Today is the day when the exam is announced, and Li Mu came to the school very early.

On this day, his energy value increased by more than 200, and his energy value became somewhat stable, although it increased every day, but the increase was limited.

Although there are still more than 50,000 energy left, Li Mu is not ready to waste it anymore.

Who knows if 567 will give him something new in the back.

If you have something you like, but you don't have the energy, it's too bad.

It never hurts to plan ahead.

Moreover, in the previous lottery, a lot of qualification pills were drawn, and now the qualification pills in my hand should be enough, and there is no need to continue to buy them.

Li Mu sat in his position, and Yan Dalong once again arrived earlier than Li Mu.

He looked very excited and a little restless.

This made Li Mu very helpless.

Doesn't that mean you have awakened an ability?

What's all the fuss about?

Li Mu didn't pay attention to Yan Dalong, and waited for himself to talk to him when he looked at him.

Maybe keeping the matter of his awakening ability a secret made him very uncomfortable, right?

You'd better hold it for a while!

Li Mu found that the classmates in the class were very active this time, and the three groups of five were all discussing.

Li Mu listened briefly and found that they were not discussing the results of the exam this time.

It's all about the news of the day.

Sure enough, everyone has a dream of cultivation.

Li Mu ignored Yan Dalong, where could Yan Dalong endure it, and directly took the initiative to come to Li Mu's side.

"Brother Mu, those things you gave me really work, don't you know, I went to play basketball recently, and it was invincible!"

"Okay, don't be smuggling, don't you understand the truth of making a fortune in a muffled voice?"

"Hehe, what the eldest brother said is reasonable, but Brother Mu, go back and give me the whole gherkin, I found that your gherkin is simply amazing, not only treated my external injuries, but even cured some of the dark diseases caused by my previous basketball play, which is really amazing."

Li Mu was refreshed, it turned out that the treatment of gherkins still had such an effect.

This was somewhat unexpected.

Since it can treat trauma, I don't know if some diseases can be treated, if it can, then the treatment of gherkins is a treasure.

Li Mu was still thinking about it, and the familiar and annoying voice came again.

"Li Mu, the results of the midterm exam will come out soon, and I will definitely have a higher score than you this time."

Li Mu was very speechless, why did Huang Xiaolei target him.

I've never wanted to be better with him, have you?

"If you are high, you will be high, I know that you are not good, don't bother me."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he continued to chat with Yan Dalong.

"Dalong, what do you want cucumbers for?"

Yan Dalong touched his nose: "My mother is a little rheumatism, I want to see if the cucumber can be cured."

"Okay, I'll go back and give you a whole one, but you take it easy, don't let your aunt find out, you can go to the market to buy some cucumbers and put them together, otherwise it's hard to explain."

"Thank you, Brother Mu, I know it in my heart."

Huang Xiaolei saw that Li Mu looked indifferent, and he was even more angry, but he didn't show it.

A sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Let you be proud first, and when the results come out, you won't be able to laugh, and I have prepared a big gift for you, I hope you will like it then!"

The class bell rang quickly, and the students immediately fell silent.

Liu Yuanbo walked into the classroom directly with the class bell.

Li Mu can feel that Liu Yuanbo is in a good mood, it seems that this time in the midterm exam, the students in the class did well.

"Students, the midterm exam results have come out, and our class has done very well, but before the results are announced, there is one thing to announce to you."

The students immediately became interested, and the old class, which had always been very interested in the grades, even had something to announce before the results were announced, which was not the style of the old class.

Liu Yuanbo saw that his classmates were looking at him expectantly, and he also coughed lightly twice.

"Students, have you read the previous news?"


"I received a notice from above, if there is a student who awakens the ability independently, he must report to the school immediately, and the school will do a good job of statistics, and the matter of the Super Academy in three months, I think you will also know, but the Super Academy is not for everyone to enter, and the entrance exam needs to be taken in two and a half months."

Liu Yuanbo's words made the class explode directly, and most of the students thought that as long as they woke up, they could enter the Super Energy Academy, but now it seems that they are thinking too much.

Yan Dalong touched Li Mu.

Li Mu immediately shook his head, he knew what Yan Dalong meant, he wanted to ask him if he wanted to report it.

He shook his head at Yan Dalong, it's still early, let's wait and see.

Seeing that no one spoke, Liu Yuanbo was not surprised, how could it be so coincidental that an awakened person appeared in his class.

"It seems that no one has woken up yet, so I'll announce the results, this time our class is very good, especially the top ten in the school, there are three in our class, it's really amazing!"

The eyes of all the students looked at Liu Fei, Huang Xiaolei and Li Mu, and they were the ones with the best grades in the class.

Huang Xiaolei was a little excited, it seemed that the tutor his father paid for him was really useful.

"It's really a coincidence this time, the gap between the top three is very small, and the difference between the three is one point, I have been teaching for so many years, and I have never encountered this situation."

As soon as he heard that the three of them were only one point apart, Huang Xiaolei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, why did he have an ominous premonition?

Liu Yuanbo didn't talk nonsense and directly began to announce the results.

"Third place, fifth in the whole school, Huang Xiaolei, with a total score of 665, has made great progress, everyone applauds and encourages."

The classmates were still very face-saving and immediately gave applause.

Only Huang Xiaolei's face was extremely ugly.

He turned out to be the third! How can it be? I obviously played so well.

"Second place Liu Fei, fourth in the school, with a total score of 665.5, although this time is not the first in the class, but this result is already very good, applause!"

This time, the students were really surprised, the first in ten thousand years turned out to be the second, how is this possible?

Everyone's eyes were on Li Mu, and Li Mu was a blockbuster.

Huang Xiaolei's face was gloomy, and he was cursing wildly in his heart at this time.

First, it must not be Li Mu, even if it is Yan Dalong, he can accept it!

However, the ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny!

Liu Yuanbo's words directly gave Huang Xiaolei a blow to the head.

"The first place Li Mu, the whole school tied for second, with a total score of 666, and the teacher also sent you a sentence of 666, that is, Li Mu, your partial subject is a bit serious, full marks in mathematics, and the loss of points in Chinese is limited, and you scored 99 out of 150 in English, which is somewhat not a shame for the English teacher!"

Li Mu covered his face, feeling that he did well in the test, but he didn't expect to do so well.

The total score was 750, and I took the auspicious number of 666.

As for English, he can't help it, he wasn't born with this material!

Other students were also surprised, the English test was 99, and 51 points were deducted and the test was so high, which shows that Li Mu basically did not deduct points in other subjects.

Liu Fei was also a little surprised, but she didn't expect to be overtaken by Li Mu, although it was only 0.5.

Looks like you're going to have to work hard!

Huang Xiaolei felt extremely aggrieved.

Damn it! Li Mu turned out to be one more point than him, unforgivable!

After school today, you must clean up this guy well!

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