I! Deduce The World For Tens Of Billions Of Years

Chapter 029 Deadly Npk! Devonian 'Jinkela'! (45 For Support!)

[You guys, have you heard of Jinkela? 】

This sentence left by Zhang He.

The audience participants in the live broadcast room can be said to be confused.

One by one'? ? ? '

In an instant, the message area in the live broadcast room was filled.

Could it be that the manipulator behind the live broadcast suddenly became humorous?

Still interacting with the audience and joking?

The so-called Jinkela stalk.

The barrage website in Huayan Kingdom was once very popular.

"Mom~ The underdeveloped agriculture needs gold to absorb underground nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the yield of wheat is 1800 per mu!"

"As a big member of Bi Station, I've seen a thousand of Jinkela's ghosts and animals! But what does this have to do with the Devonian disaster?"

"A look of bewilderment..."

"Stupid +1"

The previous word "Chu" was a strange shrimp.

It has been directly stated that the manipulator behind this live broadcast room is a native of Huayan.

Zhang He doesn't mind outside speculation either.


Lord God, never care!

He then continued to leave texts in the live broadcast room.

"This is not a joke, but an inducement for a disaster!"

In the live broadcast room!

The timeline continues to advance!

In the picture, it is full of life! A bountiful!

The earth is covered with green vegetation.

Changed the face of the once barren land.

[The deduction is in progress! Time advances 10,000 years! The earth gave birth to new vitality! Let the plant empire rise from then on, towering trees, low shrubs, and moss covering the earth, they all have a common name called 'vascular plants'! However, behind this piece of vitality is the chief culprit who drove the Devonian ecological chain into the abyss! 】

For the audience.

This seems like a horror story.

Are plants destroying the world?

People will never think of it, except for natural disasters such as 'Gamma Ray Burst' and 'Skyfire Meteor Shower'!

The first race to destroy the world was not an animal, but a plant!

A deduction based on the script of Blue Star Earth.

The plot can be described as ups and downs!

People would never have imagined that the next step in the plot will produce a "show effect" that will take a turn for the worse!

And in the process of deduction.

It seems that it is also being revealed for people.

The truth about the extinction of the Devonian overlord Deng's fish!

After all, in that era, the ten-meter-long Dengshiyu was almost invincible in the world!

The only thing that can defeat them is fate!

[The deduction is in progress! A full 1.01 million years have passed since the disaster of the "Skyfire Meteor Shower". The sun has swayed the earth, and the ecological chain that hangs by a thread seems to be recovering soon. All endangered species are lucky to have found a small life. The restoration of photosynthesis has allowed the plants on the earth to begin to recover. Crazy conversion of photosynthetic energy, and desperately dismantling carbon dioxide in the air, thus releasing a huge amount of oxygen! 】


An absolute medium in which living things are difficult to live in!

Now it has become the pen of the judge who harvests the souls in the mass extinction!

[The deduction is in progress! The rise of vascular plants maximizes photosynthesis and produces a large amount of organic matter! 】

[Ancient insect groups have not yet evolved a strong enough digestive enzyme system, and cellulose cannot be degraded! Lignin cannot be degraded! Plants quickly decompose carbon dioxide in the air! Blue Star Earth's carbon cycle system collapsed! 】

[The chain effect is produced! The concentration of carbon dioxide is reduced, and the greenhouse effect supported by sunlight is greatly weakened! A huge amount of oxygen began to combine with the nitrogen in the air! Nitric acid is formed and falls into the soil, where it is converted into nitrogen that powers plant growth!

Acidifying rain erodes rocks! Releases phosphorus that also helps plants grow! 】

this series of events.

Undoubtedly, they are all disasters caused by expanding plants!

Released by massive amounts of oxygen.

The resulting nitrogen and phosphorus disaster!

This kicked off the prelude!

In the picture!

Plants grow like crazy.

They no longer symbolize living hope!

It's the bad news of the god of death!

The audience was surprised to find that the sea water turned green!

This is a surprising discovery!

It is a 'spectacle' that subverts ordinary people's cognition!

Rivers, lakes and seas!

Forest swamp!

All are covered in green.

The earth is green!

[The deduction is in progress! The full release of nitrogen and phosphorus allowed the plant army to quickly sweep across the entire Blue Star! The blue star at this moment is no longer a blue star, but a green star! Thanks to the serious imbalance of elements, algae grow explosively! This process is called 'algae explosion'! 】

Sweeping algae.

Covering the rivers, lakes and seas completely cuts off the combination of water and oxygen!

The fate of aquatic species was already hanging by a thread in the catastrophe of the "Skyfire Meteor Shower".

All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe!

Deng's fish is majestic in the sea, but it cannot break through the algae-covered sea surface to obtain oxygen in the air.

Obviously the air contains a huge amount of oxygen.

But, they can't suck!

The 'nitrogen and phosphorus disaster' was not the last straw that broke the camel's back.

But the last bomb!

[The deduction is in progress! 135 million people, unfortunately, you have witnessed a brutal mass extinction event, take a last look at those suffocated creatures, because 75% of the species will withdraw from the stage of the evolution of the blue star earth! 】

On screen!

Floating corpses!

The blue star ocean that once witnessed the explosion of species in the Ordovician!

At this moment, it has become an out-and-out cemetery of the last days!


(Ask for flowers and evaluation tickets~)

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