I! Deduce The World For Tens Of Billions Of Years

Chapter 065 'Starry Sky Superconducting Convergence'! Escape Success Rate Rises! (310 Begg

Deduce the camera in the live broadcast room.

The young girl 'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' is resolute and confident!

This unyielding spirit.

It is buried deep in the genes of every extension civilization dinosaur.


From the perspective of human aesthetics.

The dinosaurs of the extension civilization are not beautiful.

But the courage and perseverance emanating from them, through the yellow eyes of the dinosaur man, is full of aura!

In the live deduction room of "Dragon Civilization. The First Chapter of Escape".

The timeline is under Zhang He's orders.

Advance with the growth of 'Tuo. Astrophysics 023°.

Perhaps, when the "Pilot" was launched, this little guy hadn't been born yet.

But with the launch of the first probe spacecraft.

The spark of hope rushing towards the universe.

It has been planted in the hearts of every dinosaur who expands civilization!

'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' starts from birth.

It is equivalent to having a 'protagonist halo'.

Her grandpa is the great sage who discovered the neutron star!

Her father was the pioneer who used the "magnetic monopole" to complete the blueprint of the universe's ambitions!

The "stubborn temper" of dinosaurs in Yituo civilization

'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' has had the determination to be better than blue since he was a child!

[The deduction is in progress! The time has advanced ten years, and the number 023 scientist has entered the science laboratory of the Tuowen Aerospace Province with excellent results, and joined the research of the 'Neutron Star' 18 project. At that time, his number was 'Tuo. Astrophysics 1911 ', did not enter the 'Hundred House of Representatives', and because of the success of the academic papers and simulation experiments on 'Starry Space Superconducting Convergence', it was promoted in the ranking and became the youngest scientist in the 30th place of Tuoweng, number 0023!]

at this time.

Only then did the audience in the deduction studio understand.

This female dinosaur scientist was not born with a 'hereditary' parent's number promotion.

But because of scientific research results.

Only then did the former little girl enter the 'House of Hundreds'.

As a result, he served as the chief engineer of the "capturing neutron star" project.

And in the process of deduction.

What the hell is the "starry space superconducting aggregation" that appeared?

This made hundreds of millions of viewers extremely curious!

in human society.

After the previous voting resolution.

The Blue Star "All-day Technology Organization" was established.

Many scientists can't guess what theory this "star space superconducting aggregation" is.

"Using special means to use neutron star power generation technology? How can this be achieved?" Physicist Hua pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Over half a hundred scientists over the years.

Feeling a little frustrated right now!

In the process of deduction.

When this female scientist from Tuowenmen proposed the 'Starry Space Superconductivity Convergence', she was only about 20 years old!

Professor Yingjiang National Aerospace Engineering shrugged and laughed at himself: "From this point of view, we are simply too bad!"


In the deduction live room.

The picture of "Tuo‧Astrophysics 023" proposing the theory of superconducting aggregation and related simulation experiments appeared!

This can make these old professors straight in an instant!

In the live deduction room of Zhang He, the "Lord God".

They traveled across time and space, and were taught a lesson by the young scholars of the Dinosaurs of the Expansion Civilization!

on screen.

Inside the physics lab.

The superconducting polymer wire of special material is wound into a circle~

She even simulated a rapidly flickering, spinning neutron star/mplant that seemed to be on a stimulant.

[The deduction is in progress! Prior to this, Tuo Wenming's "Navigator" successfully calculated the density, gravity, and tidal force of neutron stars, and found several small nickel-iron stars of different sizes that could be used by the "Weaving Web Project" Planets, magnetic monopoles can solve the reaction problem of deuterium nuclear fusion, and even use magnetic monopoles to enter nickel-iron asteroids, so as to use the magnetic force of neutron stars to transform the "leveling star" experiment is also going on, all experiments are for Stabilize the tidal force of the neutron star to prevent the spaceship of the Tuo civilization from being torn apart when it approaches. 】

【'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' proposed the theory of 'starry space superconducting aggregation', which is no less a major scientific achievement than his father and grandfather's feat, because if superconducting aggregation can be successful, it will solve the problem of Tuo civilization's 'escape' from the earth The follow-up energy problem after that, and it is a permanent energy problem!]

In the simulation laboratory of the Expansion Civilization and Space Ministry.

'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' star-space superconducting aggregation experiment.

Get the attention of the entire Dinosaur Kingdom!

A young scientist in a dark aerospace lab coat began to explain his theory before the experiment.

Those human scientists who follow the game.

They pulled out their laptops.

They were not at all embarrassed by learning from a young female dinosaur from a different dimension.

God knows, every word she said may be a point of knowledge'!

[The deduction is in progress! She put forward the theory of "starry space superconducting aggregation", which has received unprecedented attention from various fields of Tuo Wenming, and the simulation experiment was also carried out under the attention of all the people!]

【Before the experiment number 023 started, I explained my theory and the success of the experiment!】

She said: "In the previous nearly 100 years of scientific research, we have successfully used magnetic monopoles as the reactants of tritium nuclear fusion, and launched the 'Pilot' to accurately calculate various information data about neutron stars."

"But since we are leaving the earth, we have little consideration for the long-term issue of energy acquisition. The deuterium gas taken away by the earth will one day be exhausted in the process of fusion, even if it can last for tens of millions of years. We can live on Earth for as long as we do.

Say it.

'Tuo. Astrophysical 023' said very indifferently:

"Star-space superconducting fusion can solve the problem of energy sustainability after we leave the earth, at least before this neutron star leads us to a new home!"

next second!

She pressed the button for the mock experiment.

The simulated mini neutron star rotates at an extremely fast speed!

Dazzling halos radiate from both ends of the planet!

"When one day, we create a galaxy built by the 'leveling star', successfully capture the neutron star and let it leave with the entire civilization. After leaving the solar system, solar chips and thermal generators will not be able to be used as energy-generating equipment."

"The size of a neutron star is too small, and the light and heat cannot be used within the safe range of the Hilo limit. We must use its magnetic force at a safe distance!"


The incredible 'magic' happened!

A simulated mini version of the 'neutron star'.

In the process of rapid rotation, it has an effect on the superconducting polymer wire of special material.

A highly magnetized pulsating neutron star.

During the rotation of 240, the pulsed magnetic field generates electricity for the superconducting polymer wire!

As long as the neutron star is still around.

Relying on the technology of 'starry space superconducting aggregation'.

By expanding civilization, you can obtain a steady stream of energy!

Although the concept of infinity is somewhat broad.

Not even rigorous.

Even the sun's energy is limited.

It too will one day explode and cease to exist.

But 'Tuo. Astrophysics 023' proposed superconducting aggregation in space.

Undoubtedly, it solved the problem of energy survival after Tuo civilization 'escaped' from the earth!

Zhang He acts as an observer from the perspective of God.

Naturally understand the awesomeness of this 'starry space superconducting aggregation'.

That alone.

The ranking number 023 underestimated the ability of this female scientist.

It is not an exaggeration to give her the highest ranking of No. 001.

Perhaps, when the dinosaurs of the extension civilization raised their rankings, they took into account their young age.

After all, when she proposed such a plan, she was only about twenty years old.

Because of this, the former number 1911 was successfully promoted to number 0023!

At the moment when the simulation experiment of "star space superconducting aggregation" was successful.

The Dinosaurs of Tuo Civilization celebrate the whole country!

This great creation allowed Tuo Wenming to roam the vast starry sky and provide a 'cosmic generator!

At this moment......

Human scientists united meeting room.

The expressions of many old professors seemed to be frozen.

There is only one thought in everyone's head.

This Nima!

What kind of magic operation?

(The rest of the chapters will be issued one after another during the day, and there will be no less than ten!).

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