Inside the live broadcast room!

The audience saw an incredible scene that would eventually happen!

A descendant of the sea scorpion that once dominated the Silurian period.

Helplessly, in the era of the rise of fish, watch this change of hands!

The reign of the king of the sunset can only be reduced to food.

Under the attention of more than 100 million spectators, the first sea creature came ashore!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Let’s shift the perspective to the land again, since the last time we saw the ground, it was already when the second sun brought fear to the gamma-ray burst, the light of extinction, like the light of vertebrate evolution, looking back for a hundred million years, plants began to appear on the land, the vast earth, with new life! At the same time, new battlefields have been opened! 】

In the picture.

The trees and meadows are lush.

This is a blissful world that has never been set foot in by animals.

There, only plants!

Full of eyes, but silent.

“I promise! This is the most lifeless vitality I’ve ever witnessed! This is not a contradiction! ”

“The creatures have finally landed! The battlefield is about to shift from sea to land! ”

“Is the age of dinosaurs still far away? Is the human age still far away? Implore for further speeding up! Our world is a more exciting place with endless possibilities! ”

Audience participants in the live broadcast room.

Now it’s eagerly awaiting the next version of Evolution, please vote! 》。

However, Zhang He is from the perspective of God.

Witness the fight and domination between the Blue Star Life Race!

He left a sentence in the live broadcast room.

[Who would have thought that it would be the loser of the ocean hegemony who opened the door to a new land world? ] 】

The reason why the descendants of the sea scorpion were able to land.

Not without reason.

The ‘book lung’ evolved by early arthropods.

It can be allowed to operate on land for a short time.

In the ocean, cartilaginous fish, teleost fish, shield fish, armored fish, vertebral dynasty has been established!

Where else is there for them?

Former dynasty overlord.

Once again, he has been reduced to a bereaved dog!

Their landing is completely the flight of the losers!


The sea scorpion landed on the beach and got out of the water to make its actions even more clumsy.

It moves awkwardly.

Once again, look at the ocean where their race once dominated.

But now!

There is no longer a sea scorpion.

This is a look back that is not willing to fall!

They have left the ocean, but cannot stay on land for long, and are forced into freshwater areas.

How ferociously it was once killed.

How bleak the end is now.


Looking at the fall of the former overlord, most viewers do not have any sympathy.

After all, they were the ones who shouted ‘overthrow the scorpion tyranny’ in the first place.

But initially a participant in voting for ‘arthropod’ creatures.

That’s 17.29 million.

They are naturally glad that the species they ‘support’ have not been extinct.

Although this result is somewhat tragic.

But it opened up a new continent!

And yet….

The script of Blue Star Earth.

Far more exciting than any film and television drama!

“Let’s go ahead and deduce.” Zhang He ordered.

This time the deduction is nearing the end.

Next, he can also prepare well, how to do things after turning to the Lord God!

It’s exciting to think about~

[The deduction is in progress! ] The descendants of the sea scorpion branch were forced to leave the ocean, thinking that they had found a paradise of bliss without animal footing, but… The aura of the protagonist belonging to the sea scorpion has faded, and what awaits them will be the slaughter of vertebrate creatures! 】

Deduce the prompts left in the live broadcast room.

Let the supporters of arthropods be like a blow!

“I’m Nima! Make a clean sweep of! Can’t you survive the ocean? This is really going to ‘destroy the country and destroy the species’~”

“Sooner or later, you have to pay it back, and the chordate is hard to get to the top, how can there be a bane?”

“This species mayhem is wonderful! I didn’t expect the script of Blue Star Earth to be so awesome! ”


After recording the unwilling back of the former overlord sea scorpion ‘leaving home’.

The live broadcast room returned to the ocean again.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Although the Devonian period was the era of the rise of chordate fish, … The increase in breeding species and civil war became an inevitable result. 】

[The ‘teleost fish’ that once evolved the jaw set off an evolutionary frenzy of the ‘jaw’ weapon in fish! ] But when shield fish rose, it was reduced to food. 】

[The ‘armored fish’ that once improved the central nervous system by a hundred times has freed the fish family from the shackles that restrict their body size! ] But after the shield fish evolved hugely, it became food. 】

[As an indispensable part of the fish family, ‘cartilaginous fish’, under the crazy predation of shield fish, has become a background plate for feeding…].

Deduce the screen of the live broadcast room.

The Star Turtle’s humiliation burden will not get the honor of ‘Emperor Tai’, and they have been eaten by shield fish one after another!

The bony fish did not climb to the top of the food chain and was frantically killed by shield fish!

The cartilaginous fish, which is still the most primitive baby shark, suddenly loses his dream in front of the shield fish….

Their joint efforts! It’s the age of fish!

But I never thought of it.

It is not someone else who defeats you, but your own people!

Zhang Helio-chanted and left a string of text in the live broadcast room:

“If there were communications in those days, I really wanted to send them a message [There are inner ghosts, stop evolving].”

“However, the internal massacre of the chordate fish tribe has begun…”

[The deduction is in progress! ] Under the suppression of shield fish represented by Dun’s fish, bony fish began to seek new vitality! 】

[This time, chordates will usher in a new metamorphosis in the true sense! ] That is…].


(The picture is ‘A Shark Who Suddenly Lost His Dream’, and the cartilaginous fish baby shark of that era was the younger brother who was beaten everywhere…) )

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