Yingying thinks this is a good idea.

Zongzhi, a small belly, was going to be killed because of a trivial matter, so he just hit him.

She lowered her head and looked at Zongzhi. Before she could speak, Zongzhi patted his clothes and stood up, his chin raised high, with an arrogant look on his face: "You want longevity grass? Kneel down and beg me!"

He was used to being held by the stars since he was a child, and he developed a proud temperament and could not stand it. At this moment, there is a chance to turn over, and suddenly he is showing off his strength again.

Yingying gave him a kick unceremoniously: "Did I give you a face?"

Zongzhi's spiritual power was sealed, and he didn't have the ability to resist at all, so he took this kick firmly. With a "dong" sound, it flew out far away and fell heavily on the ground.

He raised his head again, confused.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Not far away, that little nun with a pretty and lovely face and a pair of smart and pure round eyes, looks innocent, how can she not be cute at all?

How dare you kick him over and over again!

But Yingying hated Zong Zhi the most, and she walked over and gave him another kick: "Be honest, I'll save your life!"

Zong Zhi was self-confident and didn't believe what she dared to do to him at all.

A Gulu, dodging her foot, got up and said, "You dare?!"

Proud look on his face.

He doesn't believe it, who would dare to kill him? He is the young master of the Imperial Beast Gate!

"You X!" Yingying raised the sword in her hand, "Do you think I dare?"

What virtue? They've all become meat on someone else's chopping board, so arrogant? No wonder the male lead would kill him, with such an annoying appearance, who wouldn't want to kill him?

There was no hesitation, worry, cowardice, etc. in her eyes, but only clear anger.

Zong Zhi couldn't help but panic when he saw it. He remembered what his elders said before: "Bare feet are not afraid of shoes."

Yes, she is just an unknown loose cultivator, and she has no sect to inherit, what is she afraid of?

"Yes! Yes!" He nodded hurriedly, "I remember there is a longevity grass in the Imperial Beast Gate! Let me ask!"

Yingying snorted and put away her sword: "Ask!"

Zongzhi saw the contempt in her eyes and felt depressed, but he had to honestly take out the communication stone.

"Uncle Shi," he said, his eyes caught Yingying's threat, and he lowered his head again, "Is there any longevity grass in the door?"

"I met a friend who will die soon, and I plan to give it to him."

"I'm in this position. Uncle Shi will send someone to bring it to me."

"How is it possible? Who am I? How can I be controlled by others? Uncle Shi is too underestimated!" He suddenly raised his voice, "Uncle Shi, hurry up and have someone bring it here, I'll be waiting!"

After the communication, he glared at Yingying: "Little girl, be polite to me!"

Yingying was afraid that he was playing tricks, so when he communicated with the door, she put her sword against his neck. Later, his uncle suspected that he was being controlled by others, so Yingying resisted.

At this time, he put away the sword: "You are also worthy of my courtesy to you?"

"Hmph, don't be arrogant!" Zong Zhi said coldly, "You have your life to take the longevity grass, and you have to use your life!"

There was resentment in his eyes.

He has never suffered such humiliation in his life, and when he gets out, he will definitely get it back.

Yingying wasn't afraid of him, and even made a face at him: "Anyway, he lives longer than you!"

This dead cannon fodder didn't even know that he was in a disaster!

Although the male supporting actor got Nirvana Red Lotus two years late, he finally got it. It can be seen that the plot is still developed according to the original work. In this case, Zong Zhi won't live long, he will be killed by the male partner soon!

Yingying planned to take Huayu out to hide for two years after she got the longevity grass, and waited for Zongzhi to hang up before coming out.

So, not at all afraid of his threats.

Put a few spirit beasts immobilized by the immobilization talisman into the spirit pet bag, and then go with Hua Yu to heal the black wolf.

As for how many nuns? Yingying doesn't plan to let them out for the time being.

The black wolf was subdued by Hua Yu, and even if it was her own, Yingying took out some medicinal pills to feed it. While feeling its hard wings, I thought, what name should I give it?

Just thinking about it, I heard Hua Yu say: "Sister, this person can't be kept."

Yingying looked back subconsciously, looking at Shang Zongzhi's eyes full of resentment.

She looked back.

"We can't kill this person." Yingying whispered, "He is the young master of the Imperial Beast Gate, and there is a soul lamp in the sect. If he dies, the Imperial Beast Gate will definitely be able to touch and kill him through the soul lamp. people. We can't afford to kill them."

Let the male partner kill it.

The male supporting role has no relatives and no reason, a lone wolf, and a character with super luck, just leave it to him to kill.

Yingying and Hua Yu have Baixiumen behind them, so they won't cause such trouble.

A strange color flashed in Hua Yu's eyes, and she nodded: "Okay, listen to my sister."

Yingying couldn't hear him say "listen to my sister", but she liked it the most, so she couldn't help but glance at him.

Hua Yu has grown up and is really a handsome guy! With wide shoulders and narrow waist, a pair of slender legs, a handsome and cold face, plus a good personality, thoughtful and considerate, and pure and kind, it really pokes Yingying's heart!

In particular, he is cold and indifferent to others, only the closest to her! listen to her!

Yingying used to take him as her younger brother and told him to go east, but he would never go west, he was dying of beauty! When he grew up, he couldn't help but have other thoughts.


Recalling that he had tried many times, his response was mediocre every time, and Yingying felt astringent.

Too bad he doesn't like her.

The people from the Imperial Beast Sect wanted to send Longevity Grass over. Although there were high-grade flying instruments, it would take three days to deliver it.

They are waiting here.

Yingying asked Hua Yu to collect Zongzhi's communication stone and all the magic weapons, along with his storage bag, to prevent him from secretly making small moves.

The sky was getting dark, Yingying hugged her knees and looked at the clouds in the sky.

Some time ago, I was worried about the direction of the plot, but I didn't relax well. At this time, I had nothing to worry about. Yingying felt relieved and felt that the sky was really beautiful.

She kept staring at the sky until it was completely dark, and little stars twinkled in the sky.

Unlike what is seen on Earth. Looking at the stars here, it is really full of stars and rivers, dazzling, as if countless diamonds have been sprinkled on them, it is incredibly beautiful.

You can also see dark clouds, in different shapes, slowly drifting across the sky.

The breeze was blowing on her face, bringing up strands of broken hair, Yingying felt very comfortable, and her mood was bright.

"Sister, do you want to lie down and watch?" Hua Yu's voice sounded beside her.

Yingying tilted her head and saw that Hua Yu had already stretched her legs and spread a blanket made of spirit grass on her legs.

Usually, when the two of them went into the mountains to collect herbs and fight spirit beasts, they didn't always go home on time, and they would stay in the mountains from time to time. At that time, just like now, she would lie on his lap when she was tired from sitting, and look at the stars and the clouds.

But only today Yingying told him about the "boundary". After hesitating, she shook her head: "No."

He hugged his legs, rested his chin on his knees, and looked at the stars melancholy.

She couldn't take advantage of him any longer. He didn't like her, he only regarded her as his sister. Taking advantage of him again makes her look so wretched.

"Sister." Hua Yu called softly.

Yingying didn't answer. She waited for a while, and then she turned her head and glanced at him.

Under the starry sky, his long and narrow eyes were full of starlight, which made him look particularly beautiful.

He has a stern face that is not in line with the soft and good character, and in the dark night, he looks more seductive and charming. Just looking at his appearance, he is actually a rather dangerous man.

However, his voice was too soft, as if waiting for her to bully him hard.

This man, how can he be so good?

Yingying couldn't stop screaming in her heart, and finally couldn't hold it anymore. She moved to his side, grabbed his arm, and looked up into his narrow and bright eyes: "Xiaoyu, will you marry me?"

Hua Yu's pupils shrank tightly.

However, in the dark, it was not obvious at all, at least Yingying didn't see it.

She saw his expressionless face, watching her say nothing, and gradually, the intense heartbeat slowly calmed down.

She was impulsive. He knew that he didn't like her, but he still confessed with enthusiasm.

After pursing her lips, she took back her hand: "When I didn't say it."

Calm down at this moment, and suddenly regret it. After all the words have been said, how can they be brothers and sisters in the future?

On second thought, I thought, forget it if you can't! Anyway, if she stays together again, she thinks about it all day long, and can't get him, it's just uncomfortable!

Better yet! Don't mix up every day!

Just as he was thinking, his arm was suddenly pulled.

Looking up, he looked at her expressionlessly, but his voice was very soft and soft, as if it was a little softer and softer than usual: "If my sister doesn't leave me and doesn't draw a clear line with me, I would like to be my sister's Taoist companion."

Yingying: "..."

Who asked him to force it?

What she wants is that he likes her and is willing to marry her!

He looked like he sacrificed for what reason, Yingying was mixed with joy and sorrow, her heart was half sweet and half astringent, she earned her arm: "Forget it, you don't understand."

He was still a child, and he just wanted to have someone by his side.

"When I didn't say it." She earned it again.

However, Hua Yu grabbed her arm. Although the strength was not heavy, it was enough for her to break free: "Sister, are you playing with me?"

Yingying froze for a moment, then turned to look at him.

A pair of long and narrow eyes, I do not know when it became dark, revealing a hint of danger.

Yingying's heart trembled, as if she had been bitten by something, and a numb and crispy spread spread. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but her mind was buzzing and she couldn't say anything.

He has a too sharp face.

Even though she had been with him for ten years, she knew how gentle and soft he was, but as he got older, taller, and his features became sharper, she would be frightened from time to time.

Just like now, she was a little frightened.

"I, I didn't." After a while, she found her voice, "I didn't play with you. I, I actually like you, Xiaoyu."

In the darkness, Hua Yu's pupils tightened again.

Yingying lowered her eyes, unaware of his strangeness, and said seriously, "I don't know when it started, but I like you a little and want to be your Taoist companion."

Speaking of which, she felt a little sour in her heart, and the taste of unrequited love was really uncomfortable.

She calmed down and looked up at him: "but you only regard me as a sister. I endured it for a long time and didn't dare to say it. I just couldn't hold back and said it. I don't force you. If you don't like me, we will It’s still my brother and sister. You are still my dearest brother and sister, and no one will pass you by.”

They grew up together, and she trusted him so much that she didn't feel so shy about confessing.

What's more, she knew how serious he was. She was a very important person to him, and she couldn't hide or lie to him.

She said these words in her heart. She wondered if she was moved by herself, which led to the illusion that he actually felt warm in his eyes?

This is rarely seen.

He usually has a cold and indifferent look. If it weren't for his soft and well-behaved voice, she would be like everyone else, thinking that he was a cold person.

But now, his eyes seemed to be jumping with flames, which made Yingying's heart thump and thump, and she was looking forward to it.

Hua Yu slowly leaned over, hugged her in her arms, and whispered, "Sister, we are Taoist companions."

He gently held her in his arms, as if he was holding a soft cloud, and he didn't dare to exert any force, as if he was afraid of crushing her. His lips were next to her ear, and the warm breath brushed against her ear. The close distance made his voice two points lower than usual.

Yingying controlled herself not to fall into his arms, calmed herself, and managed to break free: "Well."

Well, it's a Daoist.

But does he really know what a daoist is?

She always felt that he was outrageously naive, completely clueless, and she was like a bad sister, pulling him down a crooked road.

It made her a little lethargic.

She wants to be happy. She didn't want to hook him up like a witch. She's not good at that!

"Can I call you Yingying?" At this moment, another voice sounded beside her.

Yingying tilted her head to look at him: "Okay."

Call if you want.

He thought to himself that he was a little self-conscious, knowing that Dao Lv and sister and brother are different, at least they need to change their names.

Thinking like this, he became a little more energetic - he didn't understand at all, didn't he!

"Yingying, are you lying on my lap?" He said softly, raising his finger to the sky, "I'll hold you to watch the stars."

Yingying thought to herself, they are all Taoist companions, so lie down!

Immediately lay down on his lap.

He usually didn't dare to move her at all, and let her lie on his lap. This time, for some unknown reason, I held her head with both hands, stroked her hair, touched her face, and pinched her chin lightly.

Yingying suddenly remembered that outside Qinglian Valley that day, he seemed angry and picked her chin with his fingers.

At that time, she felt strange in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it. Now that he was rubbing her chin, she only felt that her skin was numb and crisp, so she turned her head to avoid it.

He was also looking at the stars. After being avoided, he lowered his head and looked at her: "How did you avoid me?"

"Ah?" Yingying said, not knowing how to answer.

How should she answer such a question?

He stared at her for a while, then suddenly leaned over slowly.

Looking at him from this angle, almost the outline of his face fell into darkness, and the whole person was like a devil protruding from the darkness, both dangerous and charming.

Yingying froze unconsciously and stared at him with wide eyes.

He, shouldn't he kiss her?

The author has something to say: Zong Zhi: I didn't see anything!

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