I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 811 I’m going to be unparalleled this time

After Chen Chu settled the school affairs, he took the two sisters Xiuzhen and Chen Xiaoxuan back to Ksitigarbha Palace and Temple. After communicating through the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he obtained the Ksitigarbha Sutra and passed it on to Master Zhang as an intermediary.

He plans to rekindle the divine fire and make the world's aura richer. Therefore, Mr. Zhang, who has been guarding the palace and temple all his life, needs real cultivation methods, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the most suitable one.

Light the divine fire and the matter is over.

At the entrance of the courtyard of Dizang Temple, Mr. Zhang, Chen Xiaoxuan and the two sisters stood there to see them off.

Chen Xiaoxuan had lived alone for several years and thought he was already very strong. But when Chen Chu said he was leaving, his tears burst out like a dam. He hugged Chen Chu tightly and said, "Brother, please don't leave." ?"

Chen Chu touched his head and smiled: "You know that my brother is a busy person running around. Now that you have grown up, it is time to learn to be strong. In the future, you will also start a family and have a small family of your own. What don't you understand? You can ask Mr. Zhang, he will help you, and my brother will come over to see you if he has a chance, but the time span may be a bit long..."

Chen Xiaoxuan wiped away his tears and said, "Brother, you are already a god. What if it takes too long and I die of old age?"

Chen Chu said: "You all know that I am a god. Even if you turn into ashes, you can still meet and chat for a few words."

he left……


First Commandment World.

Hong Kong Island, Kowloon.

Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang were nesting in an abandoned building. They sat in the corner with thick cardboard on the floor and a lantern with weak light, holding bread in their hands and wolfing down the food. Li Guoqiang choked on his bread. He stood up and walked to a sink. He turned on the faucet and heard a crunching sound as a large amount of reddish-brown water poured out.

There was a strong smell of rust in the air, which almost made Li Guoqiang spit out the bread in his stomach.

The faucet ran for a while, but suddenly there was no water.

Li Guoqiang leaned back and turned the faucet hard. There was nothing left inside...

He slapped his hands hard on the wash basin. His face, which had become a little haggard due to long-term anxiety, now had a hint of ferocity. He lowered his voice and said, "Boss, those ghosts are getting more and more powerful. Chen Chu helped me back then." All the established ghost forces have been wiped out, and there are overwhelming newspapers outside looking for us."

Huang Yaozu slowly stuffed bread into his mouth, swallowed it forcefully, looked at the night outside the abandoned building, and said hoarsely: "Chen Chu would not have thought that these ghosts would evolve. Ten years ago, the biggest ability of these ghosts was possession. But now they can not only walk on walls against gravity, they can even fly, and they can also throw us around in the air...

There are more and more cracks on the Day and Night God Token. I don’t know how many times I can use it. Alas, the world is obviously beginning to regain the power to fight ghosts, but... it’s still too weak. "

Li Guoqiang touched a rope hanging on his waist. They had each had one of the Day and Night Wandering God's tokens, but now his piece had been broken in the last fight.

He was a little confused: "How long can we escape? Why can't the gods come directly to this world..."

At this moment, the token around Huang Yaozu's waist emitted a faint soft light, his expression changed, he stuffed all the unopened bread on the paper into his pocket, stood up and said: "A ghost is coming, Bi It's much faster than I imagined, so hurry up and go down the stairs at the back. We have been holding on for so long, and it can only take a while."

The Wandering God Token can give them power and can also sense the arrival of ghosts, providing them with countless opportunities to escape from death.

Bang bang bang.

A large number of footsteps came from the stairs, and the sound echoed particularly loudly in the silent environment of the abandoned building.

Huang Yaozu took out a handful of incense from his arms, lit it with a lighter, made a few empty strokes on the head of the incense with his index finger and whispered: "Please help me, please, please!" The smoke from the incense surrounded his fingertips, twinkling. There was a faint black light, which meant that the spiritual power of the Night Travel God had successfully blessed him...

Li Guoqiang took out a pistol and loaded it. His Day Travel God Token was broken and he could no longer use the power of the Travel God. The spiritual power accumulated over time had also dissipated, so he could only fight with his old friends.

They just evacuated.

Then a group of men in black came up the stairs, quickly walked to the paper bag, and kicked the bread bag. One of them stood by the sink and said coldly: "There are water stains. It seems they just left." It won’t take long, hurry up and chase!”

The tips of these people's noses twitched in the air, as if they were locating their position, and the leader showed a cruel smile: "I found it, it's at the stairs on the other side, hurry up!"

They were running wildly, very fast!

Just after passing a corner, the leader's pupils shrank, and they saw Huang Yaozu, whom they had been tracking for a long time, standing in the corner, holding a handful of burning incense in his hand, with a smile on his face and said: "I'm chasing you so hard, I won't give it to you." How about a little gift?"

Huang Yaozu held the incense in his left hand, spread out the five fingers of his right hand and grabbed the burning incense head, pulled it off forcefully, took a step forward, and threw the incense head out with all his strength! These incense sticks fell on the men in black, just like being hit by a sniper rifle. Several holes appeared in an instant, sending them flying backwards...

Da da da.

Huang Yaozu turned around and ran away. He knew that the men in black who came to chase him were not ordinary ghosts. Now that the tokens were damaged and their spiritual power was greatly reduced, these methods alone could not kill them at all...

Sure enough, the people in black fell to the ground and struggled for a few times. Their bellies exploded, and one after another ferocious evil ghosts emerged from the inside. They looked at each other, and their bloodthirsty could not be concealed at all. After devouring the bodies on the ground, Putting his hands and feet on the ground, he ran out like a beast!

The abandoned building was five stories high. Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang ran wildly up the stairs one after another. Gunshots rang out from time to time. The ghosts were bounced off and then attacked again, as if they couldn't be killed...

The leading evil ghost is the fastest and is only a few meters away from Huang Yaozu. He can catch it with a little effort.

Huang Yaozu felt the evil wind behind him and shouted: "Keep running, don't look back!"

He turned around and kicked the evil ghost, forming a seal with his hands and punching it, and the spiritual power spurted out. Unexpectedly, the evil ghost grabbed his hands tightly, and the spiritual power dissipated directly...

The evil ghost opened his mouth and laughed: "Do you really think that your skills can still work? This world belongs to us, so what if you have tried so hard to invite the power of God? Can you win?"

Li Guoqiang, who was already on the next floor, heard the evil ghost's words and knew that Huang Yaozu had been caught. He glanced at the gun in his hand, rushed up with a fierce expression, raised the gun and pointed it at the evil ghost and continuously pulled the trigger, bang bang bang. , the bullet passed through the evil ghost's face, and had no effect at all except some ripples...

Huang Yaozu was almost furious with Li Guoqiang: "Pujie, we have cooperated for so many years. If you don't leave if I tell you to, what kind of sensational drama will you put on with me?"

Li Guoqiang took out a mahogany dagger from his pocket. He knew it was useless, but he still wanted to fight. He smiled and said: "Without power, I will die wherever I run away. It's better to die with you."

Evil Ghost: "That's it, then die. I will take your souls back and torture them day and night to see who can bring the power of gods into this world!"

The expressions of Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang changed. These evil ghosts actually had new abilities and could draw out the souls of dead people! They have no way to survive, and they cannot even choose their own death!


Li Guoqiang raised his mahogany dagger and rushed towards the evil ghost, shouting: "God, give us a chance!"

The evil spirit mocked.

At this time, a voice sounded: "God is not here, I don't know if it will work if I give you a chance."

When Li Guoqiang heard this familiar yet unfamiliar voice, he staggered and almost fell down the stairs. He followed the sound and looked.

The abandoned building was dilapidated, with many walls empty, leaving only the load-bearing structure. Through the structure, Chen Chu was seen standing on the edge of a floor, dressed casually, in a suit and leather shoes, with his arms folded as if he were on the building. It's like blowing air.

Huang Yaozu twisted his body hard, his arms clicked, and he broke his arms to free himself from the evil spirit. Pain surged through his body and sweat formed on his forehead. He endured the pain and yelled at Chen Chu: "Go quickly, these guys Ghosts are different from what you have seen before..."

Chen Chu appeared directly in front of Huang Yaozu in the next second, held his shoulders and said: "Boss, what you are doing now is very similar to what I did back then. You did it very well. Don't do it next time."

The evil ghost was a little confused. It didn't see clearly how the young man came here. Even ghosts couldn't move at this speed. It couldn't help but feel a little fear and took a step back: "Let's get out of here first!" The ghost behind him They were stunned as to why they wanted to leave here. They didn't see Chen Chu teleporting over, and they were all a little confused.

Chen Chu patted his hand gently, and the blood in Huang Yaozu's severed arm instantly stopped. The itching was unbearable. The next moment, the flesh, flesh and bones automatically grew out and gathered into brand new arms and hands.

Huang Yaozu: "This..."

Li Guoqiang almost dropped his pistol: "A magical spell from the gods?"

The evil spirits were in chaos, and they knew it was time to retreat without the leader having to tell them.

Chen Chu turned his head and looked around. The bodies of the evil ghosts suddenly attracted each other and stuck together tightly. They were obviously soul bodies, but they made the sound of bones breaking. They squeezed each other into a ball of ghosts and then exploded! The ghost that became Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang's nightmare was wiped out so easily...

This world seems to have passed a long time ago. Huang Yaozu looks like he is fifty years old, and there are already wrinkles on his face. Li Guoqiang is not much better, with a haggard look on his face.

Chen Chu would not go through every world in the past. Even if he went there, he would just light up the divine fire and leave.

Huang Yaozu was so excited that he was speechless.

Li Guoqiang could understand Huang Yaozu's excitement, and he also calmed down and said: "Brother Chu, you helped me collect a large number of ghost forces, which was really useful, but later they were discovered, and ghosts fought with each other. We are here There were too few ghosts around, and they were all wiped out after half a year...and Guo Xiaolan and the others...alas, we are the only ones left now."

Huang Yaozu exhaled a breath, came over, and said: "We are living a life of hiding in Tibet again, but with the Day and Night Wandering God Token to protect us, we can survive. Two years ago, a big gap suddenly opened in the sky , an eyeball glanced here from behind the gap. From that day on, all the ghosts began to mutate, slowly evolving abilities other than possession, such as flying, fast movement, and finally even being killed in the possessed state. They will die, and the soul will come out and continue to possess us and continue to act... Nowadays, ghosts can move in a short time without relying on the body and attack us."

Chen Chu: "..."

The First Commandment: This world is really trying to destroy mankind.

He looked into the air: "What about the cracks?"

Huang Yaozu said: "I don't know, the crack appeared for a while, and the eyeball seemed to squeeze in, and suddenly it seemed like it was squeezed away by something, and the crack disappeared..."

Chen Chu directly communicated the will of this world without saying a word. Only then did he realize that this world turned out to be very small and wrapped in darkness. Not long ago, a dark eyeball found a hole and tore it open. Fortunately, Chen Chu became the Great Luo Celestial Immortal, and the world The consciousness was instantly strengthened, the barrier was repaired, and the dark eyeball was prevented from invading.

But the moment the opening was opened, a dark aura poured in, and as time passed, these evil spirits slowly grew. Why not interfere with the evil spirits? The will expresses that it cannot interfere, because ghosts are special products of this world. They actively absorb darkness and evolve. Even if they are invaded by darkness, there is nothing they can do. After all, it can only prevent external invasion, but cannot prevent internal corruption.

Chen Chu took out two small elixirs, repaired the hidden injuries on Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang's bodies, and said: "I have achieved success in cultivation. This time I came here specifically to completely eliminate the evil ghosts in this world, open the yin path, and pass through reincarnation." , so that souls without malicious intent have the opportunity to be reincarnated without having to stay at the place of death."

Huang Yaozu was a little shocked and said: "Really, can it really be done?"

Chen Chu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll drive the Wushuang for a while first to experience it, you guys just wait for me here."

He flew high into the sky, and his spiritual consciousness swept out, covering the entire world in an instant. Because of the double-pupil effect, it was easy to distinguish which ghosts had bad karma...

First, take a look at the most luxurious manor in the center of Hong Kong Island, where a large number of "powerful" ghosts are concentrated.

He roared over like a cannonball, and his feet landed on the ground of the manor. The impact force directly lifted the ground, plowing a hundred meters in radius. This was just the physical effect of a simple falling body. If it were not for fear of hurting ordinary people, it would be harder to use more force. A little, and a thousand miles will be shaken!

A bunch of evil spirits ran out of the manor. They were wearing various costumes. Without exception, they all occupied very important positions and had great influence on Hong Kong Island...

One of the ghosts in a white suit came out. He felt a strong pressure from Chen Chu's body. The expression on his face changed, and then he squeezed out a smile and said, "We have friends from far away, welcome!"


The mana was squeezed together and swept out. The ghosts present spat out a mouthful of black blood and fell straight to the ground.

After a while, these bodies woke up again. They were the original owners of the bodies. Their souls were crushed and crushed by the evil ghosts, but they were repaired by Chen Chu.

Chen Chu is going to go on a killing spree this time to wipe out the evil spirits.

If there are too many blank bodies in this world, and there is a gap in the power between people, there will definitely be fierce competition, and there may be wars. Therefore, it takes a little effort to restore the original soul of the body. When ghosts seize high-level people, they will let living people work normally for a few years, and then seize them when the time is right. They can also seize their memory abilities.

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