Without thinking too much, Li Mu still decided to call Yan Dalong.

I made this decision a long time ago, why do I think about it so much now?

The call was quickly connected, and it was obvious that Yan Dalong was also waiting for Li Mu's call.

"Brother Mu, have you seen the news? There really are cultivators in this world. "

Well, I see, let's not talk about this for now, now come to my house to find me, I have something for you."

"Huh? Now? "

That's right, if you want to know about cultivation, come over quickly! Right now! Immediately! Right away!

After Li Mu finished speaking, he hung up the phone, he believed that Yan Dalong would come.

While waiting for Yan Dalong, Li Mu opened the system again to meet, and last night there were many people who woke up and added 200 points of energy to him again, and the qualification pill still needs to continue to buy, this thing should be able to bring him good income in the future.

I saw that my energy was still in my early 100,000s, and my daily energy gain was not enough to buy a qualification pill.

Li Mu is not in a hurry, this is just the beginning.

The human level can only provide a little energy for themselves, and when the level of these awakened people is raised, then their energy value will skyrocket.

Just like that Keita Aso, he himself provided him with 10,000 points of energy.

These are all potential stocks!

Now it seems that his storage space is not big enough, and after helping Yan Dalong awaken, he will have to draw another wave of prizes.

Closing the system interface, Li Mu got up and washed up briefly.

Feeling a little hungry, I directly took out the strength lettuce and the strength rice.

It not only solves the problem of food and clothing, but also improves their physical fitness.

After that, the knock on the door finally sounded.

"Brother Mu, I'm here, don't hide inside and keep quiet, I know you're at home!"

Li Mu: (ꐦˆ ᴗ ˆ)

I really want to kill this guy, and I'm still playing treasure at this time.

Li Mu opened the door, Yan Dalong walked in directly, and after entering the door, he was not polite to Li Mu, and directly found a place to sit down.

"Brother Mu, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"What else can I do because of cultivation."

"Could it be that Brother Mu knows what the inside story is, tell me quickly, you don't know, everyone is discussing the issue of cultivation now."

Li Mu took a deep breath and looked at Yan Dalong lightly.

"Dalong, what I say next may impact your cognition, I hope you can bear it."

"Brother Mu, what you said, I have a big heart, what can you do that makes you unbearable? Could it be that you can still cultivate, or what? "

Li Mu: ୧(๐・᷄ࡇ・᷅)ง?

"How do you know I'm awake?"

This time it was Yan Dalong's turn to be surprised, and he couldn't even speak.

"Big brother, don't bluff me, I don't believe it, unless you prove it to me!"

Li Mu rolled his eyes, knowing that it was impossible to convince this guy without showing some real skills.

As soon as Li Mu's heart moved, the golden hoe appeared in his hand.

Yan Dalong looked at the golden hoe in Li Mu's hand in shock, he was sure that Li Mu's golden hoe definitely appeared out of thin air, and it was not fake at all.

Li Mu turned out to be really a cultivator, but he didn't expect him to be so close to a cultivator.

"Big brother, when did you start cultivating? Do you know any other cultivators? How did you wake up? Do you think I have hope? I........."

Li Mu hurriedly stopped Yan Dalong and continued.

"Why are you 100,000? Where do so many problems come from? This time, I'm here to see if you can wake up.

Yan Dalong immediately became excited, and his speech became uneasy.

"Mu... Brother, it's really fake! You...... Can I also cultivate?

"Don't get excited, it's just possible, not 100% sure that you can wake up."

Yan Dalong tried to calm himself down: "Brother Mu, what do I need to do?" If I wake up, from now on, you will be my own brother!

"Don't recognize relatives, okay, this is related to something called the Awakening Stone, by chance, I happened to get a few pieces, if you have the qualifications to awaken, touch the Awakening Stone, you can awaken."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and took out the Awakening Stone directly from the storage space.

Yan Dalong was now completely attracted by the Awakening Stone in Li Mu's hand, and he didn't pay attention to how Li Mu took out the Awakening Stone.

"Can you wake up with a touch?"

"Don't worry, I woke up because I touched the Awakening Stone, and I'm sure you can too."

Yan Dalong was obviously very apprehensive, he originally thought that cultivation was far away from him, and he was purely watching the excitement, he never thought that he was so close to becoming a cultivator.

He was afraid now, he couldn't wake up with his qualifications, it would be really uncomfortable.

Trembling and stretching out his hand, Yan Dalong seemed to have made up his mind and put his hand directly on the Awakening Stone.

When Yan Dalong's hand touched the Awakening Stone, a strong light began to erupt from it, which meant that Yan Dalong's qualifications would definitely not be low.

Anyway, in Li Mu's opinion, this light is much more dazzling than the light when he was A-level qualified.

Such a qualification will definitely awaken, and now it depends on what Yan Dalong's awakening type is.

The dazzling light slowly disappeared, and soon a tortoise and snake entangled phantom appeared behind Yan Dalong.

Li Mu looked at the phantom behind Yan Dalong with a shocked expression, if he was not mistaken, the phantom behind Yan Dalong should be Xuanwu.

As one of the four elephants in China, no matter how you look at it, it is very tall, at least it is much stronger than your own hoe.

Slowly, the phantom also dispersed, and Yan Dalong was still a little confused, as if he was feeling something.

"Dalong, how do you feel?"

Li Mu's call finally woke Yan Dalong up.

"Brother Mu, this feels really good, I think my awakening type should be beastification."

Li Mu has really never seen anyone else use his abilities except for Lu Daoyi so far, and when he heard that Yan Dalong's awakening type was beasthood, he couldn't help but mention his spirit.

"Big dragon, don't hide it, show me the beast."

Yan Dalong didn't talk nonsense, and directly started the beastification.

Yan Dalong's body began to change, he was still two meters tall, but on his body, a turtle shell appeared.

There was also a snake phantom behind the turtle shell, but it was probably because Yan Dalong's level was too low, and the phantom only lasted for a while before disappearing.

After the turtle shell appeared, Yan Dalong's limbs slowly changed, and finally even his head turned into a glans.

Li Mu: (#Ŏ 3Ŏ) ~ Poof!

Normally I wouldn't laugh unless I really couldn't help it.

Yan Dalong's current appearance is really too joyful.

Yan Dalong may also feel that he has completely turned into a turtle, and under his control, his head slowly changes back to its original state.

Li Mu was completely powerless to complain.

Honestly, it seems funnier this way!

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