I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 829 Yuanshi Tianzun

Empress Shiji felt like her head was buzzing...

The same person who was as confused as Empress Shiji was Master Taiyi. He just wanted to use the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier to trap Shiji and refine it. Who would have thought that there would be an unexpected surprise! What kind of Taoist priest is so stupid? After cultivating to this point, it is considered the end of the road. Well, today is the time for this person to reach his end.

Master Taiyi seized the opportunity, pointed at the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover, and shouted: "Burn!"

Looking from the outside, I saw thick smoke rising from the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and the flames flickered, instantly engulfing Chen Chu's figure...

Empress Shiji's eyes twitched: "Fellow Taoist!"

She raised her sword and challenged Taiyi Zhenren again, hoping to distract him from controlling the cover.

Boy Biyun almost cried out of fright. He talked a lot with Chen Chu when they were at the foot of the mountain. No one had ever been able to listen to him so patiently, not even his empress and junior brother. He cried: "It's because of my shallow blessings and my fate that I let my benefactor bear the disaster. I'm willing to die, I'm willing to die!" As he said that, he ran towards the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, trying to replace Chen Chu.

Someone grabbed him, it was Caiyun boy, who dissuaded him: "Senior brother, don't commit suicide. Since your benefactor has saved your life, you should live well. Only if you succeed in cultivation can you have a chance to take revenge! You go up like this Dying together will only make the old man complacent, let’s see what the empress does first..."

When Li Nezha saw Chen Chu taking the initiative to enter the cover, he suddenly became excited and shouted: "Okay, okay, burn him to death!"

Taiyi Zhenren kept the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield to calcine Chen Chu, and fought with Empress Shiji with the sword in his other hand, thinking that Shi Ji was so stubborn and ineffective, and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield would fall on her head soon. However, he was slightly confused. In the past, when demons and ghosts were refined, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was put on them, and it only took an instant to burn them to ashes or reduce them to their original form. How long had it been, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was still burning there.

At this moment, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire is inside.

The moment Chen Chu was surrounded by the flames and smoke, he took off his clothes and sat cross-legged on the ground to meditate.

He was not a masochist who insisted on being tortured in the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier, but the moment Taiyi Zhenren took out the hood, the Nine Turns Dao Pill in Chen Chu's body vibrated, which seemed to be related to the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier...

Chen Chu had gone through various tests in his first three turns. Now that the nine-turn Taoist elixir had changed, he immediately understood that the opportunity for the fourth turn was within the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier...

So go right in.

The fire was so fierce that ordinary Taoist robes could not withstand it at all, and they had to be taken off and put away in advance.

Chen Chu spread his hands to let his body come into contact with the flame more so that both sides could be burned. However, although the flame was very hot, it was still far from the elixir fire in Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. It hurt. It doesn't hurt at all.


Dao Dan is useful.

He was a little bored and waited with his chin propped up.

Suddenly, the Dao Dan moved, spinning in the Dantian. The nine golden dragons' eyes that were faintly visible in the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover bulged slightly, and the flames in their mouths were pulled out uncontrollably. This was no longer them actively breathing fire, but someone. Pulling on the divine fire in their bodies!

The mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and divine fire are continuously being withdrawn. Jiulong was formed by the divine fire gathered in the early stage of the divine fire shield. Now the divine fire has decreased, and the body shape has gradually faded. The divine fire has completely covered Chen Chu's body and slowly penetrated through the skin...

To be precise, it was the Dao Pill that was absorbing the flames, and the entire Dao Pill became bright red.


Master Taiyi heard this unpleasant sound and looked back: "Huh?"

The next second, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover cracked from the middle, and smoke filled the air, revealing Chen Chu who had put his clothes back on.

This, this is impossible!

Taiyi Zhenren was very confident in the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, but this was too much... He was distracted for a moment, and Shi Ji slashed his arm with a sword. Blood flowed like a stream, and his killing intent suddenly aroused. He raised his sword and turned it into a streak of snow. The light covered the past: "Your doom has come!"


Sparks fly...

Chen Chu appeared in front of him, blocked Taiyi Zhenren's sword with his Final Sword, turned to look at him and said, "Master You told you that if you are destined to suffer disaster in the world of mortals, you will be killed. Now it should come true!"

Master Taiyi's hands were numb, and a sense of crisis covered his whole body. He threw away the fly whisk, took out a gold brick from his arms, and said angrily: "Look at this treasure!"

Chen Chu took the gold brick with his bare hands like lightning and put it into his pocket: "I saw it, do you have any more?"


A trace of panic arose in Master Taiyi's heart, and he slashed hard with his sword, using the force to escape dozens of meters, turning into a white light and soaring upward.

Chen Chu stood on the ground. After a brief contact, he could already estimate the strength level of Taiyi Zhenren. Staring at the white light, he took out Erlang Shen's short bow from the space, placed a golden pill on the bowstring, took aim, and drew it full. Cum! Kanemaru spun in the air and hit the white light. A scream was heard from inside, and Master Taiyi fell heavily to the ground.

He walked over, stepped on Zhenren Taiyi's wrist and said, "Fellow Taoist, please accept the disaster!"

The final sword slashed across Taiyi Zhenren's neck, and his white-haired head rolled on the ground, revealing his dead eyes.

Li Jing was stunned, Yuanshi Tianzun's beloved disciple Taiyi Zhenren was killed...

Li Nezha was also shocked. Although he was the reincarnation of Ling Zhuzi, compared with Zhenren Taiyi, Lingzhu did not have enough weight in front of Yuanshi Tianzun. Now that Zhenren Taiyi is dead, after investigation, he will never escape punishment. . When he was thinking wildly, a shadow enveloped him. When he looked up and saw Chen Chu in front of him, he was immediately frightened and said hurriedly: "You have killed my master, what else do you want to do... Aren't you afraid that Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace will blame you? ?”

Chen Chu grabbed Li Nezha's soul neck with his left hand and lifted it up, saying: "Of course I'm afraid, but you shouldn't be afraid of the person here. Don't worry about these things. Just go with peace of mind."

Li Nezha was finally afraid, and said with a cry in his voice: "Don't be like this, I am already a dead person. If I die again, wouldn't it mean that I will never be reincarnated and have no chance of reincarnation?"


Chen Chu shook his left hand hard, and Li Nezha was instantly wiped out.

Li Jing stood nearby and didn't dare to move, for fear that Chen Chu would become jealous. Chen Chu glanced at him and said, "Go back."

Li Jing quickly thanked him, took up Tudun and left.

Shi Ji was shocked by Chen Chu's rough tactics and said, "If you use friendly tactics, I'll make a fool of myself."

Taiyi Zhenren and Li Nezha were killed. The Taoist in front of him would definitely offend Yuanshi Tianzun. Even if Yuanshi Tianzun didn't come, Taiyi Zhenren's other brothers would come.

She would not give up on Chen Chu. She quickly thought about the solution to the situation in her mind, and said with a raised corner of her mouth: "Yes, I am a disciple of Master Tongtian, the headmaster of Jiejiao. Fellow Taoist, you might as well follow me to Jiejiao, so that you can avoid other people." People are chasing you.”

Jiejiao, although there are many immortals.

But Tongtian Cult Master teaches without distinction, and anyone can practice Taoism as long as they have the will to do so. Therefore, among these disciples, there are also many crooked and evil-minded people...

Chen Chu did not directly refuse Shi Ji's invitation, and said with a smile: "I was the one who killed Master Taiyi, and I was the one who killed Nezha. The cause and effect are mine, so fellow Taoists don't have to worry.

Pindao is not a pushover. No matter if he is Taiyi's junior brother or senior brother, if they are all so unreasonable, let's kill one, or two of them! "

Very murderous.

Empress Shi Ji was secretly shocked. Now that she thought about it, she seemed to still not know the name of this fellow Taoist.

She cupped her hands and said, "I'm a poor Taoist, Shiji. I haven't asked my Taoist friend for his name yet?"

Chen Chu returned the greeting with a smile and said, "I am a poor Taoist... my Taoist name is Yongzhen."

Yongzhen? Does anyone else use this as a road sign? The way of naming... is really a different approach.

Empress Shiji smiled and said: "What a good name. Let's go to the cave first and sit down to drink tea. If someone disturbs you, the tea should be cold..."

Chen Chu asked Empress Shi Ji to wait a moment. He untied the refining gourd from his waist, pulled out the plug, and with a swish sound, he put the body of Master Taiyi and the bag of magic weapons inside. He took a casual glance at the bag. There are actually Nezha's future equipment sets, fire-tip guns, hot wheels and the like...

He drank three bowls of tea in the White Bone Cave and was about to leave. Suddenly, a circle of white characters appeared on the ground, which were white wax stone fonts.

Content: [The immortals have no immortality, the gods have no divine personality, the heaven and earth are catastrophic, and disasters are everywhere, which will definitely damage the origin of the world! The will of the world in the world of Fengshenyan is damaged due to its origin. In order to prevent excessive damage, it is unable to maintain the existence of the world. Therefore, I hope you can end the act of Fengshen in heaven. 】

Chen Chu paused for a moment before leaving the Bone Cave.

The task this time is not small.

The matter of becoming a god was discussed by Haotian God Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader Taishang Tianzun. In the later period, even the chess players like them lifted up the chess board and started playing, and they could not hear what others were saying.

Chen Chu just glanced at the mission and knew that he could not be too pure in this world, and would even directly become the common enemy of the three leaders of Haotian God.

He turned into sword light and flew towards the northeast...

At the entrance of the White Bone Cave, Empress Shiji looked at Chen Chu's leaving figure, frowned, and said, "Biyun, Caiyun, pack up the things in the cave, it's time for us to leave here."

When Biyun Caiyun followed Empress Shiji, she had already lived here. Skull Mountain was like her own home. When she suddenly said she wanted to leave, she felt extremely reluctant to leave.

Biyun asked: "Will Master Taiyi's brothers come to trouble us?"

Empress Shiji said: "It should be so. There are more than a dozen disciples under Yuanshi Tianzun, and twelve of them are called the Twelve Golden Immortals, who are quite valued. Now one of the Twelve Golden Immortals is missing. Regardless of their reputation, , or friendship, I can't bear it. Although this world is big, there may not be enough room to accommodate us..."

Biyun knew he had to leave. He glanced at the sky and said worriedly: "I hope my benefactor will have great luck and not be hurt by those bullshit Eleven and Twelve Golden Immortals."

Shi Ji knew that Biyun would talk endlessly as soon as he opened his mouth, so he interrupted directly: "Why don't you go quickly? Do you have to wait until you die to wake up?"

Biyun lowered his head and entered the cave to get busy.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun has just returned from the Lingxiao Palace in Heaven.

God Haotian invited the three religions to discuss and finally come up with a list of gods.

When Yuanshi Tianzun comes back, he must restrain his disciples and not go out casually, so as not to suffer disaster. A little true spirit will be on the list of gods, and thousands of years of cultivation will be destroyed in one day. Immortals will become gods and be controlled by the list of gods. As soon as he sat down on the futon in Yuxu Palace, his brows jumped and he had a bad feeling...

He stretched out his hand to calculate, and couldn't believe that his disciple, Taiyi Zhenren, who was the Twelve Golden Immortal, was actually dead.

Nezha also died.

So what happened.

Yuanshi Tianzun was calculating, and his brows were getting tighter. Suddenly, various explosions occurred in the rare treasures in the main hall of Yuxu Palace, and the ground was a mess. He looked at his left hand, and he just wanted to calculate the numbers between Taiyi Zhenren and Nezha. What happened to cause such a violent fateful backlash...

His realm was already very high, and his destiny had little backlash, and he directly reacted to surrounding things, thus making Yuxu Palace a mess.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood up, and then sat back. With a sweep, the broken things on the ground returned to their original positions, all restored to their original state, except that the aura and divinity were not so full.

He said loudly: "Where is Guangchengzi?"

Immortal energy was lingering, and an immortal came out of it and bowed to Yuanshi Tianzun: "Meet Master."

The person who came was Guangchengzi, who was handsome in appearance, and the immortal lines between his eyebrows were even more brilliant. He was also a very satisfied disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Guangchengzi, you are the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals, but now there are only eleven of them. Do you know?"

Guangchengzi was stunned for a moment, thought of something, and said, "Could it be that someone broke away from our teaching?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "No, it's Taiyi. He was killed, and the spirit bead that was reincarnated in Chentangguan not long ago was also killed. The true spirit dissipated. You take the jade tripod, yellow dragon and red sperm. Go to Jinguang Cave to see what happened. If there are no clues, go to Chentangguan to look for Li Jing and ask..."

Things don't have to be so troublesome.

Guangchengzi thought to himself, stretched out his left hand and began to calculate. Yuanshi Tianzun shot a divine light and scattered the results...

But Guangchengzi still figured it out a little bit, and fate poured into Yuxu Palace like wolves and tigers, heading straight for Guangchengzi!

This frightened Guangchengzi. Things like fate's backlash are only for those idiots who are weak and like to think they are better than themselves. His cultivation level is rare in the world, so how can there be a backlash?

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted, and the huge pressure spread out, breaking up the backlash, and then said: "The people who killed Taiyi and Nezha may be from existences outside of chaos, or they may have magic weapons and supernatural powers that can block fate. Go and check, if you find anything, don’t alert the snake, just come back..."

Guangchengzi accepted the order and went out to look for the jade tripod Huanglong and the red sperm.

Yuanshi Tianzun took out a roll of yellow cloth from his sleeve, recalled what Haotian God said, and said, "Where is Jiang Ziya? Come see me."

Just speak, and Jiang Ziya, who is still busy in Kunlun Mountain, appears here. He has white hair and a long beard. He is wearing a Taoist robe and has a ruddy complexion. However, there are some traces of time on his face. This is the reason why he cannot be repaired. . Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun sitting there, surrounded by divine light and majestic, Jiang Ziya lowered his head and bowed: "Meet the Master!"

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