I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini

Chapter 172 Love Rival

Nan Ge didn't know if the two of them talked about this.

I can only tell Nan Zhe my feelings, "Anyway, after chatting with her for a while, I feel that she was under a lot of pressure before."

"It's hard to relax now. If she is with you, she may be more stressed."

"So, she seems a little afraid to step out of her comfort zone."

After she finished speaking, Nan Zhe remained silent for a long time.

"That's right, these are some of my personal thoughts. Of course, you always say that I'm stupid, and I don't understand some things. So it doesn't mean that sister Qi Yan thinks so... Just listen to it."

Nan Ge was a little embarrassed.

Shouldn't Nan Zhe take the initiative to chat with her today? Why did you leave the question to her?

Thinking of this, Nan Ge immediately turned against the guest, "Did you meet that day? I saw a figure that looked like you that night."

She probed softly, and got a little response from Nan Zhe.

"Then... what did you talk about?"

"You, again..." That word Nan Ge struggled for a while but still didn't dare to say it.

"No, is your brother so disappointing?" After speaking, Nan Zhe snorted arrogantly.

Now, Nan Ge really doesn't understand what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

Nan Zhe showed mercy, "We are together, but we don't intend to tell others."


After being silent for a long time, Nan Ge finally couldn't help but say, "Brother, you seem like the kind of little lover who was kept."

In the end, he didn't even have a title.


Nan Zhe choked on her unintentional words.

He and Qi Yan have made a three-chapter agreement, and they don't plan to reveal their relationship to others for the time being.

It means that in the eyes of others, the two of them are still friends, and they are lovers in private.

To put it bluntly, it is an underground love affair.

Looking at it this way, it also means a bit of a lover.

He was naturally unwilling at first. He, Nanzhe, is still timid when it comes to dating, why?

But Nan Ge, a silly girl, could tell that Qi Yan had too many worries.

Then he has no other way.

But he doesn't intend to stay that way.

After the two of them discussed, Qi Yan also agreed to him that he would only try for one year.

If after a year, they feel that they can really adapt to being a couple, then they will be together aboveboard.

If not...

Nan Zhe's eyes darkened.

With him, there is nothing impossible.

"Don't tell your parents about this." Before hanging up the phone, Nan Zhe still worriedly warned.

Nan Ge let out an oops, with a troubled expression on his face: "Then it's not easy for me to lie when my mother asks me. You're trying to trick me. I can't hold it back!"

"If you can't hold it back, you have to hold it back. You can't say it."

"Then why are you telling me?"

"Because I can't hold back."



At noon the next day, while eating lunch, Cheng Xia asked them if they wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

It's about to be a junior year, and this matter should also be put on the agenda.

"I have no such plan." Su Hui shrugged, she was ready to go home after graduation.

Although her family was not as wealthy as Nan Ge's family, they were still well off. The family has already prepared her job and future for her.

Fang Yuanyuan thought for a while, "I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but I plan to cross majors, and my family is not very supportive."

"Ah?" Several people were frightened by her.

"Let me think about it again, what about you, Nan Ge?" As for Cheng Xia, there was no need to ask. As far as her grades are concerned, it is a certainty that she will be guaranteed a postgraduate entrance examination.

"I..." Nan Ge swallowed the food in his mouth, "I probably want it."

"Do you want to discuss it with your family?"

"Well, call my brother later and ask."

"Where are your parents?"

"Generally, as long as my brother supports me, he can handle it with my parents and even grandpa."

It has nothing to do with her.

She just needs to deal with Nan Zhe alone.

"Wow, that's great." Fang Yuanyuan made an envious voice.

After dinner, they parted ways.

Nan Ge will have a debate competition next week, and it was almost evening when he finished sorting out the materials and came out of the library.

She came out with her bag on her back and saw a crowd of people around the door. When she got closer, she realized that it was raining outside and everyone was taking shelter from the rain. ,

Nan Ge was petite, so he hid behind the crowd and poked his head around to observe the rain.

Looking at it like this, running back is basically "dead without a whole body".

The Huai University Library can borrow umbrellas, but she came out late, and the umbrellas were gone.

Read the dormitory group news.

Cheng Xia seems to be in the student union at this time, Fang Yuanyuan and Su Hui are in class, so there is no way to drop by to pick her up.

There was no way, Nan Ge stood aside, planning to wait for the rain to stop with everyone.

Just when I was about to quit WeChat to look at the information to pass the time, a message popped up.

Shen: "Are you still in the library?"

When she first arrived at the library in the afternoon, she talked to Shen Yanqing.

At this time, he probably wanted to make an appointment for dinner, but this weather...

She looked up at the gray sky against the rain, as if it was not suitable for a date.

Sighing, she typed back: "Yes. I won't have dinner together today, tomorrow! I found a super delicious Thai restaurant! Remember to eat on time and go home early to rest (^▽^) "

Just after typing the emoji and pressing send, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Nan Ge thought that he was blocking the way of others, so he leaned to the side.


"..." Hearing the voice, Nan Ge raised his head.

The boy in front of him was tall and thin, holding a transparent umbrella in his hand. He smiled shyly into her eyes.

"Senior, why are you here?"

This is the second debate of the school debate team.

"I just came out of Chunhua Building. I heard they said that you were here to check the information in the afternoon. I thought it was raining heavily, so I stopped by to pick you up."

Nan Ge let out an ah, and hurriedly packed up the materials, "Then I'm going to trouble you senior."

She didn't want to wait here any longer, who knew when the rain would stop. She was in a hurry to go back and order takeaway for dinner.

After sitting in the library all afternoon, she was already hungry.

The senior opened the umbrella, "Pay attention to the steps, it's a bit slippery when it rains."

"Okay." Nan Ge put the bag on his back, "Senior, thank you so much!"

"It's okay... I'm just on the way." The senior rubbed the tip of his nose embarrassingly, seeing that she had packed up and put an umbrella on top of the two of them, "Did you read the news in the group?"

"What?" Nan Ge paused slightly, "In the group? I didn't pay attention. Did I miss something important?"

She really didn't watch the debate team group.

"No." The senior said: "It's just that the captain said that we will have dinner tomorrow night, so you remember to come."

"Tomorrow." Nan Ge frowned, "I'm afraid not."

"Is there anything important for you tomorrow? Can't miss the time?"

"Well, I'm going to have dinner with my boyfriend tomorrow. Can't miss it."


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