The other students were disappointed.

I didn't expect Tang Yun's dormitory to be assigned so quickly.

Wang Yuecai didn't care so much, and continued to read directly.

"102 dormitory, the five brothers of the Qian family, as well as Zhang Meng, Li Ruoxuan............"

The dormitory continued to be assigned, and Li Mu also found the pattern, it seems that the first few dormitories were all assigned students above the S level.

There are two A-level ones on my side, Liu Fei and Huang Xin.

There is also a Lu Ziye who doesn't know what the situation is.

And in the first few dorms, there are a few names that I haven't heard of.

I don't know what it all came from?

Soon the dormitory was allocated, and the next thing was simple, all the students went to their dormitory to choose a room to rest.

Lu Daoyi didn't know when he came to Li Mu's side.

"Brother, I have worked the arrangement of your dormitory, although all the dormitories are basically the same, but the 101 dormitory is different, in his backyard, there is a large vacant land, where you can farm."

Li Mu was overjoyed, he was still worried about this before.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dao helped him think about it directly.

"Brother Lu is interesting, I'm still worried about this problem, but there is another problem, if I want to farm, the aura here will definitely change, I'm afraid that someone will plot against this map!"

"Don't worry, this old man, I've already thought about it, next to your dormitory is the teacher's dormitory, and I've asked someone to help you look at the land, and there won't be any accidents."

"That's good, trouble brother."

"Brother is polite when he says this, there is one more thing that needs to be asked of the brother."

Lu Daoyi unexpectedly became a little twisted, which made Li Mu feel a little incredible.

Come on! You're a royal boss!

How can such a gesture be made?

"Brother, please say, if I can help, it will definitely be obligatory."

"With the words of my brother, I am relieved, in fact, it is not a big deal, in fact, you people are not all students, there are still a few students, they were determined not to be admitted before, they awakened earlier than you, and now they are basically soldiers-level cultivators, and they will not arrive until tomorrow, and my grandson is also among them."

Li Mu still didn't understand what Lu Daoyi meant.

There are other students, and that's the school's business.

He can't take care of it, so what does it have to do with him?

Suddenly Li Mu thought of something, there seems to be a person named Lu Ziye in his dormitory, anyway, this one is not Lu Daoyi's grandson, right?

"Brother, Lu Ziye in our dormitory can't be your grandson, right?"

"My brother is really smart, Lu Ziye is my grandson, arranging his dormitory with you, that's what I mean, I hope you can take care of him more, and guide this guy when he's fine."

"Isn't that okay? I don't have much to teach him!

"Brother is humble, I know the skills of Senior Mei, those who teach you, just miss a little bit is enough for that kid to learn, you are welcome, my grandson is your grandson!"

Li Mu: ∑ (°口°๑)

Brother Lu, I'm only 17!

"Uh~, Brother Lu, I know, I'll do my best."

"With the words of my brother, I am relieved, and my grandson is as awakened as me is a sword, and his qualifications are SS-level, you know! I won't disturb your rest, you can go and see your dorm.

Li Mu: o( ́^')o

Looking at Lu Daoyi who was leaving, Li Mu was a little speechless.

This is a fancy for your own qualifications!

However, if you can have a good relationship with Lu Daoyi, a qualification pill is a small problem!

It was Wang Yue who took Li Mu and others to the dormitory, and it didn't take long for several people to come to the 101 dormitory.

As Lu Daoyi said, behind 101, there is a huge open space.

And now these open spaces are all Li Mu's experimental fields.

Wang Yue sent everyone here and left.

Before leaving, I deliberately gave a few words.

"Have a good rest today, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, gather in the playground, then you will be assigned classes, don't be late, okay, you go in, as for the allocation of the room, you can decide for yourself."

"Okay, Sister Yue, thank you."

Wang Yue waved his hand and got up to leave.

Li Mu and the others directly entered the 101 dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, Li Mu couldn't help but gasp.

"Shao Yi, your family is really willing to spend money!"

Shao Yi smiled slightly: "Brother Mu, in fact, our family is not free of money, there are still many ways to do it, entering the new south, it is not necessary to contribute to the country, there are always some who like to advocate freedom, and this money is nothing to our family, but it can leave a good impression on you, and it will be beneficial and harmless for the development of our Longsheng Group in the future."

Li Mu didn't understand this, but he had to admit that what Shao Yi said made sense.

Anyway, now he has a very good impression of Longsheng Group.

As for what Longsheng Group is for, he doesn't care at all.

Anyway, I just have enough food and clothing here.

As soon as you enter the 101 dormitory, there is a huge living room, and there should be everything in the living room, and the sofa color TV is readily available.

For a moment, Li Mu wondered if he had come to school.

The next thing is the problem of room allocation, Li Mu walked around first, and soon felt the situation in the villa.

"There are ten rooms in total, five upstairs and five downstairs, everyone chooses their own room, ladies first, Tang Yun, you choose first."

Tang Yun looked at Li Mu and did not choose a room for the first time.

"Li Mu, where do you want to live?"

Li Mu didn't expect Tang Yun to ask him rhetorically.

"If I had to pick first, I would definitely choose the second floor, which is higher and has a better view."

Li Mu really wanted to choose the room on the second floor, because on the second floor, he could see the crops he planted.

"Okay, I see, in that case, you're in the room at the far edge of the second floor, and I'll choose next to your room."

"Then I'll be next to Sister Yun."

Liu Fei and Huang Xin didn't think much about it, and they both chose the room on the second floor.

Li Mu: (٥≖_≖)

Did I agree? That's how you gave me my room?

Shao Yat:(; ́༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

Why can Brother Mu live on the second floor?

I'm so envious!

Li Mu didn't say anything in the end, he was indeed more inclined to the second floor.

The rest of the rooms were on the first floor, Shao Yi and the others chose one at random, and in the end, there was only one left, which was Lu Ziye's room who had not yet arrived.

Everyone was tired and went back to their rooms.

Li Mu also went up to take a look, as Lu Daoyi said, the room was very wide, and the bathroom and bathroom were all available.

Li Mu even heard the sound of water coming from next door, thinking that Tang Yun had already started taking a bath.

This made Li Mu unconsciously recall Tang Yun's confused appearance before.

I can't help but have a hot nose.

O iniquity! Suddenly, I felt that the room on the second floor was not very good.

When he came to the window, he found that he could see the open space behind him, and looking at the large open space, Li Mu was also shocked.

I haven't planted for a few days, and I can't help but have some itchy hands, so take this opportunity to plant directly.

Rest when the plant is ready, otherwise it will be a waste of a day!

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