I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 814 Jiang An’s Tears

In Shanghai, there was a chaos of gunfire on the bridge. People were running around in panic. In the hail of bullets, people fell to the ground one after another, no matter men, women, old or young...

Jiang An followed the autonomous militia group, which had less than ten people left, running on the muddy and bloodstained ground.

When he was in the Jiang Family Courtyard, he was a silly fat man with a birthmark on his face. Now more than ten years later, he has become dark and thin, his hair has been shortened, and his eyes are shining like never before. ! With the invasion of aliens, this land is in flames of war and mourning is everywhere. He has lost everything and has no way to retreat. He has no choice but to enter the troubled times alone and contribute his little strength to drive the enemies out... For his wife, for his uncle, and for his father!

The militia sounds like a regiment, but in fact it is just a few hundred civilians who gathered together independently to resist foreign enemies. At first, more than 400 people gathered together. One hundred and sixty-five days have passed since its establishment. Only a dozen people are left out of the 400 people...

There was smoke everywhere and panicked crowds.

Jiang An and his teammates were separated and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. It started to rain lightly in the sky and the ground became muddy. He stepped on straw sandals and went upstream. There was a flash of gunfire in the smoke. He identified it and it was those miscellaneous people. clothing! He pulled the bolt of the gun, took a brief aim, and then started shooting to cover people's departure...

Bang, bang, click, click, click.

Bullets are very precious things, and the badly worn rifle in his hand is only as good as that.

With the sound of a gunshot, blood burst out from his left shoulder, and his body shook. Then tearing pain surged throughout his body. With another gunshot, his calf was almost broken, and he was shot a second time...

Jiang An rushed into the pile of debris next to him, unable to make another big move due to the tearing pain. The rainwater flowed down his cheeks, mixed with mud and dust, making him look more like an evil ghost.

He struggled to open the pocket on his right chest with his left hand, took out something wrapped in oil paper, and opened it carefully. Inside was a piece of yellowed cloth with the names of many people written on it: Ergou (Sichuan), Donkey Dan (Sichuan), Zheng Rich (Sichuan) Liu Azu (Fujian) Jiang An (Chongqing)...

These are the names of more than 400 people. None of them can write. Jiang An, who has read out the name and place of birth, will do it for him. Those whose names are written will put their fingerprints on it. Zheng Youqian inside mentioned that getting this thing would leave something even if he died, proving that he had really worked hard. He heard that a team of people had also made this thing into a flag, so he wanted to get it here too. To make a flag, he has to choose the best wooden pole as the flagpole.

Zheng Youqian's family owns a rice shop and has a little money. He always likes to take the position of a manager when talking.

He even got excited and started to get carried away, saying that when this war is over, more than 400 of us will go to him to receive ten kilograms of free rice each, without any husk or sand. As a result, everyone ridiculed the profiteer. In the past, when doing business, he must have put sand into the rice. Zheng Youqian was so embarrassed that his face turned red. What could he say? It was because it was on the ground when it was dried, and there was no way the rice would be without sand. Class words.

The next day, he died.

Encountered a group of beasts with only a dozen people. Everyone on the other side was armed with a rifle, but less than three of them had guns on their side.

Zheng Youqian survived being shot several times, but he couldn't run anymore. He stayed behind with the explosives he made to save everyone's life. Unfortunately, when he rushed towards the enemy, the explosives exploded halfway. .

Jiang An was born into a wealthy family.

Zheng Youqian found out from the beginning and came over to get close to him. He even started to draw pictures saying that he had a very beautiful sister, and forced a photo into his hand. This was something that only "rich people" like them could have access to. This thing is very expensive!

Jiang An's oil paper bag only had this piece of cloth with his name written on it at first. Later, for some reason, everyone put things in his hands. There were buttons, half a comb, and pictures with unknown meanings. The pictures are messy and full of everything. He pulled out another piece of oil paper from the depths of his pocket. Inside were two photos. The first was a group photo of the Jiang family, and the second was a "postcard" with Chen Chu's smiling expression on the front and a dark background with nothing.

Seeing Chen Chu's expression, he couldn't help but laugh too. He pulled at the wound on his shoulder and cried again with a sore tip of his nose.

It really hurts.

Did it hurt so much when my father and uncle died...

Jiang An was already a man close to forty years old. Tears could not stop flowing from his eyes, like a dam bursting, and he even cried loudly...

He was crying about this fucking world.

He was crying for those who died.

He was crying that he was helpless.

Opening his hands, he threw the oiled paper under the bridge with all his strength. It spread out in the air, and the piece of cloth and other scattered things were like paper money at a funeral.

He knew that he had no way to leave here. Carrying a bunch of things that gathered countless thoughts of his compatriots would only become trophies for the beasts to laugh at and display...

The sound of boots scraping on the ground was heard as at least twenty people came over.

Jiang An pulled out the sharp knife from his waist, pointed the tip of the knife at his neck, glared angrily, and was about to plunge it in with all his strength.


The wind raged.

Jiang An couldn't pull the knife away, and then he realized that there was a person standing in front of him. It was Chen Chu, who looked like he was in his twenties.

He burst into tears for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating before his death, because several people also saw their parents before they died, saying that their parents came to take them home. At this moment, Jiang An felt as if he had returned to the Jiang family mansion, feeling aggrieved. Said: "Brother Chen!"

Chen Chu touched his head, with a slight smile in the corner of his eyes, and said: "You have done a good job, better than ever, leave the next step to me..."

Jiang An only felt that the wounds all over his body were itchy and sore. Something wonderful happened. The bullets on his shoulders and calves were slowly squeezed out bit by bit. The wounds healed automatically, and even the muscles in his body became full and full of strength.

This is not an illusion!

Jiang An pinched his thigh, surprised, happy and sad. Brother Chen is a capable person, able to control wind and rain, and is mysterious and unpredictable.

He was suddenly startled, but no matter how magical it was, he could not stop the rifles and cannonballs. He saw with his own eyes that someone was torn to pieces by the cannonballs falling from the sky in front of him.

Chen Chu stood on the bridge, his eyes slowly swept around, looking at the smoky sky, looking at the bones on the ground, and there were waves of painful sounds in his ears...

He looked down at his hands and shook them gently. His long hair spread out slowly as if immersed in water, without wind.

A sophisticated team of beasts came on the bridge. When they saw this man standing on the bridge in a daze, they couldn't help but sneered, thinking that this was another person who was frightened. One of the leaders with a short knife on his waist came up, pulled out the short knife and struck at him with a bang. The blade was three centimeters away from Chen Chu and could no longer move forward. The blade even cut through the air.

The knife suddenly turned back, and the back of the knife struck the leader's neck. His head flew up, and his body immediately fell to the ground.

Everyone in the team panicked. Knowing that they had encountered someone serious, they immediately raised their rifles and started shooting. The bullets, like the captain's knife, could not get close to Chen Chu's body.

Chen Chu turned to look at them and said calmly: "You should go back to your place first."

As soon as the words came out, the people in this team immediately floated up and flew towards the sea with a whooshing sound in the air. Then, near and far, people kept making frightened shouts and flying into the sky, like monsters. bird……

The sound of gunfire that had filled the sky from time to time slowly became quiet.

Jiang Andou was shocked. Although Chen Chu was a bit magical last time he saw him, he was not so awesome and now he is simply an immortal. He leaned over excitedly and said, "Brother Chen, have you become an immortal?"

Chen Chu: "Yeah."

Jiang An: "Huh?"

When he said becoming an immortal, he was just using it to describe Chen Chu's powerful and terrifying strength. He didn't expect that the other party actually agreed, and he was suddenly confused. At this time, I couldn't help but think of what my father said. Chen Chu is a good person and very strong. We can get along with each other, but don't be too entangled in why he is so powerful. Sometimes, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, but it is the best. choose……

Jiang An looked at the dancing people in the sky. Without exception, they were all beasts that invaded this land.

He suddenly said: "In addition to these people, there are also some who are worse than animals, betraying us, worse than pigs and dogs, leading the way, informing, and indirectly killing countless people..."

Chen Chu understood what Jiang An was talking about, looked at the sky and said, "Let these people go there too."

The collapsed houses were in a mess, and many people were flying upward one after another.

too slow……

Hurry up!

The densely packed figures in the sky accelerated suddenly, heading toward the northeast sea like locusts, as fast as lightning.

Chen Chu was only responsible for sending people there, and it didn't matter how they landed.

Following these two sentences from Chen Chu.

Similar things are happening not only in Shanghai, but also in other cities. Some people are hiding in air-raid shelters and houses. The thick cement and stone slabs cannot stop them from leaving, and their heads are bleeding...

Ten thousand meters above the ground, Chen Chu and Jiang An looked down at the 370,000 square kilometers of islands below.

Jiang An was floating next to him, and nothing would happen to him with Chen Chu's protection. He looked at the shrunken island in trance, then looked back at the vast land over there, and sighed heavily: "Brother Chen, you want to destroy Got them..."

Chen Chu said indifferently: "It's nature, it has nothing to do with me."

As his voice fell, the center of the 3,700-meter Baektu Mountain on the island below suddenly began to smoke. The ground was shaking, countless houses collapsed, and the next second, hot magma erupted from the center of the mountain. From a height of over a thousand meters, thick volcanic ash spreads around like the end of the world...

What a power of nature!

Jiang An was stunned.

The island is shaking, and countless cracks extend into unfathomable ravines.

The surrounding seawater suddenly boiled, and the waves continued to pile up, reaching an absurd height of more than a thousand meters, rolling towards the island with overwhelming force...

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