"By the way, I forgot to tell you, there is also cultural learning in our academy, after all, it is still very necessary to learn knowledge, but in this month's time, your task is not to study, but to learn the use of spiritual power."

"The real study will be after your military training, and now you can memorize the meridian acupuncture points of the human body, and there are other tasks in the afternoon."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he operated on the podium for a while, and on the students' lecterns, the meridian acupoint diagram of the human body directly appeared.

The students began to remember it silently.

For memorizing these things, it is not a problem for Li Mu at all.

After all, his grades are also among the best in school, and ordinary memories are not very troublesome for him.

And the evil next to him, the cold sweat on his forehead flowed down at that time.

What is this?

It makes him remember these things worse than killing him.

looked at the people around him, they were all remembering well, and he could only endure to remember.

Remember, the two eyelids began to fight.

And Yan Dalong is no better than evil.

Wang Yue didn't say anything more, just watched everyone from the side.

And so the morning passed.

When it was time to eat at noon, Wang Yue asked everyone to eat.

During the period, Wang Yue told everyone that at two o'clock in the afternoon, there was no need to come to class.

Gather directly at the playground, there will be a special test in the afternoon, and everyone is not allowed to be late.

Next is Evil Lai's favorite eating session, in the morning, Li Mu has already eaten power lettuce for evil Lai, and it is a generation of power lettuce.

has already regarded evil as his own person, so naturally he can't be treated badly.

Yan Dalong has also been eating physical rice, as for Shao Yi and the others, he is not in a hurry to give them these things, the time they have been together is still short, and he still knows too little about them.

If you get along in the future, you feel that these people can really get along.

He won't be stingy, so let's see the situation first.

This is the first time Li Mu and the others have lunch at the New Southern Ability Academy, and I have to admit that the food in the school is really good.

The lunch is very rich, flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, and running on the ground, which is everything, no worse than the chefs of some star-rated hotels.

And the main thing is that it's free and doesn't cost anything.

When I was cooking, it was still the window last time, and it was the aunt who was in charge of cooking for the evil.

"Young man, you are here again, I know the amount of your meal, you see if this large plate of rice is enough for you."

Li Mu: (٥≖_≖)

Auntie, you really know how to be evil!

That big plate of rice, normally speaking, it is no problem for a dozen people to eat it.

Evil came and scratched his head.

"It should be enough, let's do this first, if it's not enough, I'll add it again."

"Okay, Auntie likes a young man like you, it's definitely not okay to have food without food, wait for me to get you some food."

After the aunt finished speaking, she directly began to frantically put vegetables into that large plate of rice.

At the same time, he shouted to the students who were lining up behind the evil come.

"Students, let's go to another window, my food here is wrapped."

The students sighed and went to line up at another window.

These students have kept an eye on it, and when they line up to eat in the future, they will definitely not line up behind the evil comes, otherwise they may not be able to serve the soup!

Li Mu was not surprised by this for a long time, and he sat next to Li Mu with a large plate of food.

didn't care about the strange eyes of the people around him, and ate it leisurely.

In his opinion, there is nothing more exciting than having a full stomach.

Li Mu and the others sat in a relatively remote position, next to the stairs to the second floor.

It was at this moment that Li Mu saw a familiar figure.

It was none other than Li Yong, and Li Yong also saw Li Mu.

Li Yong just glanced at Li Mu indifferently, and walked directly towards the second floor.

Li Mu smiled, this Li Yong is quite interesting.

I just don't know if he thinks about his identity.

Yan Dalong looked at Li Mu: "Brother Mu, this guy really looks quite similar to you, you won't have anything to do with it, right?" Do you want to ask when the time comes? "

Don't worry, it's my business with him, and I'll take care of it myself."

Shao Yi listened from the sidelines and didn't say anything.

He had already heard the meaning of Li Mu's words, and he should have a certain relationship with this Li Yong.

Although Li Mu didn't say it, Shao Yi had already decided to inquire about Li Yong's details for Li Mu.

Soon the crowd solved the problem of lunch.

Here I have to say that evil is really edible.

He ate more than all the people combined, but when they had eaten all, the evil came almost finished.

The speed of the meal is a bargain.

After eating, it was about half past twelve, and everyone decided to go back to the dormitory to rest.

Back in the 101 dormitory, Li Mu took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention, and once again left enough food for Da Mao.

When the next three generations of crops are mature, directly put all those straws and the like in the yard, so that Da Mao is self-sufficient.

Lu Ziye also came back a while after a few people came back.

He was still full of shock, and during the lunch break, he didn't rush to eat, but went to find Lu Daoyi.

After Lu Daoyi learned that Li Mu gave him the qualification pill, he was also very happy.

immediately took out the Awakening Stone and helped Lu Ziye test his qualifications.

That dazzling light made Lu Daoyi and Lu Ziye excited.

Proper SSS level qualifications, without any adulteration.

Lu Daoyi knew that he owed Li Mu a favor again.

At that time, he said to Lu Ziye seriously: "Good grandson, there are a lot of treasures in your Grandpa Mu's hands, it's okay to move around more, our old Lu family owes him a lot of favors." "

Where does Lu Ziye dare to say anything else now.

I have secretly sworn in my heart that this Li Mu will be my own grandfather in the future!


It's closer than your own grandfather!

When I came back, I happened to see Li Mu feeding Da Mao them.

hurriedly leaned over: "Little grandpa, how can you let you do this kind of trivial matter yourself, you can leave this kind of trivial matter to me in the future."

Li Mu couldn't help but want to laugh when he looked at Lu Ziye.

It seems that this guy should know that his qualifications have been improved.

"It's better for me to come by myself, these are spirit beasts, I'm not at ease when I hand them over to you, by the way, your room is on the first floor, the penultimate room in the innermost, you go and rest at noon."

"Okay, then little grandpa, you're busy, and I happen to be a little tired."

After speaking, Lu Ziye entered the dormitory.

Looking at Lu Ziye, Li Mu shook his head.

Did you forget something?

I thought about it, but I didn't think about what I had forgotten.

Forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

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