Even if he felt that something was wrong, Mai San still said, three grams of oil.

Li Mu's eyes looked at Hu Yanhu again.

"I can understand that, tell him that we are ready to wash the dust for them."

Li Mu scratched his head, what do you say about this wind and dust?

It's not good!

Suddenly, Li Mu had an idea.

“All the food is ready,go to KTV and wash feet。

Before Mai Sang could speak, Hu Yanhu spoke.

"Xiao Mu, why did I hear KTV?"

Li Mu: (๑˃᷄ก˂᷅)

You can hear this very clearly, and you won't miss it when you see it!

"It's okay, it's okay, that's how I translated, what's the problem?"

Hu Yanhu touched his chin, as if there was no problem.

"Tell them that we have always been simple and pragmatic, and let them just say what they want to do, and don't beat around the bush."

Li Mu now has the mind to strangle Hu Yanhu, look at what you said is human words?

I can't translate such advanced words as a little piece of garbage.

Looking at Mai Sang's confused look, Li Mu was also out of the way.

“We are poor and low,what do you want to do,please tell me。"

Li Mu's words directly put Mai Sang in order.

Huaxia people are really modest, and the development of Huaxia has shocked him along the way.

He even said that he was very poor!

Next, Mai Sang muttered a lot, but Li Muleng didn't understand a word.

Hu Yanzhuo didn't understand, and looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu's cold sweat came down, how can this be translated? I don't understand, I can't talk nonsense.

At this moment, even 567 couldn't stand it.

[The host can use 1000 energy to exchange for English proficiency, is it exchanged?] Hearing

567's words, Li Mu was like seeing a savior, although he felt that 1000 energy was too expensive, but he couldn't manage so much at this time.


1000 energy, according to an average of 200 a day, you have to save for 5 days!

Damn 567! Just know how to pick up your own wool!

Li Mu didn't feel any difference, thinking that what he said just now hadn't been translated, he looked directly at Mai Sang.

"Par lantern?"

Mai Sang looked confused, the translator he was looking for in this school was not reliable.

But after all, in other people's territory, it is necessary to keep a low profile when it is time to be low-key.

Mai Sang directly repeated what he had just said.

This time Li Mu finally knew the role of English proficiency, and Mai Sang's words were automatically converted into Chinese in his mind.

"Brother Hu, he said that there is no other purpose for coming this time, that is, he simply wants to have academic exchanges, and he also said that it is no secret that the aura of Blue Star is revived now, and he wants the students of the two countries to have a good exchange."

"Oh, that's it, tell him, as the old saying goes, a hundred years of cultivation can be crossed in the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can be slept together, we accept their challenge, no matter what tricks we make, let's work together!"

"A hundred years' efforts lead to cross by the same ferryboat, a thousand years' efforts lead to sleep on the same pillow, let us Ollie give!"

Mai Sang was stunned, this guy obviously had very poor English just now, why did he suddenly become so good?

This kind of high-end English, I am confused when I hear it!

This guy wasn't kidding himself just now, was he?

Now is not the time to worry about this, Mai San did not say much, but took his cadets into the school.

Hu Yanhu walked in front, and the others followed, but what Hu Yanhu and the others didn't notice was that there was actually another person on the bus who didn't get down.

When everyone was gone, a man with an oriental face got out of the bus.

His name is David Chen, and he is an overseas Chinese who has lived in the United States for generations.

I have long regarded myself as a Mi countryman, and just in time for this exchange, I called him over.

Because he is an overseas Chinese and knows some Chinese language, he was arranged by the United States for this mission.

Let David Chen come over and see if he can find out the reason for the revival of the aura.

Mi Guo didn't have much hope for David Chen, and this task was still handed over to Mai Sang.

The reason why David Chen was asked to investigate first was because he had an oriental face, which was more suitable for blending in with the crowd and would not arouse Huaxia's suspicion.

As soon as David Chen got out of the car, he felt the richness of the aura of Sucheng.

He couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.

Then he looked around, saw that no one was paying attention to him, and walked towards the place where he felt the strongest spiritual power.

He knew his mission, and he really wanted to be better on this mission.

Although he has already obtained the nationality of the United States in the United States, he has been discriminated against everywhere in the United States, and after he woke up, he felt better.

This time he was holding back his strength and ready to do a big job.

Although his mission is only a simple exploration, David Chen has ambitions in his heart.

I still can't help but fantasize that if I find out the root cause of the revival of the aura, the reward given to him by the rice country should not be less.

Thinking of this, David Chen felt that his heart was full of fighting spirit.


On the other side, Hu Yanhu took these Mi Guoyan to eat a Chinese breakfast first, and then chatted with them without a word.

Now Li Mu is fully qualified for the work of translation.

It's also easy to translate.

As soon as he finished breakfast, Sun Dan came over.

Seeing that Li Mu's translation was skillful, she immediately walked over.

"Xiao Mu, tell them that our side is ready, if they are almost ready, they can basically communicate, whether it is Wen or Wu, our side will continue, they have a total of twelve people, except for the team leader, we also have eleven people on our side, and we will definitely not bully them."

Li Mugang wanted to translate, but suddenly found the problem.

That's not right! Sun Dan just said that there were twelve people from the other party, but there were only eleven people present.

"Teacher Sun, are you sure that there are twelve of them? But there were only eleven people on the scene!

Sun Dan was also stunned, and counted, there were really only eleven people at the scene.

What do these Mi people want to do?

Li Mu asked him what the situation was? The information we got here should be twelve people from the other side!

Li Mu had a bad premonition in his heart, he was still thinking about the crops in his yard, if this was discovered, it would be a big deal.

"Mr. Maisan, we got a notice from our side, there should be twelve people on your side, why are there only eleven people now?"

Maisan's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

"You say David, he had diarrhea this morning, the whole person collapsed, and now he is resting in the hotel, a newly awakened human level, he will not cause trouble for you."

The more Mai Sang said this, the more Li Mu felt that something was wrong.

There is a feeling that there is no silver three hundred taels here!

Li Mu translated it, and Hu Yanhu, who could feel a little nervous, immediately calmed down.

A one-level one really can't make much of a storm.

And Sun Dan immediately compared the information and found that David was indeed only human-level, so he didn't say anything.

It's that the uneasiness in Li Mu's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

I always feel that these Mi people are not good!

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