Li Mu didn't know anything about the funeral love gang coming to find him, and after eating beef noodles at this time, he was riding home with a satisfied face.

At this rate, you will soon have enough money for your own tuition.

It is as if I have seen a beautiful life beckoning to me.

Li Mu soon returned home, although he had finished dinner, he still had to eat lettuce and rice.

After all, it can permanently add attributes, although it doesn't add much each time, but it adds up to a lot!

Li Mu eats all the products of the first generation, the second generation or even later, let's wait for the first generation to be eaten, anyway, the current amount is enough to eat for a long time.

Li Mu was surprised that these vegetables and rice are particularly magical, when they are hungry, they can make themselves full, but when they are full, they will not feel panicked if they eat these things again, which is more humane.

Because he came back early today, he quickly harvested the newly planted lettuce and shallots, and so far there is no more seed in Li Mu's hands.

Of course, while harvesting, we don't forget to take seeds.

The second generation of garlic moss has also come out, and naturally it can't be wasted.

After finishing his work, he planted some second-generation crops, and Li Mu seemed to be a little idle.

So boring! To teach and teach Zhang Gui to learn?

Forget it, I finally have a weekend break, so don't let him re-enter the abyss of learning.

Let's take care of our crops.

Now the plants in my yard are the second generation, and if you count the days, all of them will mature the day after tomorrow.

There are classes on Monday, so you can't be too late, or you might be late again.

Although making money is important, in Li Mu's view, these crops in front of him are his real wealth, and he can't lose big because of small things.

These crops grow so fast that I don't know if there are insects, and if there are insects, you can get rid of them.

It's better to act than to move, and Li Mu began to look for it.

At this moment, 567, who had been silent for a long time, took the initiative to speak.

[The first human-level spirit beast appeared in Blue Star, and the energy value was +1!] Li

Mu: ᕙ(·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ )???

"567, what the hell is a human-level spirit beast?"

[Spirit beasts are spirit beasts, isn't it difficult to understand? The current progress is 99.5% in the system binding. Li

Mu fell into deep thought, and the binding progress that had been silent for a long time was 0.5% more, it seems that the appearance of human-level spirit beasts is one of the opportunities, but why is it 0.5, it is better to bind it directly to more than 100%.

Li Mu was about to speak, when he suddenly found a big white worm on the cucumber seedling.

Without thinking about it, he grabbed it directly, and with a gentle force, he directly let the big white worm burst to death.

[Congratulations to the host for killing the human-level spirit beast Great White Worm, energy value +1, system binding, 100% current progress, system store open, lottery system open.] Li

Mu looked at the big white worm in his hand in amazement,! This is Blue Star's first spirit animal?

Died in his own hands like this? It's kind of child's play, right?

Great white worm: °‧º·( ° ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·°

It's too hard for me to ride a horse! You don't talk about martial arts!

I don't want to die yet! How can I say that it is also the first spirit beast in the world!

"567, is this human-level spirit beast too weak?"

[If you can kill it, you can steal it, it's still evolving, if you let it evolve successfully, it won't be so easy to kill.]

"Let's not talk about this for a while, let me see what it brought me after the binding was successful."

As soon as Li Mu's words were finished, an interface appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.

One is the wheel of the lottery and the other is the store.

Li Mu opened the store page and found that there were only two things in it now, but all of them were gray, and they were all priced according to energy, the cheapest was 1000 energy, and he seemed to only have 2 points of energy, so he couldn't afford it at all!

The reward of the turntable is random, and Li Mu doesn't know what he can draw, but it is also marked on it, ten energy at a time, and his own energy is not enough.

Of course, Li Mu couldn't just waste such an opportunity, his mind was full of questions now, and there were many things that still needed to be asked about 567.

"567, what's going on with this energy?"

[This is a long story, since you have been successfully bound, some things can't be hidden from you, let's talk about the cultivation level of this world, which can be divided into human level, soldier level, general level, king level, emperor level and emperor level, anyway, you humans are divided like this, and every time someone reaches such a level, you will get energy, which can be used for lottery and purchase props in the system store.

"Do you mean to say that if others cultivate, I will be able to reap the benefits? Can you get stronger?

[It can be understood that way.

"Wait, you mean to say that there really are cultivators in this world?"

[Although Blue Star's aura is scarce, there are always some geniuses who have embarked on the path of cultivation on their own, and each country has its own special organization, such as Huaxia's 'Dapan Chicken' is one of them.

"Qiaodou sack, what do you say the special organization in Huaxia is called? Big plate chicken? Are you sure you're not kidding me? It's supposed to be a name like the dragon group.,This name is really low! "

What do you think? Hidden in the city, such an organization will not give too ostentatious names, otherwise people will know that this organization is not simple when they hear the name. Li

Mu touched his chin without a beard, and what he said seemed to make sense!

"567, can you give me a brief introduction to the level of cultivation?"

[Actually, it's very easy to understand, as long as you can cultivate, it's human-level, human-level is a big wave of sand, and those with poor qualifications can be sure that this life stops here, and it will be further enhanced when it reaches the military level, but it still belongs to the category of human beings in general, and the general level can already resist ordinary thermal weapons, and the king-level is a real master, and there is no problem in the face of your human missiles and the like, the emperor-level powerhouse should be able to resist your so-called nuclear bomb, if you become an emperor-level powerhouse, It can be said that it is the pinnacle of this world, but with the help of the power of heaven and earth to resonate with heaven and earth, as for whether there is a higher level, you need to explore slowly. Li

Mu: (*゚ロ゚)!!

The emperor-level ones can resist nuclear bombs, and there are higher-level emperor-level, which is terrifying!

It turns out that I have always been a frog at the bottom of the well, and I underestimated the world!

Li Mu was about to say something, and 567 suddenly began to brush frequently.

Lu Daoyi became a human-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +1.

Lu Daoyi became a soldier-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +10.

Lu Daoyi became a general-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +100.

Lu Daoyi became a king-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +1000.

Lu Daoyi became an emperor-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +10,000.

Wang Yue became a human-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +1.

Wang Yue became a soldier-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +10.

Wang Yue became a general-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +100.


Han Wu became an emperor-level powerhouse, with an energy value of +10,000.


Cook becomes a royal powerhouse, with +10,000 energy.

There were thousands of messages, which almost made Li Mu's head blow up.

His energy turned directly into 158186, which is not a small amount.

"567, what's going on?"

[What's the fuss, since the binding is successful, I will definitely have to give you some start-up capital, and then the aura will slowly be sufficient, and you will continue to get energy.

"Reiki slowly sufficient? How do you say that? "

Don't you understand? Why did the first human-level spirit beast appear in your yard? Li

Mu also reacted suddenly: "You mean to say that these crops are made?" "

【bingo! In fact, those fruits can only be regarded as a slight change brought by these crops to this world, and the real change brought to this world is actually the aura they produce, from the time you planted them, Blue Star has truly entered the era of aura recovery! Li

Mugang felt that his brain was buzzing, which completely subverted his worldview!

He still couldn't accept it, so he had to sort it out slowly.

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