Ant Tribe’s ‘Exploration of the Center of the Earth’ laboratory.

Except for high-level general-level Ant-Man, it will never be announced to the public.

Moreover, the scientific results of the exploration of the center of the earth.

Until the essence is accurately clarified, it is not announced to the public!

Including Z Xuefu, he is one of the few spider people who has witnessed this ‘prey of the earth’.

She is not a fool.

Naturally, he also knows the reason why General M Bailing told himself this truth!

In that glass jar, a combination of silicon-based and carbon-based organisms, is clearly dead.

It is a combination of steel and flesh and blood!

Moreover, it seems to be ‘imitating’ the appearance of Ant-Man!

This is the result of unnatural evolution!

“This… Found underground? “In nearly a hundred ball lightning experiments, Z Xuefu has already practiced a strong endurance.

Because, every ball flash experiment, may die.

She is not afraid of death.

But the fear of the unknown.

It is in the genes of any life!

M Bailing nodded and said: “It is more like a ‘reconnaissance ant’ that attacks the surface of the earth, we are cracking the pheromones it left behind, preliminary conjecture theory, they evolved from pure silicon-based organisms, what trend they ‘steal’ our evolutionary results, what medium to use, we haven’t figured out yet.” ”

“It’s not scientific.”

Z Xuefu’s answer was simple.

She is an atheist and believes that science is truth.

“Why not scientifically?” General M Bailing asked rhetorically.

“The pressure, temperature, and vacuum of the center of the earth do not have the conditions for the evolution of living bodies, they do not even have the possibility of survival, and in the two worlds of the almost isolated surface of the center of the earth, the theory of imitating evolution to steal the results is even more nonsense!”

Z Sherve still insists on her point of view.

General M Bailing circled around the huge glass jar.

The ‘geocentric prey’ inside has the same appearance as Ant-Man.

After previous research.

At their core, there is some sort of unhackable electronic conductor structure that may not need what carbon-based life calls ‘food’ for energy to survive.

Heat, radiation, and even metals can be their food!

Followed by.

M Bailing asked rhetorically: “In the Zerg barbarian era tens of millions of years ago, would any Zerg believe in radio transmission?” Will you believe in satellite signals and the vastness of the universe? ”

She asked herself and replied, “No, the ancient zerg don’t believe it!” ”

“Vision cognition limits imagination, we can’t understand, it’s just that the vision is too low!”

Z Xuefu, who had previously vigorously denied the existence of creatures in the center of the earth.

Silence at the moment.

She subconsciously looked at the ground under her feet.

The center of the earth 6300 km below.

Do Zerg know geometry?

“Can the attributes of the ‘geocentric prey’ be analyzed and a ‘ball flash weapon’ developed against its individual lifeforms? Only by destroying them underground can the Zerg continue civilization on the surface, and we don’t have much time left. ”

Followed by.

General M Bailing handed over a sorted scientific research report to Z Schiff.

“This is the result of research at this stage, they are looking for us, the purpose of ‘mimicking evolution’, is to adapt to the environment and replace all surface life.” A quote from General M.

Let everyone, including human followers, shudder!

“Zerg Civilization. The title of Age of Discovery.

was changed by Zhang He to “Zerg Civilization. Geocentric Threat!

The audience frys the pan directly!

They may not panic about the survival of the Zerg.

After all, that happened in a parallel world.


Parallel worlds are based on the Earth as a sandbox!

No matter how the Zerg evolved, how to change the pattern and supremacy of the world.

The land under your feet will not change!

“In other words, today’s human beings have also received imitation and evolution from the ‘thief’ of the center of the earth? In addition to the humans on our surface, there is another ‘thief civilization’ in the center of the earth that is imitating humans and wants to replace them? ”

“My brain is a bit messy, and it’s hard to imagine what a half-machine, half-body human is like!”

“In other words, there are high-level civilizations that have planted the seeds of silicon-based creatures in the center of the earth! And evolve in the direction of carbon-based life? ”


Human [Global Union of Scientists] conference room.

All scientists are sitting on pins and needles!

This upended their understanding of the planet.

It is also almost certain that alien civilizations covet the earth!

Does this have anything to do with the ‘ghost spaceship’ that has appeared several times before?

[The deduction is in progress! ] After a secret meeting with General M, Z Xuefu took away a part of the sample composition report of the ‘geocentric prey’, and the dismantling of the ‘geocentric prey’ continued, and in the same year, General M Bailing died of radiation because he participated in the experiment to analyze the ‘half-silicon base heart lifeform’. 】



If, say, Professor Z Lake, died because of the experiment with the ball flash weapon.

His death was justified.

The death of General M Bailing shocked all the Zerg!

Participated in the displaning analysis and died of excessive radiation.

This way to die.

It can be said that it is a surprise.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 2 years! The Ant Tribe’s ‘Inquisitor’ geocentric exploration spacecraft found the core ‘hollow corridor’ in the 100,000-meter underground ultrasonic image transmitted back, and the existence of the geocentric civilization was fully recognized by the Zerg for the first time! 】

[In the same year, the cause of General M’s death was made public, and a new discovery was announced, in the process of dismantling the ‘geocentric prey’, substances such as iron, hydrogen, uranium-235 and other substances were found, and General M Bailing died of excessive nuclear radiation. 】

[In the same year, the Zerg entered a ‘global wartime state’, and further research showed that the energy source of the geocentric creatures was a single small nuclear reactor! ] The ability to think individually with high intelligence has not yet been discovered. 】

Stir up a thousand waves for a while!

The Zerg are now dominated by fear originating from the center of the earth.

There are also humans from another parallel world who are panicking!

In a nutshell.

One Earth!

The same panic!

The Zerg of the parallel world, because of the ‘racial talent’ of the ant tribe, discovered the existence of geocentric creatures one step earlier.

However, the human world knows nothing about this!


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