I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini

Chapter 284 Please be more firm

Brother extra (11)

Qi Yan has been severely beaten by life these years, and her temperament is far less lively than when she was studying in Jiangcheng. Even when she first started working, when she suffered some injustice, she would be very cautious, break her teeth and swallow them herself.

She doesn't think this is a bad thing, everyone has to grow up, and she is not the only one to have these experiences.

However, this does not mean that she can be flattened and rounded at any time and manipulated by others.

"The door is there, so I won't send it off." Qi Yan waved his hand, signaling for them to leave quickly.

If you stay any longer, she will curse.

No wonder Nan Ge was so angry, this family was the best.

The second aunt was about to say something more, but was interrupted by the old lady raising her hand.

The old lady was obviously angry about what Qi Yan had just said, but since she was an outsider, she didn't have to teach her anything.

"You guys are going to travel together tomorrow, right? Just think carefully about what I said while you're on the way. Although it's a bit unpleasant, it makes sense. You and Nanzhe can't make it to the end, so there's no need to waste any more time. If you continue to be stubborn, , I will personally call your parents."

"..." The last sentence happened to step on Qi Yan's soft ribs, causing her to pause in the pain and almost make her breathless.

The old lady knew that her words had an effect and did not stay any longer.

After they left, Qi Yan took a while to recover.

She sat back on the stool and stared blankly at the half-packed suitcase on the floor.

To be honest, she had never thought about her future with Nanzhe, and she didn't know where they could go.

She knew the difference in status between the two of them better than anyone else, and she had never forgotten it. She also imagined that one day the two of them would be crushed by reality.

The script of Cinderella marrying into a wealthy family would not be her choice.

All I can say is that if the two of them were together and had this story, they wouldn’t have too many regrets.

The idea of ​​separation had crossed her mind a few days ago.

But at this moment, she suddenly didn't want to make a choice.

From beginning to end, Nanzhe never owed her anything. On the contrary, in this relationship, he has always done the most.

She had no doubt about Nanzhe's feelings for her, and precisely because of this, the choice was not in her hands.

She couldn't say the words to end it to him...

Early the next morning, Nanzhe showed up downstairs at her house a full hour earlier than expected.

The two loaded their things into the car and officially set off at nine o'clock.

When they were about to leave Huaicheng, Qi Yan hesitated and told Nanzhe about the matter.

"Yesterday afternoon, your grandma and second aunt came to see me."

"Who?" Fortunately, the car stopped in front of a red light. Nanzhe's eyes were surprised, "They came to Huaicheng to look for you?"

"Yeah." Qi Yan nodded.


Nanzhe looked away and took a deep breath. After a while, a whistle sounded from behind, and then he sat up straight and stepped on the accelerator to move forward.

After getting on the highway, he asked: "What did they say to you? To ask you to leave me?"

You can't escape this topic even if you think about it with your feet.

"Yeah." Qi Yan continued to nod.

"I apologize for them and you. I was at the company all day yesterday. If I had known about it, I would never have let them come over. You also know that during this period, because of the last inheritance distribution, grandma has been living in the company during this period. Second uncle’s side. I haven’t seen them for a while.”

"Didn't our relationship have to be kept secret before? I didn't tell my family. Grandma called me after seeing the news. I told you that I have been with you for a while, and she didn't say much at the time. , I didn’t take it to heart.”

"As for Second Aunt..." Mentioning this character, Nan Zhe gritted his teeth, "I will call Second Uncle later, so you won't be bullied in vain."

"They have never been able to say anything good, and it has been like this for so many years. They are too lenient."

"Don't be angry. How can we let them make the decision about separation? I haven't listened to anyone since I was so old, and I don't need them to dictate my affairs.

Furthermore, since we don’t live together now, they can’t represent my parents. My parents like you very much, and they have been following your show, and I have always praised you. When you return this time, I will take you back to meet them. "

"Don't worry, I will never separate from you because of family reasons. If I want to marry you, no one can stop me."

"..." Qi Yan touched his nose sarcastically, "Why did the topic of marriage or not get brought up?"

Nanzhe smiled cryptically and did not explain. He just glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Although his tone was playful, his eyes were serious: "So, please be more firm."

For some reason, Qi Yan's heart skipped a beat. She took a sip and nodded heavily: "I know."


On the ninth day after leaving Huaicheng, Qi Yan received a call from his mother.

This time, her mother didn't cry on the phone. Her voice was calm but extremely cold. She didn't give her any chance. She just said, "Qi Yan, if you still listen to your mother, break up with Nanzhe immediately."


In the service area, Qi Yan stood alone outside the car to get some air. Nanzhe went to help her buy food and had just left not long ago.

She looked at the direction Nanzhe was leaving and said to her mother on the other side of the phone: "Mom, I don't understand. Just like a normal couple, we like each other to be free and have a stable relationship. Why do we have to separate?

Have we done something heinous? Do we have to separate this result to satisfy everyone? Isn't this relationship based on the two of us? "

"Qi Yan, haven't you grown up yet? Don't you feel childish when you say such things? Have your parents taught you to talk to your mother like this for so many years?"

Qi Yan had a headache, "Mom, I just want to communicate this matter with you. I don't think we have to separate."

"Don't you think...you don't think anything! Do you know that all the calls from Nan's family have gone to your dad's work!"

"What?" Qi Yan was stunned, "They..."

"I called you two days ago, but your dad kept it secret and didn't tell me. I don't know why their company suddenly laid off employees today. Although the list hasn't been released yet, it's such a coincidence. Isn't this just a threat to your dad? !"

"Daughter, we can't afford to offend the Nan family. Your parents just hope that you can work well and find an ordinary family that treats you well in the future. Why do we have to offend the Nan family?

Does it have to be him alone? This is the kind of family that now treats you like this just by having a simple relationship. Do you know how many difficulties you will face when you get married? "

"When you get married so far away and get bullied, your parents won't be able to protect you for the first time. You should also think about your parents for once. Mom only has you as her treasure, can we be good together? Let's separate from Nanzhe... "

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