Li Mu got up, put on a casual suit and went out.

"Who's coming, who's in the middle of the night."

However, no one answered, and the knocking on the door kept coming, and the sound was getting louder and louder.

Da Mao's cry also became more and more rapid, as if there was something that made it nervous.

Li Mu couldn't help but be cautious, things seemed to be a little wrong.

If you are an acquaintance, it is impossible to ignore yourself.

So who is it?

If it was before, Li Mu might have been a little scared, but now that he is a cultivator, he can be regarded as a master of art and bold.

Walking into the courtyard, Li Mu once again felt that something was wrong.

The wooden door of the house seems to have been hit hard and has been somewhat deformed.

Li Mu: (╬◣д◢)

Who is this! If you break the door, it will cost a lot of money to repair it.

"Who, lighten up, I'll open the door for you."

Li Mu walked two steps quickly to the door, and the knocking sound was still coming.

Although Li Mu also knew that it was best not to open the door when a stranger knocked, he couldn't care so much about it now.

If you don't open the door, the wooden door at home may break directly.

He wanted to see who came to him in the middle of the night.

Quickly pulled the deadbolt of the door, and the whole body of the person fell back violently.

Da Mao also came directly to Li Mu's side, and directly transformed.

Li Mu couldn't care so much now, his eyes looked in the direction of the door.

Because the night was dark, he could only dimly see an emaciated figure, dressed in a black tattered garment, and wearing a round black hat on his head.

After pushing the door open, the man staggered in.

Li Mu was even more puzzled, what is the situation?

You don't seem to know this guy, do you? It's not going to be a meal.

But this guy looks so thin, how can he have so much strength, the door was almost broken by him.

"Hey, hey, uncle, what the hell do you want to do? You're talking. "

Roar... The

man didn't speak at all, but let out a low, eerie roar.

Li Mu's back was in a cold sweat, and if he was timid, he might be frightened.

I mustered up the courage and was ready to go to see who it was, but before I could take a step, I was bitten by Da Mao's clothes.


Li Mu couldn't help but be vigilant, patted his head, he had a mobile phone.

Li Mu directly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and soon saw the appearance of that person.

Li Mu's hairs exploded directly, where the fuck are people, this is a zombie!

The person who came was indeed wearing clothes, but it was not ordinary clothes at all, but a shroud, and he was wearing a shou hat on his head.

The skin of the person who came to the house was almost rotten, and he could even see the bones inside, and his eyes were hollow, and he couldn't see the existence of the eyes at all.

Wearing a tattered shroud on his body, Li Mu couldn't see what it looked like, but the exposed hands and feet were also covered with skin and bones, but the nails were very long, black and long.

Under the light of the mobile phone, there is also a ghostly light flashing.

Even though Li Mu is now a cultivator, when has he ever encountered such a scene.

I almost scared the pee.

Although the zombie has no eyes, it can obviously sense light, and the light of Li Mu's mobile phone seems to stimulate him, and it instantly becomes violent.


The zombie waved a pair of sharp claws and rushed directly towards Li Mu.

Li Mu's brain is blank now, and he can't react at all.

Seeing that the zombie's claws were about to pierce Li Mu's heart.

At the last moment, Li Mu felt pulled and narrowly avoided the attack of the zombies.

It turned out that Da Mao pulled him at a critical moment.

Although he dodged the zombie attack, Li Mu was pulled by Da Mao, but he still fell to the ground, his elbow smashed on the ground, and a piece of skin was rubbed, and blood immediately flowed out.

The pain finally made Li Mu react, and secretly scolded himself for being useless.

If Da Mao hadn't woken up today, he might have died in Huangquan.

No matter how you say it, you are also a human-level cultivator, so you may not be able to beat this guy.

The zombies also seemed to smell the smell of blood, and became a little restless, looking for the smell of blood, and attacked Li Mu again.

The clay man also has three points of fire, not to mention Li Mu.

Because of this guy, he almost confessed here.

At this time, I reacted, and it didn't give this guy a good look!

Directly used Ling Bo to dodge the zombie's attack, he found that the speed of the zombie was not fast, just now it was completely because he was frightened, otherwise the other party would not be able to touch him at all.

"Grandma, you can't kill me today, I'll definitely kill you, look at me beyond recognition."

Li Mu kicked the zombie in the face, and found that the zombie's bones seemed to be extremely hard, and it didn't cause any harm at all.

The amazing thing is that even if the other party is a zombie. The unrecognizable feet also played a role, and the zombie's face became a little distorted, and the already ugly face became even more ugly.

It seems that the unrecognizable foot can't be used as an attack skill.,The attack power is too low.,His biggest role is still an additional effect.。

I also guess the same effect is also the same for my drifting fist, and it seems that I can only show off my own weapons.

Thinking of this, Li Mu directly thought of it, and the golden hoe appeared directly in his hand.

In the dark night, the golden hoe still emitted a faint light, and even had a hint of sacredness.

To Li Mu's surprise, after the golden hoe appeared, the zombie actually had a frightened expression, and his whole body retreated a little.

Could it be that the golden hoe still has a deterrent effect on zombies?

Thinking of this, Li Mu leaned forward with the golden hoe, and every time he took a step forward, the zombie took a step back.

Li Mu is overjoyed, sample! I don't believe it can't cure you.

Li Mu directly launched Ling Bo Weibu and rushed over with the golden hoe.

He didn't use the spirit skill directly, the movement of the spirit skill was too big, I was afraid that it would attract the attention of the villagers, so it was better not to cause the necessary panic now.

Li Mu can be regarded as an escape from death, how can he be polite to zombies at this time.

Hit the zombie in the foot with a hoe.

Something miraculous happened, and the bones that felt extremely hard just now were directly broken.

There is still white smoke coming out of the fracture, and the golden hoe seems to have a holy attack attached to it.

Although Li Mu was a little surprised by the power of the golden hoe, now was not the time to think about it at all.

The golden hoe was used to directly unload the limbs of the zombies, and then relaxed.

The limbs of the zombies were unloaded, but they were still alive, still shaking on the ground, and their mouths were still screaming.

Li Mu widened the distance between him and the zombies and sat on the ground.

What the is going on, who did you recruit and provoke whom?

Maybe the movement on his side was still too big, and at this time, the lights at Grandma Chen's house next door turned on.

shouted directly through the wall.

"Xiao Mu? Why is it so noisy? Have a guest in the house? Li

Mu: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

It's not a guest, and I almost took myself away.

"Grandma Chen, you can rest, I'm watching a movie, the voice may be too loud, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"Oh, that's good, just be quiet."

Li Mu was relieved, bolted the door again, looked at the zombies in the courtyard, and was a little worried.

What should this guy do?

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