance, Li Mu also put away his intention to continue teasing Tang Yun, slowly took out a cucumber, and handed it to Tang Yun.

Tang Yun was stunned for a moment when she saw the cucumber handed over by Li Mu, but then her face turned even redder.

But she didn't refuse.

I can't manage that much now, and although it's a little shy to solve it myself, it's still much better than losing my body here.

"You... You leave with Zhou Qi, and I'll solve it myself.

The voice behind Tang Yun became smaller and smaller, and the little brain melon lowered even more shyly!

It's just that when Zhou Qi's name is mentioned, the resentment is also undisguised!

Li Mu: ᕙ(·•᷄ࡇ•᷅)???

"Why should I leave? I don't mean to help you out! "

Tang Yun really wants to find a crack in the ground now.

The more Tang Yun thought about it, the more angry he became, and the trace of good impression he had just raised was immediately ruined by him!

"Li Mu... Please, can you leave for a while?

And at this time, Li Mu finally thought of something.

"I'll go! Tang Yun, I didn't mean that when I gave you a gherkin!

Tang Yun looked at Li Mu with some puzzlement, she didn't know what Li Mu meant?

"And what do you mean by giving me cucumbers?"

"This is to treat gherkins, melons to cure all diseases, I don't know if I can resolve the effect of the medicine on your body, but I feel that I can, the purpose of treating you gherkins is to let you take them orally, not for you to use them externally!"

Tang Yun: (. ・ˇ_ˇ・。 :)

this is crooked?

Tang Yun can't care so much.

Directly picked up the treatment cucumber and took a hard bite.

Not to mention, the taste of this cucumber is very good, refreshing and delicious.

As soon as the treatment of the gherkins was in her mouth, Tang Yun felt that the discomfort on her body was rapidly subsiding.

The side effects of Easy Water were really eliminated directly.

Li Mu watched from the side, looking at Tang Yun's vicious appearance, he couldn't help but shudder.

That's your lifesaver, how can you do this to him?

Although it is oral, you are a little ruthless in this small mouthful!

Li Mu glanced at Tang Yun and couldn't help but swallow his saliva!

At this time, Tang Yun's face was still red, which made Li Mu unsure if the treatment of the gherkin really worked.

"That Tang Yun, are you okay? If the gherkins really can't be solved, I'll give you another cucumber, and then I'll take Zhou Qi to hide away. "

It's okay if Li Mu doesn't say it, but when he says this, Tang Yun's whole person is not good.

What does it mean to give yourself another gherkin, does you look like such a person?

"Okay, now the problem is solved."

Hearing Tang Yun's words, Li Mu was also relieved, and sure enough, the treatment of gherkins still had an effect.

"Li Mu, thank you this time, but I hope you don't talk about it this time, and I don't need you to be responsible, if you dare to say it, I won't let you go."

Li Mu: o( ́^')o

Although I don't intend to be responsible for you, I am not happy if you say that.

"What don't I need to be responsible for, and I want you to be responsible for me? The first kiss I kept for seventeen years was ruthlessly deprived by you, why don't you recognize people when it's over? Tang

Yun: ( ́-ωก')

"That... That's mine too... Is the first kiss good!

Li Mu looked at Tang Yun in shock, but she didn't expect a big beauty like her to still keep her first kiss.

I actually snatched the first kiss of such a beautiful woman.

Although I'm passive, I don't seem to be at a loss!

Li Mu didn't plan to continue chatting about this issue, otherwise the two of them would be embarrassed.

"Okay, don't suffer, I won't talk nonsense, don't talk about this, what are you going to do with this guy?"

Looking at Zhou Qi, who was unconscious on the ground, Tang Yun's face quickly became cold.

It's this guy who almost ruined himself!

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