I! Deduce The World For Tens Of Billions Of Years

Chapter 063 The "Pilot" Carrying The Hope Of Expanding Civilization Is Launched! (110 Begg

"Help me convert the online number of people in the deduction live room into deduction years and store it." Zhang He ordered.

【Congratulations! The host has successfully stored and deduced a lifespan of 350 million years!】

During the deduction process of "Dragon Civilization. Escape Chapter".

Zhang He's attention has reached 350 million!

After the deduction of the copy of Dragon Civilization is over!

Zhang He is also close to becoming the main god.

Let's say.

Dinosaur civilization was created by Zhang He during the deduction process.

Then when the timeline advances to modern times, many possibilities will explode even more!

Intelligent dinosaurs.

All of them can be used by Zhang He, the "main god" for 100 million years, to forcibly create a technological civilization no less than that of human beings!

If modern people are given more time.

Deductions can get even more unpredictable!

However, what people are paying more attention to right now is the extension civilization dinosaurs who plan to capture neutron stars.

"Continue to deduce, help me focus on this 'Tuo. Astrophysical 0023'."

Zhang He ordered.

Calculated by time.

Before the female scientist number 0023 died.

The plan of the extension civilization dinosaurs to capture neutron stars and embark on a space journey should also have results.

Success means that the dinosaurs will create feats that began on the earth.

If it fails.

They are also warriors on a voyage of discovery!

At least during the game.

This group of dinosaurs who refuse to admit defeat has already attracted countless fans.

Their civilization is different from that of human beings, and the difference in genes makes their thinking and behavior very "capable"

And all these character traits, thinking logic.

It's all passed down!

[The deduction is in progress! The time has been advanced by ten years! The perspective focuses on the scientists of 'Tuo. Astrophysics 0023', benefiting from the achievements of their fathers in the field of space exploration and energy materials, Tuo civilization has begun the interstellar era of the universe! Because for [Dragon Hunting Project] was perfected, and the scientist Tuo 0023 became the main engineer of the whole project!】

In the screen of the deduction live room.

This is the first time that a female dinosaurian scientist has been focused on during the deduction process.

She is thirty-five years old, wearing a dark gray aerospace research uniform.

On the back of the uniform is a "Tuo" pattern.

Although the dinosaurs of Tuo civilization only have a number and no name.

But the word 'tuo' is owned by everyone!

She is a descendant of two great scientists.

If, say, her grandfather discovered the neutron star.

It is the medium of 'escape from the earth'.

Well, her father provided the 'magnetic monopole' as the basis for the fusion of deuterium-tritium nuclei and the creation of the 'levelling star'!

Discovery of it all.

All have paved the way forward for the dinosaurs who expanded civilization!

in the picture.

Number 0023 stared intently at the electronic screen in front of him.

The above summarizes all the simulation schemes of the "Weaving Web Project".

Want to create ten 'leveling stars' orbiting the neutron star.

This is a plan beyond the imagination of modern humans.

Even though the dinosaurs of the Tuo civilization have carried out relevant experiments, there are still many problems to be solved.

Maybe, the audience in the live broadcast room.

What I see is a laboratory with higher technology than human beings.

But those scientists who paid attention to "Dragon Ball Civilization: The First Chapter of Escape" all stared wide-eyed!

Inside the office of the "Provisional Discussion Committee" of the Blue Star Federation.

Scientists from all over the world pay attention!

I'm afraid I missed every detail of the picture!

Right now, paleontologists and geologists don't matter anymore.

In the previous epoch deduction of each Blue Planet Earth, they collected a lot of information about paleontology and the evolution process as scientific research materials.

Perhaps it was because of the influence of the thoughts of the dinosaurs of the extension civilization...

These scholars are somewhat lost in their hearts.

Maybe it's the same as Tuo Wenming.

The earth is not the destination of human beings.

The universe is!

So what is the point of their research on the history of the earth...

At least at this moment, the paleontological geologist fell into the big thinking of life!

And those human scientists are in a state of extreme excitement!


In the live broadcast room!

Several schemes of the "Weaving Web Plan" are presented in detail!

[The deduction is in progress! Professor 'Tuo. Astrophysics 0023', leading the scientists of the Tuo Civilization and Space Province, put forward five schemes for the 'Net Weaving Plan', four of which were overturned and rejected, and the last one was retained as the final implementation scheme. 】

Zhang He rubbed his nose.

Then he ordered: "Deduce the whole process of the formation of the plan."

He did this out of curiosity.

But this move made the scientists of the Blue Star Federation completely boil!

Their purpose is to learn technology from the world's dragon civilization!

...... Ask for flowers 00

And the previous understanding of the formula of "magnetic monopole".

Although it is not yet possible for humans to learn and use it.

At least prove that this thing exists!

The physicist of Huayan State said excitedly: "For a hundred years, the human scientists of Blue Star have tried to find the existence of this kind of substance, and they are about to give up now! They can actually see it in the live deduction room. Results!"

Unbelievable! Without the discovery of magnetic monopoles, it would be impossible for the dinosaurs of the Tuo civilization to escape from the earth! This is the seed of hope!" The scientists of the Yingjiang country praised!

You can see it!

At this moment, human scientists have great respect for Tuo civilization.

The development of modern human science.

In 1931, some scientists tried to use formulas to demonstrate the possible existence of "magnetic charge" particles in the universe,


In 1975, Chinese scientists used accelerated robots and high-altitude balloons to conduct experiments to explore magnetic monopoles.

In 1981, British scientists still failed to discover so-called magnetic monopoles using superconducting coils.

Its existence is just a legend in the world of human science

And here are the dinosaurs of the extension civilization.

But it became the spark of "escape from the earth"!

[The deduction is in progress! The timeline goes back 55 years, and the plan of the "Weaving Web Project" will be fully presented!】

on screen!

It is the special laboratory of "Magnetic Monopole" of Tuowen Aerospace Province!

[After Professor 'Tuo. Part of it is used as a reaction substance for tritium fusion!]

[In addition, the magnetic monopole was used as the main material for the manufacture of the "leveling star" in the "weaving net project" planned by the professor's daughter 55 years later!】

[In the same year, Tuo Wenming's "Pilot" equipped with magnetic monopole materials was successfully launched. It will be the first scientific research spacecraft to embark on a "neutron star" research journey. It took away 5 of Tuo Wenming's top aerospace scientists. 】

In the screen of the deduction live room.

A huge spaceship far beyond human imagination rises from the ground!

The scene shocked all the earthlings watching!

Countless extension civilization dinosaurs raised their arms and shouted!

Belonging to their cosmic age.

Start here!

(Thank you for the first order! Crowd, the author rushed to draft the manuscript overnight, ten chapters will definitely break out on the first day! Zero).

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