I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini

Chapter 183 How Presumptuous Are You?

There are many people nearby, and the sound of children playing can be heard.

But Shen Yanqing kissed her so bluntly.

In the past, on such occasions, he rarely showed his emotions. Nan Ge didn't intend to seduce him, but she never thought that he would kiss him so fiercely.

At first, she felt that a light kiss would be enough to complement the atmosphere. After all, it is not easy for Shen Yanqing to break the precepts of Zaizun Buddha here.

In the end, who knows, he is self-taught and even fanatical than she imagined.

After kissing at the back, Nan Ge felt in a daze that the light on one side had also dimmed. When he opened his eyes to look, he realized that he was deliberately blocking her.

I bit my lower lip lightly, but it didn't hurt, it was numb.

He said it was biting, but he didn't use any force at all, which was in line with his usual style.

It's just that in Nan Ge's view, this is still crazy.

Not far away, Nan Zhe, who had found him, saw this scene and his heart swayed.

From his angle, he could only see Shen Yanqing's back, while Nan Ge's body was completely covered.

But they are all adults, these two people are sneaking around in the woods, what are they doing, can he not know?

Just when he was about to speak, Yuan Chi covered his mouth with one hand, and wrapped his other hand around his neck from behind to lock his throat.


"Shhhhhh!" Yuan Chi dragged him back, "Brother Nan, calm down, it's not illegal for a young couple to be alone for a while!"

Not long after he and Nan Zhe had gone out just now, this man saw through his and Nan Ge's scheme and insisted on going back.

When we returned to the camp, it was empty and there was no one there.

Nan Zhe looked for him all the way, he had no choice but to keep up.

"Relax, I didn't say I want to go there!"

Nan Zhe was speechless, and he didn't say what to do.

Yuan Chi: "Then you can't make a sound. The young couple is inseparable. If you howl suddenly, how presumptuous are you."


"It's okay for you to suffer from the pigeons yourself, and leave a way for this young couple to survive."



In the evening, the four of them sat around and played cards under the canopy.

Shen Yanqing knows a little bit of mahjong, but has never played poker. Fortunately, he is a quick learner. After Yuan Chi taught him once, he could get started.

Playing cards, Shen Yanqing is the landlord in this round.

He played a pair at the beginning, Nan Zhe directly pressed a big one, Yuanchi passed, and it was Nan Ge's turn, she didn't even look at the pair and threw it down.

Nan Zhe held Shunzi's hand in mid-air, he endured it and didn't scold her: "Go on."

Nan Ge hesitated for a moment, and threw a pair of fours again.

Nan Zhe stared straight at him, "Nan Ge, are you sick?"

Aren't the two of them in the same group? How could they beat him with a pair of two and then give the landlord Shen Yanqing another pair!

Nan Ge knowingly asked: "Why? Isn't it my turn to play the cards?"

Seeing that his face was not right, he said again: "Then I will take back the pair of four? Are you going to hit my pair of two just now? Hey, do you have a bomb?"

Nan Zhe: "...I have your uncle."

Therefore, Shen Yanqing, who had just learned to fight the landlord, got off to a good start.

One wins all three of them.

After two more rounds, Nan Zhe was abused by this young couple to the point of doubting his life.

Nan Zhe rolled up his sleeves, "From now on, I'm going to be serious."

He wanted to defend the last trace of his dignity as an uncle.

I can't let my brother-in-law bully me.

Holding the cards, Nan Ge remembered the postgraduate entrance examination and mentioned it casually.

"Let's take the exam. Just like you, what can you do if you don't take the postgraduate entrance examination." Nan Zhe didn't show any sympathy. I can only do chores."

Nan Ge almost didn't mention it in one breath, "I'm also from Huai University."

"As far as your grades are concerned, you're just a bastard from Huai University. If you don't take the postgraduate entrance examination, I won't even want you after graduation. If you can't, continue to deliver food." Nan Zhe said, and got out of the plane.

Before Nan Ge could refute, Shen Yan calmly released a bomb beside him, "Youyou can come to Huasheng to work."

Nan Zhe glanced at the four twos he threw down, and then at the pair of threes left in his hand, feeling very angry.

"Yes, I can still go to Huasheng for an internship." Nan Ge straightened his back, gaining confidence.

Nan Zhe snapped, "If you don't go through the back door and have a normal interview, are you sure you can get into Huasheng? Even if you get in by luck, if you don't fight for a boyfriend, just like you, what future will you have if you get in?"


Although this was a bit harsh, Nan Ge thought about it carefully, and it was true.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

She delivered food to Huasheng before. Although she is not familiar with other departments, she has already become one with the president's office.

Each of those academic qualifications is more beautiful than the other.

In contrast, if she really didn't choose to go to graduate school, this degree of education is just like what her brother said, if she has no background, she can only lie flat for the rest of her life.

So what if you graduate from Huai University, there is never a shortage of outstanding people in this world.

"So I said I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and then I will consider whether to go to Huasheng or where to go."

Nan Zhe frowned, "What's the matter, did he let you be the department manager or the president?"

"The Nan family's family has a big business, so it can't accommodate a big Buddha like you?"

For so many years, Nan Zhe has been paving the way for Nan Ge. First of all, he hoped that Nan Ge's academic qualifications could be better. First of all, her major itself is not very friendly to find a job. So study is very necessary. After graduation, he will let Nan Ge join his company.

There is absolutely no need to go to Washington.

"Isn't it better for you to go home, and then go directly to the branch office to sit in charge. Compared with the third child, you are more suitable. The old man and the others are justified, so what are you afraid of?"

He is in charge of the generation of the Nan family, and the second child, Nan Xi, also works in the group. The third child is not focused on this, and Nan Ge is a professional counterpart, so there is still a lot of room for her to develop.

Hearing this, Nan Ge twirled a few cards in his hand, pondered for a few seconds, and murmured: "Actually, I don't really want to go there."

Nan Zhe hasn't discussed these issues with Nan Ge yet, so it's still early. But he always thought that the two brothers and sisters had a tacit understanding, needless to say, Nan Ge should also understand him.

In fact, Nan Ge understood what he meant, but she didn't have this idea.

"Then do you think there is a more suitable way out than this after you pass the postgraduate entrance examination for your major?"

"..." Nan Ge was silent for a while, and suddenly thought of what his roommate said that day.

When she chose the Huai University Business School, which was a hot topic in her mind, she didn't think about the follow-up employment issue when she chose a major.

If there is no background, this major will be the same. So her roommate Fang Yuanyuan decided to cross majors.

Thinking about it now, she is not impossible.

So when she said this idea, the three eyes looked at her in unison.

Nan Zhe threw the cards away, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Yuan Chi held the cards and hesitated to speak.

Even the cards in Shen Yanqing's hand were put away, and his expression was much more serious than before.

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