I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini

Chapter 231 Breaking up with Shen Yanqing

Along the way, Nan Ge was afraid that he would run into Shen Yanqing's mother by chance.

After all, there is only such a street, and it is only in the afternoon, so the chances of encountering it are still very high.

At that time, the scene must be very embarrassing.

Fortunately, Shen Yanqing's mother did not show up, but the two met Shen Yanqing's cousin named Xiaoyue on the way back.

Counting it, this is the fourth time that Nan Ge and the other party have met.

The first time was at Shen Yanqing's home, at that time she thought the other party was Shen Yanqing's girlfriend.

However, even if the misunderstanding is resolved, she still doesn't like this cousin, and of course she doesn't hate her.

Seeing the two of them, Xiaoyue was a little surprised.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Yanqing didn't speak, it was Nan Ge who said that her grandmother also lived here.

Xiaoyue was a little surprised when she heard it, but in her opinion, this was not the point. She asked, "I heard that you two are getting engaged? Is it true?"

She learned about this news from Shen Yanqing's mother.

But from the beginning to the end, Shen Yanqing did not give any news to his mother or their relatives.

So Xiaoyue is not very sure.

She had contacted Shen Yanqing in private, and once Shen Yanqing changed his previous style, his answers were always ambiguous.

Nan Ge was surprised that Xiaoyue, as a cousin, didn't know about it. She glanced at Nan Ge next to her. After the two looked at each other, Nan Ge told her truthfully, "Yes, we will get engaged in March this year."

Just over a month away.

As for the exact date, Nan Ge kept a close eye on it and didn't mention it.

Xiaoyue didn't ask, but smiled and congratulated.

The two chatted casually for a few more words, during which Shen Yanqing remained silent.

Before leaving, Xiaoyue suddenly looked at him and said, "Aren't you going to see grandma? Auntie didn't come back for the New Year this year."

Shen Yanqing looked at her, and after a few seconds of silence, shook his head.

Xiaoyue sighed, "My aunt is staying in the capital this year for the New Year. It is said that it is quite difficult for a person to be busy with some company affairs. If you have time, give her a call."

It is no secret that Shen Yanqing's mother intends to gain a firm foothold in the capital.

Nan Ge learned about it from her uncle, so she guessed that Shen Yanqing must also know about it.

At this moment, Nan Ge couldn't say anything, she silently looked at Shen Yanqing. His face was as usual, and when he lowered his eyes, he couldn't see any emotion in his eyes.

He didn't respond, and Xiaoyue didn't force her, she greeted Nan Ge and left first.

On the way back, Nan Ge remained silent, and so did Shen Yanqing.

Both of them coincidentally did not mention Shen Yanqing's mother again.

Nan Ge didn't want to talk about this, and Shen Yanqing also knew that her mother didn't leave a good impression on Nan Ge, so she didn't want to talk about it either.

On the third day of junior high school, Shen Yanqing returned to Huai City.

Nan Ge's family also left grandma's house.

On the fourth day of the fourth day, Nan Ge had a fairly fulfilling life. The second and third brothers came to visit Nan's father and Nan's mother, and stayed for dinner. The four juniors played mahjong for a while in the evening.

While playing mahjong at night, Nan Ge heard from his second brother that his uncle had visited Nan's house yesterday to visit the old lady.

Nan Ge was a little surprised that my uncle didn't send her a message. She subconsciously looked at Nan Zhe, and she was not surprised to see him, and she knew about it presumably.

But Nan Zhe didn't go out yesterday, he was playing games with her at home all the time. Logically speaking, when my uncle is here, he should go back to the old house.

Early the next morning, Nan Ge originally wanted to sleep in, but was woken up early by Nan's mother.

There is no other reason, my uncle is here.

This is basically not the case in previous years.

Because all the members of the Nan family will gather in the old house, the uncle doesn't come every year, but if he comes, he will only live in the old house for a day before returning to the capital.

She thought that uncle left yesterday...

After thinking about it, I know that I came here on purpose.

This year the family didn't go back to the old house, and Nan's father is my uncle's elder brother. If they don't go back, my uncle can only stay one more day to visit their house.

After dinner, my uncle called her aside and whispered to her.

"Did Shen Yanqing mention his biological mother to you recently?"

"No." Nan Ge shook her head, and she realized in a second, "Did something happen to his mother?"

The uncle laughed, "You're quite sensitive."

Nan Ge did not forget what his uncle said to her at that time.

"I heard from his cousin that his mother stayed in the capital during the Chinese New Year this year, seems to have encountered some trouble?"

"His mother, tsk, is too ambitious." Mentioning this person, the uncle lit a cigarette and said in a cold tone, "She is determined to gain a foothold in the capital, and she is trying to monopolize the market. She has offended many people now , I guess it won't be long before she has to come and beg Shen Yanqing."

The uncle warned, "I'm only telling you this based on the relationship between the two of us. If Shen Yanqing makes any noise later on, you must persuade him. Don't let him interfere, so as not to cause a mess."

"..." Nan Ge's expression turned serious, and he asked, "Uncle, it's because of me that you let people..."

"What are you thinking?"

The uncle turned to look at her, his tone lowered a bit: "At first, I didn't want to leave room for the other party because of you. But she has a big appetite. Where is the capital? How can she be allowed to eat this cake by herself? ?”

"A lot of people have been eyeing her for a long time."

"Then it's useless for Shen Yanqing to come forward?"

"The circles are different." Uncle didn't want to go into details at first, but seeing her too curious, he had to mention: "The current situation in the Beijing circle is basically divided into three camps."

"You also know my third brother, the one who dropped you off to find Shen Yanqing last time, our family is one of the three. His real mother is among the three, trying to get me three send it in."

"Now, his mother hasn't had any accidents, and my third brother and I have already saved Shen Yan's face."

"Now the other two sides in the capital are taking the opportunity to set up a trap, just waiting for Shen Yanqing to jump in."

"That's why I came to you today. Remember to stop him."

"...Here, can I stop it?" Nan Ge's mood was extremely complicated after listening to it.

Taking a step back, she was Shen Yanqing's biological mother.

According to Shen Yanqing's personality, as long as his mother kidnaps him morally, he will easily soften his heart.

Uncle didn't even think about it, and just said: "Otherwise, you and Shen Yan should settle the matter."

Nan Ge: "..."

She glared at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" The uncle said helplessly, "Anyway, he's not engaged yet. If he really doesn't have the brains to wade into this muddy water, then you really should leave earlier."

"Nan Ge, I only told you this because I am your elder."

"Those people in the capital want to take the opportunity to deal with Shen Yanqing. If there is only one side, then it's okay, Shen Yanqing is fine. But if they join forces, then I can't help it."

"So if he is determined to help his mother, then you should break up with him and don't drag the Nan's family into trouble. This is a chain reaction, and your brother will not feel better at that time."

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