Because he was afraid that Da Mao would destroy the plant, Li Mu soon returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, Da Mao pounced directly and rubbed Li Mu's trouser legs affectionately.

It looks like it should be a day of staying at home and getting bored.

Li Mu picked up Da Mao with his hand, and then began to look at the situation in the courtyard.

The crops in the yard have grown a lot, and at this time they are green.

Li Mu's current qualifications are about to be full, and he can clearly feel the aura in the courtyard.

Now the courtyard of his house is no exaggeration to say that it is the place where the aura of the whole blue star is the strongest.

Li Mu was surprised to find that Da Mao really didn't destroy any of the plants.

This made Li Mu very surprised, and the straw that Li Mu gave to Da Mao in the morning was gone, and it should have been eaten by Da Mao.

Da Mao obviously likes to eat very much, and these plants in front of him are definitely a delicacy for Da Mao.

In the face of such a temptation, Da Mao can resist it.

This dog can handle it!

In order to reward Da Mao, Li Mu directly took out a lettuce from his storage space.

This is a second-generation product, so it should be regarded as a reward for Da Mao.

"Da Mao, you will be obedient in the future, and I will reward you in the future."

After Da Mao saw the lettuce, his eyes lit up, and when he heard Li Mu's words, he nodded very humanely again.

Li Mu has never understood why Da Mao has a soft spot for these plants.

Has it forgotten that it is a dog?

handed the lettuce to Da Mao, who obediently took the lettuce in his mouth and went to the side to enjoy it slowly.

Instead of swallowing it in a big gulp, he took a light bite, and then showed an expression of enjoyment, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon shape again.

This made Li Mu very suspicious of whether this guy had become a spirit beast.

Reopened the system interface and found that in this short period of time, two more human-level powerhouses appeared.

Li Mu began to carefully check the system interface, and found no information about Da Mao, not even any non-human information.

It seems that I am thinking too much.

Knowing that Da Mao did not spoil the grain, Li Mu was also a little entangled, whether to continue selling goods today, there should be time for it.

On second thought, tomorrow is the day of the midterm exams, so I should give myself a vacation today.

And now that I have money, the tuition fee for the third year of high school has long been solved, and I suddenly miss my father.

If Li Yuan hadn't left, the money he had on him would be enough to do some decent business now.

It's really not good, it's okay to give the stall to my father, why go out and move bricks? Can you make $200 a day?

Alas, he can't call his dad if he wants to, and he doesn't seem to have a cell phone.

But speaking of my father, it seems that he borrowed 2,000 yuan from the third grandfather, and now that he has money, he can just pay it back.

If I don't pay back this money, I always feel weird in my heart.

Thinking of this, Li Mu remembered that after all, he grew up eating hundreds of meals, so he had to repay the neighbors who helped him at that time.

Let's take a look while we have time today.

It just so happens that I still have a lot of duck necks and duck legs and the like, so I will take it as a thank you gift first, and then I will repay them well when I have the ability.

After that, Li Mu walked around the village with a duck neck and legs.

Those who had helped Li Mu were a little surprised, especially when they saw Li Mu carrying so many things, their first reaction was not to take things, but to blame Li Mu for spending money indiscriminately.

Li Mu also patiently explained to them that he has made some money now, at least he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Those people took the things in Li Mu's hands with suspicious eyes.

originally wanted to keep Li Mu to stay with him for a meal, but Li Mu refused.

After giving the gift, Li Mu went to the only supermarket in the village to buy two bottles of good wine, and then rushed to his third grandfather's house.

There are three brothers in Grandpa Li Mu's generation, and Grandpa Li Mu is the second, but his grandfather and grandfather died early, and now only his third grandfather is left.

Li Mu's third grandfather is named Li Chen, and the children in the family are also working outside, so they are home alone.

Li Chen is an out-and-out farmer, he has always made money from farming, and his children occasionally send some money, but it is only enough for his own expenses.

Being able to lend Li Yuan 2,000 yuan is already very telling.

Li Mu came to Li Chen's house with wine and found Li Chen cooking.

"Third grandfather, I've come to see you."

Li Chen looked back at Li Mu, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's Xiao Mu, the meal is ready soon, just eat some together, although they are all some coarse tea and light rice, but they can also fill their stomachs."

"Third grandfather, what you said, you are resting, I will help you do it."

Li Chen also saw the wine and meat in Li Mu's hand at this time, and his face immediately drooped.

"Xiao Mu, how can you spend money indiscriminately? We all know that your family's life is not very good, isn't it a waste of money?

"Third grandfather, Mu'er can make money now, although it's not much, but it's enough for me to spend, and I'm here to pay it back today."

"Pay it back? And what money?

"Didn't my dad take 2,000 yuan from you?"

"Oh, you said this, you don't plan to come back for your dad, this is when you grow your body, keep it for some good food."

"Third grandfather, I really don't need to, I've really made some money recently, and I've saved up all the tuition fees for the next semester."

"Xiao Mu has a chance, but what are you doing? Don't do anything stealing.

"Third grandfather, don't worry, I'm doing a serious business, that is, selling duck necks, you see I brought you these, I sold them myself, third grandfather, you rest first, I'll help you."

Li Chen didn't refuse, but sat down on the chair next to him.

The meal is simple, a green vegetable, an egg, and a little white rice porridge.

After a while, Li Mu finished the meal, put it on the table with the food, and put the duck he brought on the plate by the way.

"Third grandfather, it's time to eat."

"Okay, I'm old, I just don't want to move."

Li Mu opened the wine he brought and poured it for Li Chen.

"Xiao Mu, have a drink with the third grandfather?" As soon as Li Chen opened his mouth, he realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words: "I forgot that you are still a child, so you can't drink."

Li Mu knew what Li Chen meant, and he didn't say anything, just laughed dryly.

The two chatted without saying a word, and after three rounds of drinking, Li Chen's face turned a little red.

"Alas, Xiao Mu, in fact, your father was not like this before, their generation of Xiao Yuan is the most promising, it's a pity."

Li Mu had heard this from many people, but no one had told him what happened to Li Yuan.

"Third grandfather, can you tell me about my dad and my mom?"

Li Chen sighed, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, it's all in the past, what are you talking about? It's just to add to the troubles, Xiao Mu, grandpa is drunk and wants to rest.

Li Mu opened his mouth, but still didn't ask any questions.

took out 2,000 yuan and put it in Li Chen's hand.

"Third grandfather, I'll come to see you after a while."

Li Mu got up to say goodbye, although he was a little regretful that he didn't hear Li Yuan's matter, but at this time he was more relaxed.

The feeling of not having foreign debt is good!

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