Lu Dao opened his mouth, and finally silently took the keel wine.

Seeing the QR code handed over by Li Mu, he silently added Li Mu's friends.


"Old Lu, I know, my mouth is sewn dead, you left before, and I haven't met you again after that!"

"Well, actually..."

"Actually, Lu Lao just likes the taste of wine, or this is not your own use at all, it was bought for your grandson, I understand."

"Ahem, boy, don't say anything, I'm sure we'll meet again soon, and the money will be transferred to you when I get back."

As soon as Lu Dao finished speaking, he directly summoned his long sword, and was about to leave.

"Elder Lu, Edgeworth doesn't drink, drinking doesn't Edgeworth, you should be leisurely."

Lu Dao stumbled one by one, and almost fell off the flying sword, the young man now.

Then Li Mu went to rest, there was no way if he didn't rest, anyway, his keel wine had been sold all, and he couldn't sell it if he wanted to.

I still have to go to school tomorrow, how can I have time to spend it on them, it's a pity, I don't dare to continue sowing today, otherwise it may really be exposed tomorrow.

There was nothing to say all night, and Li Mu got up early the next day, and he had to go to school today.

Li Mu deliberately got up a little early and walked around the village for a long time, but he didn't find Lu Daoyi and others.

I don't know if I went to search for other places, or if I hid somewhere I don't know?

Li Mu didn't notice it and no longer cared, but was going to go to school.

On the way to school, I opened the system interface, bought today's qualification pill first, swallowed it directly, and directly upgraded my qualification to the S level, which feels great.

Yesterday, because of Lu Daoyi's arrival, I forgot to change my qualification, and I can't forget it today.

Li Mu looked at the energy value again, and found that the energy value had increased by more than twenty points overnight, and he hurriedly looked through the records.

This time, not all of them are from Huaxia's side, and the name of a foreigner finally appeared among them, and it seems that the aura has slowly spread.

It seems that the changes he has brought to the world have been slowly reflected.

It didn't take long to arrive at the school, and after arriving at the class, Li Mu was surprised to find that Yan Dalong had arrived early again.

"Dalong, why is it so early today!"

"Brother Mu, you're finally here, help, give me the homework."

Li Mu was a little surprised: "You still have to do your homework?" What homework do sports students like you write? Didn't the teacher ignore you? "

Yan Dalong: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

"You don't know, the devil called my home, my dad and the devil have three chapters of the law, I can't do my homework in the future, I can't be late for class, otherwise I will tutor me alone, I'm too difficult."

"I know you're still thinking about copying homework?"

"My brother Di, it's not that you don't know my background, even if I want to write, I can't do it, I don't know each other with my homework!"

"It's always bad to copy homework!"

"Why is it so ugly to say copying homework, it is called borrowing in language, analogy in mathematics, copy in English, migration in geography, transfer in biology, reference system in physics, isomers in chemistry, seeking common ground while reserving differences in politics, and cultural unification in history."

Li Mu:

"If you put your mind on studying, you won't be like this."

Although Li Mu said it, he still handed over his homework, if Yan Dalong really wanted to study, he could take some time to teach him.

"Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Yan Dalong began to write hard, Li Mu suddenly thought of something, took out 1,000 yuan from his pocket, and handed it to Yan Dalong.

"Dalong, the 500 yuan you gave before, I have earned it back with interest, and this is to pay you back."

Yan Da Long didn't even lift the head: "What money?" I don't remember, and the money was originally my investment, and if I didn't pay it back, it was just my borrowing fee. "

Li Mu is also a rich man now, with a net worth of more than 200,000 yuan, and the money that should be repaid naturally has to be repaid.

Put 1,000 pieces directly on Yan Dalong's homework.

The money blocked Yan Dalong from copying his homework, Yan Dalong could only raise his head helplessly, he wanted to take the money and hand it to Li Mu, but he was stunned when he saw the money, this feeling was definitely not five hundred yuan.

"! Brother Mu, have you made a fortune? Is it really that profitable to be a duck?

Yan Dalong's voice was loud, and the rest of the class cast curious glances here.

Li Mu almost knelt down for Yan Dalong, you are stepping on a horse and putting me in a pit of death! It's too easy to misunderstand.

Except for a few people who had dinner together that day, everyone else didn't know what the situation was, especially those girls, who looked at Li Mu with a strange look.

"Hey, Li Mu, I didn't expect you to have such a habit, you can be poor, but you don't have to earn any money!"

Li Mu glanced at Huang Xiaolei angrily, just talk a lot about you!

Before Li Mu could speak, Yan Dalong stood up suddenly: "Huang Xiaolei, what do you mean?" My brother Mu makes money by his own means! It's about your, I think you're red-eyed, and if you have the ability, you can sell it! "

Li Mu wants to strangle Yan Dalong's heart, isn't this Nima putting himself in the pit?

Seeing Yan Dalong give Li Mu a head, Huang Xiaolei immediately withered, and could only mutter.

"Cut, disgusting."

Li Mu didn't mean to explain to these people: "Dalong, you are enough, my reputation will be ruined in your hands."

Yan Dalong smiled, immediately sat down, took out 500 from the 1,000 yuan, and handed the remaining 500 to Li Mu.

"Brother Mu, seeing that you are making money, I will not be polite to you, I will take what I should take, and I don't want a cent of what I shouldn't, take it."

Li Mu didn't say much, and put the money away, such is a brother.

Next, no one spoke, and they all waited quietly for class, and when class was about to start, Wu Di, who was secretly swiping his mobile phone on the side, suddenly screamed in surprise.

"! It looks like someone in the town has just set himself on fire!

Wu Di's words immediately attracted the attention of the students: "What's the situation?" Fire?

"I don't know, I just saw it in the circle of friends, just now, you watched the video, I posted it in the class group."

Yan Dalong immediately took out his mobile phone, Li Mu also leaned over, Yan Dalong opened the video, a person in the video was on fire, and was quickly extinguished by the people around him with a fire extinguisher, and the strange thing is that the person who self-immolated in the video does not seem to have any scars on his body.

The classmates all eagerly discussed, but Li Mu had a different opinion, this was definitely not self-immolation, it may be that the awakened person of the fire system suddenly woke up and didn't control himself for a while.

Li Mu secretly opened the system interface, and sure enough, he found that not long ago, a system message was refreshed.

On Tuesday, Tiger became a human-level powerhouse, with +1 energy.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting.

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