I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 94: You have a way of jumping up and slashing me

early morning!

With that ray of sunlight shrouded, Lin Fan stood on the balcony and looked at the yellow market outside. The buildings in the distance were wafting with smoke. Maybe something happened last night.

"I hope you can live well in the last days."

He hoped the survivors would be better off.

Thinking of what he did today, he had to go to the Jialong Hotel to see how the survivors team over there was able to unite, no matter where they were.

If you see that they are in trouble, you can also lend a helping hand and help the other party solve some troubles a little.

When I came downstairs, as usual, after saying hello to the old men, and then working on patrol, the community that once had zombies was very safe under his cleanup.

Come to the door.

"Brother Lin, do you have work to do today?" Wang Kai looked expectant.

He is addicted to work now, and all he can think about is making money. As a water factory, he follows Brother Lin to clean up. The monthly income is over 10,000, and it is as easy as drinking water.

"No, I have something to do later, tomorrow." Lin Fan was very relieved.

What he wants to tell everyone is that as long as you want to make money, even in the end of the world, as long as you work hard, there will definitely be a way to make money.

"Okay." Wang Kai felt uncomfortable.

"Where's the dog?" Lin Fan looked at him, but he didn't see the dog following him. In the past, the dog followed Wang Kai on time and worked with them.

Wang Kaidao: "Seeing the cat's improvement, the dog went to the pond with Cuihua early in the morning."

For Lin Fan, it would be nice to have two more animals in the Sunshine Community. It would bring joy to everyone. Even better, neither the dog nor the orange cat Cuihua would feel lonely.


The streets are quiet.

The streets of Sunshine Community may be the quietest in the entire Yellow City.

Went through two **** cleanups.

Countless zombies have been hacked to death by Frostmourne, but if the zombies are a little sensible, they will definitely spread. There are no people there, and there are people there. Whoever goes will be unlucky. If you don’t want to die, it’s best not to go.

Look up at the sky.

Beautiful morning, breathing, the air is so fresh.

"Ho ho..."

There was a low voice.

He is very familiar with this kind of sound, it must be the roar of zombies. Zombies are the mainstream in the apocalypse today, and there are only a few of them alive.

If the living people do not compete with zombies, then the ruler of this world will no longer be humans, but zombies.

Humans will be the rations of zombies.

If the zombies are a little smart and find that the number of humans has been reduced to the extreme, they may regard humans as protected animals, and it is uncertain if they are kept in captivity.

The zombie in front looked a bit miserable, it had both broken arms and even one leg, and roared towards Lin Fan with its only leg.

Watch quietly.

She saw a kind of spirit in this zombie, a kind of spirit unique to our countrymen, the spirit that always moves forward and never retreats no matter how difficult it is.

Even if it becomes a zombie, this spirit is always engraved in the bones like genes.

As he approached, the zombie's spirit became stronger. It seemed to see the approach of flesh and blood, which completely stimulated the fierceness in its heart. I wanted to pull out the Frostmourne behind him, but I thought about it.

In his eyes, this is a strong zombie.

Can be called a strong corpse.

"Your life shouldn't be like this. If you are disabled and determined, you should soar to the sky and see this great river and mountain. All I can do is to help you."

He grabbed the zombie's only leg and threw it towards the sky with all his strength. After a pause, the sound of 'ho ho' got farther and farther, and eventually it became a little bit of starlight disappearing without a trace.

"Take a good look at this yellow market that you have destroyed."

He knew the location of Jialong Hotel, not too far from here, and not too close at the same time.

As he was heading there, he heard the sound of many cars driving.

And the sound of zombies chasing.

They should all be the survivors approaching the Jialong Hotel.

For many survivors now, what they want most is to join a powerful survivor team, join such a team, eat well, and be safe.



Jialong Hotel, top floor, in front of floor-to-ceiling windows.

Qin Si smoked a cigarette, stood in front of the window, and looked at the vehicles parked outside. Obviously, he didn't expect so many survivors to come over. If he counted them, there were nearly ten vehicles.

But they are all ordinary vehicles, slightly modified to enhance the protection ability of the glass.

"Fourth Master, the number of survivors is almost here, what should we do now?" The person who spoke was Duan Hu, Qin Si's subordinate, who was the manager of this hotel. With the advent of the apocalypse, zombies are rampant, so he will not do any managerial work. , but restored to his former identity, the gold medalist in the hands of the fourth master.

"Have they cleaned up all the zombies?" Qin Si asked.

"It's all cleaned up." Duan Hu replied.

Qin Si squinted and watched quietly.

He is very excited now, very excited, and has an indescribable sense of refreshment.

He has always adhered to the belief that life and death are destiny and wealth is in the sky. In times of peace, he knew that going all the way to the dark would not end well.

But who would have thought that the end of the world would come, and the illusory movie monsters really appeared.

Are you scared?



No...he didn't feel that way.

"Go, follow me down." Qin Si said.


The top floor is where he is, where he is the only manager. The group of people in his hand has followed him for a long time, and his majesty has long been ingrained.

No one dared to resist themselves.

Once he controlled with money, now it's food, women, etc.

He has his own management model, and is willing to call this model the end-of-life management model. People have many ideas, and no one dares to say 100% loyalty. Therefore, he wants to give the people in his hands an illusion, you guys Can supervise anyone, can take their place, and get what you want.

If he is satisfied with what he does, he will reward him, and he is never stingy.

at this time.


A group of survivors waited anxiously.

They only ventured here when they heard the helicopter announcement.

Some survivors are miserable. Although they are alive, they can only find a new way out in the face of lack of resources, otherwise they will be dead.

In today's apocalyptic period, many places have supplies, as long as you are willing to look for them, you can definitely find them, but the key is... the zombies encountered in the process of searching are basically dead.

These zombies are different from other zombies. They can understand that they walk slowly and diligently. Just be careful and be careful, and there is still a good chance of survival.

But the zombies encountered today, as long as they are seen by the zombies and do not find a suitable place to hide, they are basically dead.

They looked anxiously at the closed iron gate.

Behind this iron gate is the place of hope.

Those who are willing to take the risk to come here are all prepared, they have to join a strong team of survivors, and only in this way can they live longer.

They saw a figure appear on the balcony beside the iron gate.

Survivors who came lowered their windows.

Qin Si looked blankly, unable to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied, and then said with a smile: "Welcome to the Survivor Shelter of Jialong Hotel, I am the leader here, Qin Si, who is here in the end of the crisis. , I know that everyone has had a hard time, and I can’t bear to watch my compatriots die under the threat of zombies in the end-time, so I took the risk of using a helicopter to notify everyone to come here, hoping to gather everyone together and fight against the zombies together.”

His smile is harmless.

The smile is full of friendliness.

"Fourth Master, I grew up listening to your story. You are my idol, save me."

"Boss Qin, I have done a card with you, and I have topped up tens of thousands. I support you."

"I am willing to obey the fourth master's instructions, integrate into the big family, and fight the end times together."

They didn't dare to speak loudly, they only dared to speak in a low voice.

Afraid of attracting zombies.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you attract zombies, just hide in the car, as long as you don't open the window too much.

Qin Si was very satisfied with the situation at this time.

"Everyone, please get out of the car and come in. Don't bring any tools and weapons. We will have a special person to collect them afterwards. If you want, you can get out of the car and come in." Qin Si said with a smile.

Someone got off.

There is a man and a woman. The woman is more than ten years younger than the man. Although she looks haggard, she can see that she is more capable of fighting.

Qin Si looked calmly.

Look carefully at the group of survivors.

When you reach his territory, you must abide by the rules on his side.

As someone took the lead, survivors gradually began to get off the bus.

There are men and women, and there is no old man, which makes Qin Si very satisfied. After all, the old man is basically useless, and staying here still occupies a place.

The iron gate opens.

The younger brother who opened the door observed everyone who came in. When he saw a girl, his eyes lit up, and he stared intently at the twisting body, with a hot flame burning in his body.

Don't worry, these guys have already come in, and they will definitely not be able to run away. During this period of time, he has seen too many humble guys who are willing to do anything as long as they can live.

He never thought about being a human being in order to live, but after thinking about it, he realized that it was always alive before, and this situation did not happen, and now death is shrouded at any time, the closest to death, not yet. Any help, that sense of helplessness is the most real.

The young girl holding the man's arm said, "Dear, that guy looks at me a bit wrong, I'm scared."

The man is much older than the young girl. He is in his forties. Before the end of the world, he was an executive of a company.

"Illusion, illusion." The middle-aged man had already thought about it. He came to the shelter here to seek safety. When he had the opportunity, he would definitely contribute this canary to Qin Si.

Could he know what happened to Qin Si?

As long as you give the other party a favor and let the other party see that you respect him, you can definitely get along well and ensure that there is nothing wrong.

Come in with the survivors who came to take refuge.

Brother closed the door.

Qin Si was also about to leave, but suddenly, he was startled by a steel beast coming.

Unexpectedly, there are still such cars in Huangshi.

A trace of excitement suddenly appeared in the calm eyes. If there is such a steel beast, the overall strength of the shelter will be improved.

He told the younger brother not to leave and continue to wait.

Xu Zeyang looked at the parked vehicle, "Eldest sister, it looks like a lot of people are coming. Qin Si is still standing there, waving at us."

The eldest sister looked at Qin Si, and then at the vehicles, let Lao Mao continue to drive a distance in front, then lowered the window and looked at Qin Si who was standing on the balcony.

Qin Sidao: "Welcome to come, this is the shelter for our survivors, come in, let's face this crisis-ridden apocalypse together."

Inside the car, Lao Mao, Xu Zeyang, and Wen Jie didn't speak. They handed over all the right to speak to the eldest sister and let her decide. To be honest, I saw so many people entering, and it was such a shelter, without any zombies. , Anyone who doesn't move is fake.

But the four of them have gone through a lot of things until now. The cooperation and trust of the team have gradually improved, and there is gradually the feeling of not giving up and not giving up.

The eldest sister said: "Qin Si, Fourth Master, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, and you can still live in the end times, congratulations."

When Qin Si heard this, he couldn't help looking at it carefully, and suddenly realized, "Oh, who did I say, it turned out to be Han Shuang, I'm really thankful, Miss Han is still alive, and they are all acquaintances, so come in quickly."

The eldest sister, Han Shuang, said: "Fourth Master, we won't go to your site. Why don't we exchange some supplies for us?"

Qin Si naturally did not want such a steel beast to walk away in front of him, "Miss Han, what is the change, why don't you bring your team in, don't worry, you know how I am Qin Si, in such a last world, We can only survive if we are united."

"Fourth Master, we are used to walking alone, can't we change some supplies?"

Han Shuang is definitely not willing to join Qin Si's team.

She knew that the other party was looking at their car. If she really joined, not to mention that the car was not guaranteed, even her own situation was hard to say.

Qin Si has been thinking about how to keep them, and he is really bound to get this car.

"Okay, no problem, then prepare some supplies for Miss Han." Qin Si said with a smile, and then said to the younger brother below: "Prepare some supplies for Miss Han."

As he said that, he turned his eyes towards his subordinates.

The subordinates instantly understood and understood what the fourth master meant.

Han Shuang looked at the younger brother who was leaving and hurriedly said, "Lao Mao, drive away."

"Ah? Aren't you waiting for supplies?" Lao Mao asked with a blink of an eye.

Han Shuang said: "Don't wait, it's too dangerous, Qin Si is very insidious, he can't give us the supplies so kindly, he's just delaying time, I think he's thinking of a way to keep us here."

"Understood." Lao Mao instantly understood. Just when he was about to step on the accelerator, he was stopped by Han Shuang, "Don't make a noise, get down."

Before everyone could react.

Countless zombies came running fast, and there were many in front and back, blocking all the intersections.

The 'ho ho' sound was deafening.

Even in such a massive sea of ​​zombies, many mutant zombies have been seen.

Han Shuang reacted very quickly and did not let Lao Mao start the car, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. If the zombies could see, hear, and hear the sound, they would become very irritable, even if the defensive performance of the steel beast was really high, It may not be able to support it, let alone a group of mutant zombies.

Especially the kind of powerful zombies.

Today's Qin Si is the most ignorant, Mad, just thinking about how to get the other party's car, who would have thought that there would be so many zombies, this is absolutely impossible.

He saw the zombies, the zombies also saw him, fresh flesh and blood swayed in front of him, who could stand it.

All the survivors of the Jialong Hotel heard the 'ho ho' sound of the zombies, and their faces turned pale instantly. There were screams, and they were obviously frightened by the zombies.

"Fuck, shut up for Lao Tzu, don't scream, get inside." Qin Si hurriedly ran away, running towards the hotel like a gust of wind. He was going to the roof, where there were helicopters. As for fighting against zombies, Don't **** dream, just glanced at him, he was completely dumbfounded, the number was terrifying.

It's messed up, totally messed up.

The survivors ran towards the hotel.

The originally spacious entrance was instantly crowded.

"Honey, save me." The young woman grabbed the middle-aged man's trousers and almost made the middle-aged man fall to the ground.

The middle-aged man was thinking of helping the woman up, but when he saw the zombie's hand stretched out from the wall, he was so frightened that he sweated all over and kicked the young woman's face, "Fuck you, I still want to harm me."

Struggled away, turned and ran, without any thought.

For him, being alive is the best thing.

The young woman's face and nose bleed from being kicked. She wanted to cry in pain. She got up in fear and looked back. The iron gate was slammed, and there was a wall, which would definitely stop the zombies.

She could only comfort herself like this.

But when she saw the head of the zombie appearing on the wall, she was completely dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned in place.

It is not easy for such a woman to be able to live to the present in the apocalypse.


Seeing the flesh-and-blood zombies climb over the wall and fall down, as the zombies climbed up, the young woman came back to her senses and cried, "Dear, save me."

As soon as she turned around and wanted to run, she was instantly thrown to the ground by the hideous zombies from behind, the zombies bit her ass, the peach splattered with blood, and another zombie rushed towards her. In the blink of an eye, she was drowned by several zombies. The screams dissipated, and there was no possibility of even turning into a zombie. She was hollowed out by a zombie.



The glass door was smashed, and for the zombies, nothing in front of them could stop them from eating flesh and blood, as long as they encountered it, they collided.

A man looked at the zombies chasing behind him, picked up the iron rod in his hand, and swung it towards the zombies, but when he swung it on the head of a zombie, he was thrown to the ground by other zombies, and there was no room for resistance. .

There was a survivor hiding under the cash register, shivering with his head in his arms, the threat of zombies, the shroud of death, his mentality completely burst, the feeling of powerlessness swept his heart, unconsciously, the crotch was wet and the urine was spilled on the ground. Both are.

Fortunately, zombies have a bad sense of smell.

Otherwise, you will definitely smell this weird urine smell.

He blesses, don't find, really don't find me, listening to the screams around, he covered his ears and didn't let himself listen.


"Let me in, let me in." The elevator couldn't fit, and the survivors who were blocked outside kept opening the elevator door. The people inside looked terrified, and someone kicked the survivor who opened the elevator to the wall.

"Go away on a horse." The person in the elevator cursed angrily.

Then they saw the survivor who was kicked by him to the wall. Just as he was about to stand up, he was thrown to the ground by the zombies. The **** scene left them with an unimaginable picture.

With the closing of the elevator door, the people in the elevator suddenly felt like the rest of their lives.


drop by drop...

When this sound is transmitted.

The survivors in the elevator looked at each other like a ghost. This kind of sound was rarely heard before, but it was definitely not unfamiliar. It was an overloaded sound.

The door didn't close, but slowly opened again.

Everyone stared, and outside stood a zombie with viscous liquid flowing and turning gray eyes.


Screams resounded.

The piercing screams showed how miserable these survivors were.

They regret it.

It is safe to hide in your own cabin.

If you have to come to this broken place, you will die as soon as you come.


Han Shuang and the others listened to the rumbling sound from above their heads. It was zombies stepping on their car, and there were a group of zombies wandering around. To put it simply, they were caught in the torrent of zombies.

If you want to step on the accelerator and push it horizontally, it is impossible. The performance is definitely not enough, let alone mutant zombies. Those big zombies are very powerful. If they really want to be hidden by such zombies, they will definitely be able to connect Cars overturned.

"Eldest sister, what are you doing?" Xu Zeyang only dared to whisper.

Han Shuang said: "It was me who made a fool of myself. I had to come and see. If it wasn't for my wrong decision, I wouldn't have encountered such a thing."

Wen Jie said: "Eldest sister, I can't blame you, if you want to blame us, we are not firm in our minds. You see that we all have ideas, so you can take us to see the specific situation. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen? , I'm just curious, why did these zombies suddenly come here, we have encountered zombies before, but there is absolutely no such number."

Han Shuang said: "I don't know, but I always suspect that the zombies may be different from what we think. Let's not talk, wait for the end of the matter, and when the number of zombies decreases, we can leave."


A zombie stood there motionless, staring dumbly at the scene in front of him. It was a surveillance zombie that could pass back the survivor's shelter that he saw, thus triggering a wave of zombies and destroying the survivor's shelter.

at this time.

Lin Fan saw the building of Jialong Hotel.

"What a dense zombie sound."

He heard voices.

I was a little suspicious.

How can there be so many zombies near a good shelter?

This is something to ponder.

Walking, walking, cornering, I saw a lot of zombies ahead, densely packed, blocking the road.

"It's a complicated and troublesome thing to think about going to see the situation of the shelter and cleaning up this group of zombies."

He wouldn't have any distaste for killing zombies.

Watch zombies, add points, and become stronger, just like playing games, there is a reward for paying.

Look at the situation in the distance.

"I have to cut faster. Although I haven't figured out the situation of the shelter, I have to take the initiative."

Pulling out Frostmourne behind him, the sword of justice in his hand glowed with silver light, which was the light of the righteous path. He leaned forward, and with a bang, the ground he stepped on cracked, and instantly turned into an afterimage toward his back. As he killed his zombie group, the silver light flickered, the blade was invincible, and the killing of zombies flowed like a cloud. One could see a group of zombies being cut in half, and even for the zombies, they did not respond from beginning to end.

Ordinary citizens of the Yellow Market, clean-up people with righteous thoughts, continue to harvest.

【Kill zombies】

【Point +1】

For him, such points are just a little bit of fun added by slashing zombies.

Hotel rooftop.

A helicopter is parked.

Qin Si climbed to the rooftop and locked the door with his backhand. He would not let anyone follow him. It was too dangerous. No one can be trusted at this moment. Damn it, **** it.

clap clap clap!

The sound of the door being pushed.

"Fourth Master, open the door."

"Fourth Master is me, I am Duan Hu, I am Hu."

There was a rush of voices outside the door, and they seemed very panicked. Like Qin Si, they didn't take the elevator. At that moment, taking the elevator was a foolish act, and they could never leave.

Climbing the stairs is the wisest choice.

clap clap clap!

The sound of the door was louder.

Qin Si still did not open the door, but pressed against the door, afraid that they would think of a way to violently destroy it.

"Fuck, Qin Si, you bastard, I will be a cow and a horse for you, and you won't even give me a chance to live, right?"

"Lao Tzu grass Nima."

Listening to the angry scolding, Qin Si was panting heavily, sweat dripping down his face.

Immediately after.

He heard the sound of fighting, as if the zombies were chasing up, accompanied by screams and the last curse, it was obvious that they had been killed by the zombies.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking at the helicopter, his heart gradually became a little calmer, as long as it was there, he could go wherever he wanted. A big brother who can't fly a helicopter is not a good big brother. All matters related to life, You have to control it all in your own hands, never in the hands of others.

When he came to the edge of the rooftop and looked at the situation below, he was frightened and shocked by just one glance.

The torrent of zombies in the street slammed into his heart. The roars of 'ho ho' sounded like a demonic sound, and there were those mutant zombies mixed in the zombie group. In front of him was the kingdom of zombies.


At this time, he saw different movements in the zombie group not far away, and when he looked carefully, he could see the flickering silver-white brilliance.

"A man?"

He stared, his eyes rounded.

"Impossible, I must have been frightened by zombies and had hallucinations. How could someone be able to come and go freely in the sea of ​​so many zombies? This is impossible." Qin Si shook his head and rubbed his eyes. , opened his eyes, the picture was still there, still flickering with silver light, it was a person.

With a plop, Qin Si knelt on the edge with his hands on the ground, watching intently.

"How can it be possible to come and go freely among zombies."


Lin Fan killed the zombies very fast, the Frostmourne in his hand turned into an afterimage, and every time he swung it out, he could hear the roar of the air. , this area has become a burial place for zombies.

"Speed ​​Zombies."

Another mutant zombie crawling on all fours.

He felt that such a zombie looked ugly, and the only thing desirable was that it ran very fast. As the speed-type zombies rushed towards him, he easily swung his sword and directly smashed the speed-type zombies into two pieces.

Han Shuang and the others, who were hiding in the steel beast, were even paler, and the zombies outside were more violent for some reason.

There was a power zombie roaring and filial piety outside the car, and he glanced at it. Unlike the power zombies they had seen, this power zombie had bone spurs extending from the elbows, giving people the feeling of being more destructive and more destructive. of terror.

The power-type zombies roared, took the steel beast as a vent, and overturned it with one palm. They were hiding inside, turning around and directly rolling over. The roof of the car leaned against the wall, crushing many zombies to death, and the viscous liquid ran down the car window. The glass slipped.

Gulu, everyone swallowed their saliva. They never thought they were so close to death. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak, and they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

After a long time.

Lin Fan slashed all the way to the door of the hotel from a distance. On the way, he encountered a power-type zombie. It looked a little strange. It seemed very majestic and powerful.

The points were given 4 points.

Frostmourne still glowed in his hand.

Looking at the iron door that was blown open, and the photos of the Jialong Hotel, it was a pity that the good shelter was destroyed by zombies like this. Based on the current situation analysis, no one may be alive.

A faint sound of breathing is heard.

Looking at the overturned steel beast.

Very familiar vehicle.

He walked to the front of the car, grabbed the edge of the car, pulled it down, and with a rumbling sound, the car was placed smoothly, and he was close to the glass, blocking his view, trying to see what was inside.

The thought of the people inside might be frightened.

He tapped the glass lightly.


friendly greeting.

It was really dangerous just now, there were too many zombies, and there were many mutant zombies.

Don't look at how easy he cuts.

It was accompanied by an artifact.

Lao Mao lowered the car window and looked at it dumbfounded, "You... Who are you?"

It wasn't that he didn't want to drive, but that the car encountered a situation and couldn't start.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "My name is Lin Fan. I live in the Sunshine Community. Are you the survivors here?"

He could see the panic on the faces of the people in the car.

Must be frightened.

Lao Mao turned his head, "Eldest sister, come and communicate."

He was terrified by the scene in front of him. There were broken corpses of zombies everywhere. The zombies who were obviously still alive turned into this. Even if he wanted to break his head, he would never have imagined.

Han Shuang got out of the car to communicate with the other party. She wanted to stabilize, but the situation in front of her made her a little unsteady. It was too shocking and amazing.

"Hello, my name is Lin Fan." Lin Fan said with a smile, he observed the four survivors, he felt good, he had seen them before, but didn't communicate much, "We met in the library before. "

"Yes." Han Shuang already remembered that he had indeed seen it in the library. He looked at Frostmourne behind him and thought of what Zhou Yang had said. You have to be careful about the guy who is carrying Frostmourne. He is insidious. , cunning, very good at lying.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Have you returned the book you borrowed?"

He was just joking.

I hope to ease the other person's mood, and talk about light topics at this moment, which will help to relax both physically and mentally.

"No, no." Han Shuang wanted to see through the other party, but couldn't see through. When they first met, Xu Zeyang said that this guy must be a little crazy, and now she really doesn't know what to say.

Lin Fan said: "Oh, that's fine, you have to read the book slowly, read fast, and it doesn't look like it."

Lao Mao took the toolbox to repair the car, Wen Jie and Xu Zeyang looked at Lin Fan stupidly, and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Xu Zeyang also thought of the situation in the library.

He quietly came to Lao Mao's side and whispered, that was the neurosis we saw in the library.

The old man, who was repairing the car, almost lost his tools, looked at Xu Zeyang, don't talk nonsense on horseback, if the other party hears, he will die.

Han Shuang said, "Did you do all these zombies?"

Lin Fan said: "Well, I heard the horn sound yesterday, so I came to see how the shelter is going. When I walked slowly from the community, I didn't expect so many zombies to appear, but it's fine, they've all been hacked to death by me. It is indeed dangerous and very unfriendly, it is really amazing that you can survive among so many zombies."

Hear the other party's affirmation.

Han Shuang couldn't believe it, the light of shock in his eyes flickered constantly.

The tool in Lao Mao's hand fell to the ground, and he picked it up again and repaired the car in shock.

Xu Zeyang and Wen Jie were full of question marks, hacking so many zombies to death, how is this possible wow, we are struggling to survive in the apocalypse, people are holding swords and slashing at will.

Still a guy he had previously regarded as a neurotic.

Han Shuang really wanted to see through the essence of the young man in front of her, but unfortunately, she couldn't see through it. She always felt that there was a kind of mystery in the other person. Maybe it couldn't be said to be mysterious, but sincere. , this kind of situation is rare for her.

"Are you having a hard time?" Lin Fan asked.

Han Shuang: ...

"It doesn't matter, the difficulties will always pass. I have a part-time job, which is an agency. Your shelter is gone. Are you interested in renting a house with me? I think Sunshine Community is very suitable for you." Lin Fan said.

"Why let us go?" Han Shuang is like a female villain in a novel. She seems to have lost her mind when she meets the protagonist. She always asks why, without even suspecting that the other party has any purpose.

For Han Shuang, everything doesn't need to be pondered. When faced with absolute strength, any doubt is like a joke between children. Your suspicion is like a joke in front of the strong. To the strong, I have no idea. Take you seriously and make you seem important.

Suspicion exists only in a parallel line of people.

With so many zombies hacked to death, can it still be on a parallel line?

Lin Fandao: "I can see the expectation of hope in your eyes, the fighting spirit to fight against the end of the world, the trust and unity of friends, I want to invite you to the Sunshine Community, and work together with a group of people who have hope. The hope will be expanded, and it will cover the entire yellow market and even the country."

Han Shuang said without thinking, "We will."

She also saw in Lin Fan's eyes sincerity, welcome, friendliness, and no hidden thoughts. She has been running all the way until now, and she has seen too many sinisters, and her mentality has long been at its limit.

Be it Lao Mao, Xu Zeyang, Wen Jie... It's all like this. If there is a place to live, it will be a spiritual sublimation.

at this time.

Qin Si ran over, and when he came to Lin Fan, he knelt down in front of Lin Fan with a thud.

"Brother, my god... please, save me, take me with you."

At this moment, he is no longer a big brother, not an overlord, but a younger brother who witnessed Lin Fan slaughtering the zombies in the audience. He just wanted to follow each other and mix well in the end times.

Kneeling must be decisive.

Han Shuang and the others looked at Qin Si, and naturally knew what Qin Si was like. She wanted to remind Lin Fan, but she heard Lin Fan's answer when she hadn't made up her mind.

"I'm sorry, I saw the viciousness in your eyes, you are not a good person, but I can't find any evidence of you, so I can't send you to the police station, just live a good life by yourself, and try not to hurt others, when someone One day I meet you and see repentance in your eyes, I will give you a chance." Lin Fan said.

Qin Si begged, "Brother, don't do this, I can't live by myself, I promise to change."

"It's not just words, it's actions. Well, I have to take them back. See you again when I have a chance." Lin Fan didn't want to deal with the vicious people.

Being able to say so much is also for the sake of the other person being a human being.


on the way.

Lin Fan was used to walking around, and Lao Mao just followed behind in his car.

For Han Shuang and the others, what they just experienced had a great impact on them.


Da da da!

The sound of a helicopter came.

Everyone looked towards the sky, the altitude of the helicopter was not high, and there was a sound from the horn.

"Bastard, you rejected me, I, Qin Si, have a vengeance, and I will definitely make you regret it. If you don't bring me, I will put on the horn and attract all the zombies to your side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Si's voice came from the loudspeaker, and he looked very crazy. He knew that Lin Fan was very powerful, but I was in the sky.

Ho ho!

Only one or two scattered ends were easily hacked to death by Lin Fan.

Regarding the helicopter above, he frowned, this kind of behavior is very bad, it is deliberately hurting others, and even threatening others' lives.

Han Shuang and the others didn't know what to do, they could only say that it was too shameless.

Lin Fan muttered to himself, "I only give you three seconds of opportunity."




Count to three seconds.

Lin Fan pulled out Frostmourne, and under Han Shuang and the others' suspicious eyes, he slashed at the helicopter above.



The apparently fine helicopter seemed to have been cut open by some kind of sharp edge. It was directly split into two pieces and fell towards the ground. Lin Fan knew the consequences of the helicopter's fall, and he quickly slashed to see the helicopter. The continuous segmentation turned into countless small fragments and fell.

As for Qin Si...it seems to be gone.

Xu Zeyang stared and stammered, "Sword Qi?"

Han Shuang, Lao Mao, and Wen Jie all looked at Lin Fan dumbfounded.

I thought... Maybe this is the sword energy.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Don't get excited, it's very simple. As long as you swing the sword at a speed of 39 radians/second, the tip of the sword will form a circular sonic boom and fly towards the opponent. It seems that your hand will bear a centrifugal force of 41 tons."

"I also heard what netizens said, and I don't know if it's right or not."

Wen Jie: ...

Lao Mao: ...

Xu Zeyang:  …

Han Shuang: ... Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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