Zhou Qike listened to the conversation between the two.

He couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"Li Mu, what do you mean? I know everything, didn't you say you were going to let me go?

Li Mu was stunned and looked at Tang Yun with some confusion.

"By the way, have I said such a thing before?"

"No, and even if you say it, it's useless, you stand farther away, or you'll be covered in blood."

Li Mu walked away very consciously, he didn't go to see how Tang Yun made a move.

He still wasn't used to such a scene.

"Bang" a gunshot rang out.

Li Mu knew that Zhou Qi should have confessed here.

He didn't have any sympathy for Zhou Qi, if he hadn't followed Zhou Qi with curiosity, it might have been another story now.

The death of this kind of scum can be regarded as one less scourge in the world.

Slowly, Li Mu still walked over.

Li Mu found that Tang Yun was standing aside with trembling hands at this time.

Maybe this is the first time she has killed someone.

Li Mu didn't bother in the past, and now the question is how to deal with Zhou Qi's body.

It is definitely impossible to put it here directly, listening to Zhou Qi's words, it means that the power in his family is still good, and he doesn't want to get into unknown trouble.

Tang Yun saw Li Mu come back, and soon came back to his senses.

threw the revolver in his hand to Li Mu.

Li Mu hurriedly took it.

"Sister, there are bullets here, be careful of misfire!"

Tang Yun didn't answer, but looked at Li Mu very seriously.

"Li Mu, thank you this time, one person does things and one person does things, this Zhou Qi was killed by me, I will take this responsibility, I don't believe that his Zhou family can still go to heaven."

Li Mu looked at Tang Yun and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

I can't see that this girl is quite righteous.

"Forget it, I'll take care of it."

Tang Yun looked at Li Mu with some surprise, what can Li Mu do about this?

Li Mu had already thought of a solution, that is, to hide from the sky and the sea, and to hide from the sky and the sea, the most important thing was that he suddenly remembered that he still had an elixir that he had never used.

That's Yi Rong Dan.

Now his idea is to use Yi Rong Dan to transform into Zhou Qi's appearance, and then appear in front of the camera.

Let the audience across the country see that Zhou Qi is safe and sound.

Then he and Tang Yun and the others appeared somewhere else, so that they had a perfect alibi.

As for Zhou Qi's body, it can only be put into his storage space again.

In just three months, his storage space has been filled with corpses twice.

saw that Tang Yun was still looking at himself with doubtful eyes.

Li Mu was also out of the way.

It seems that if he doesn't show some real skills, it will be impossible to convince Tang Yun.

"This is my secret, I want you to know it yourself, we are grasshoppers in the same boat now, I am sure you will make the right decision."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he directly opened the storage space.

Then under Tang Yun's shocked gaze, he put away Zhou Qi's body.

"You... You're still in the space department! Born bilineal? Li

Mu was also speechless, look at your appearance that you have never seen the world.

"I'm not born with a dual system, I just brought a storage space when I awakened, and I don't have the spiritual skills of the space system, which is very reasonable, right?"

Tang Yun: (٥≖_≖)

Reasonable big-headed ghost!

"But even if you put Zhou Qi's body away, he has so many subordinates, knowing what just happened, I will still be exposed!"

"Don't worry, I've got a plan."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he directly took out a Yirong Pill from the storage space, and then ate it directly.

Under Tang Yun's surprised gaze, Li Mu's figure changed rapidly.

directly turned into Zhou Qi's appearance, that's all, even the clothes on Zhou Qi's body were imitated.

This time, Tang Yun didn't know how to express her feelings at all.

His curiosity about Li Mu reached its peak directly.

How many secrets does this guy still have?

How exactly did he do it?

To be honest, Li Mu is still a little proud now, and he can make Tang Yun, who is so cold, show such a surprised expression.

Just when Li Mu was complacent, the sound of breaking wind suddenly appeared behind him.

"Whore, take your life!"

Li Mu was startled, and subconsciously used Ling Bo's slight step, which dodged the spear that burst in.

Li Mu reacted as soon as he saw the spear, it should be Han Youxing back.

After Han Youxing arrived, he did not continue to attack, but came to Tang Yun's side.

Seeing Tang Yun wearing a man's clothes, tears flowed down at that time.

"Sister Yun, you won't have been ruined by this beast, I'll help you take revenge, and what about that guy Li Mu? Didn't you say to save you? Why is there no shadow, sure enough, men don't have a good thing! Tang

Yun has the heart to strangle Han Youxing.

What is this?

"Xing'er, don't make trouble, I'm fine, and the one in front of you is Li Mu, not Zhou Qi."

"Sister Yun, are you stimulated, everyone is stupid, it's not like I haven't seen Li Mu, how can this guy be Li Mu! it! Hell yes! In

order to prevent Han Youxing from continuing to attack, Li Mu directly lifted the effect of Yi Rong Dan, anyway, he could change his body shape at any time within half an hour.

Seeing that Zhou Qi in front of him directly turned into Li Mu's appearance, Han Youxing also felt that he had been greatly impacted.

Tang Yun explained to Han Youxing at this time.

"Xing'er, this is Li Mu's disguise technique, don't make such a fuss."

Han Youxing is relatively simple in the end, and he directly accepted this statement.

"Sister Yun, what about Zhou Qiren?"

Tang Yun looked at Han Youxing, and finally decided to tell her, she believed that Han Youxing would not harm her.

Tang Yun made a neck-cutting motion at Han Youxing.

"Killed? Well done!

Li Mu also spoke at this time.

"Han Youxing, God knows this matter, we know, don't talk about it."

Han Youxing immediately made a mouth lock movement.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything about it."

Li Mu suddenly remembered something at this time: "By the way, what about Zhou Qi's subordinates?"

"Those fools were all thrown away by me, and now they are probably still going around in circles."

Li Mu pondered for a while, and then said: "You two leave first, find a camera far away, I will now show my face in front of those people as Zhou Qi."

Tang Yun and Han Youxing nodded, this place really can't stay any longer.

Tang Yun and Han Youxing expressed their gratitude to Li Mu again, and then left directly.

Li Mu changed into Zhou Qi's appearance again, and then he had to find Zhou Qi's subordinates.

Whether you can perfectly hide from the world depends on your acting skills.

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