I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 843 Star Officer

The elusive scavenger just disappeared, like human-shaped smoke that was dispersed with a wave of your hand.

The back of Dai Feng's head felt cold. He could even feel the temperature on the tips of the scavenger's fingers just now. His forehead was pressed tightly against the ground, and his chest and back were soaked with sweat. Who is this young man standing in the parking lot? Why do his eyes bleed when he looks at them? And when he bleeds, the image of the young man becomes blurred and distorted, as if he should not exist in the world at all.

He didn't dare to move his body. Although his sixth sense told him that he would be safe if he found the "person in the white light", the huge unknown faced by human beings would also bring extreme fear to the senses and psychology.

Yao Xianwen came over and held his shoulders and said: "Brother Feng, get up quickly, the old ghost is gone!"

Dai Feng did not dare to move and lowered his voice and said, "Xianwen, kneel down with me and follow suit."

Only then did Yao Xianwen realize that the inexplicable young man in front of him seemed ordinary, but when the old ghost approached, he was frightened out of his wits. Maybe he was another level of terrifying ghost. His legs went weak and he thought to himself: Just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den! He knelt on the ground and hit his forehead on the ground...

He lowered his voice and said, "Brother Feng, why doesn't our amulet take effect?"

Dai Feng doesn't know why cobblestones can drive away security ghosts and radio ghosts, but have no effect on scavenger ghosts...

In the parking lot, there were two people lying on the ground and one standing.

The wind is howling.

The standing young man seemed like a machine that had been idle for a long time. At this moment, the switch was turned back on and a faint sound of breathing came from his mouth and nose. He slowly turned his neck and looked at Yao Xianwen and Dai Feng, frowning: " Um???"

This time I said um.

Yao Xianwen didn't feel anything special, but it was like thunder exploding when it fell on Dai Feng's ear. His eardrums hurt and he almost fainted.

The person in the white light falling from the sky is Chen Si who has passed through darkness and abyss, passed through the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, crossed time and space, and landed here...

A glimmer of light gradually returned to Chen Chu's eyes. He glanced at the people on the ground and began to check his body.

It has to be said that the dungeon mission that Bai Feishi gave him this time raised the difficulty too high. Just the process of entering this world took him a lot of effort and was besieged by thousands of strange fish. , causing scars all over the body, and no one knows how much blood was shed from the wounds...

A faint white light appeared in his right hand, and he put his index and middle fingers together and pointed into the air!

White light spurted out and penetrated into the sky!

The next second, invisible pressure came from all directions, and the night sky seemed overwhelmed, with weak cracks appearing! In an instant, the wind and clouds changed, sand and rocks flew, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling continued! The sword light shot by Chen Chu hit the sky, entangled with countless rules, exploded with a bang, and turned into countless power fluctuations heading towards the distance...


The mountains and buildings in the distance seemed to have been bombed by bombers. Flames shot into the sky, and huge explosions flattened the mountains and overturned tall buildings.

Chen Chu immediately withdrew his sword light!

Falling into this world, everything here is full of ominousness, whether it is the sky or the earth, including these living people.

Therefore, he simply launched a sword directly, and the target was the way of heaven!

In Pewter Stone's description, the world consciousness of this world has been shattered and disappeared, the world is directly integrated with darkness, the consciousness of heaven is also distorted, the gods are dead, and even the remaining bodies of the gods have turned into evil things.

What surprised him was that this twisted heaven was very powerful, even a little bit thief, as it refracted the sword light he shot to other places...

Huge pressure came down from the sky. Chen Chu's whole body bloomed with white light, and Daluo Tianxian's power bloomed. There was a stalemate between the two, forming a wonderful balance.

The blackness in the night flowed down like ink, falling on those buildings and streets, sizzling, corroding everything...

The light on Chen Chu's body gradually became restrained...

The ink falling from the sky was in turbulent waves, like the Tianhe River bursting its banks, rushing from all directions, with the target being Chen Chu. But as the brilliance disappeared, the ink seemed to have lost its target, and actually slowly retreated back to the sky. went.

The heaven of this world has merged with darkness.

His power as a great Luo Celestial Immortal is not enough. He can only protect himself and cannot destroy the way of heaven. But this Tiandao seems to be a bit short-sighted. As long as he restrains his breath, he will not be discovered, even if he stands in front of him...

A little tricky.

His eyes fell on the two people lying on the ground again, and he said: "Why...why are you kneeling to me?"

The environment here is very similar to that of the real world. Chen Chu tidied up his speech and asked, "What are you doing kneeling here..."

Yao Xianwen lay motionless.

Dai Feng almost rolled his eyes. The brief confrontation between Chen Chu and Tiandao caused Dai Feng's five senses to suffer great pain.

When Chen Chu saw that the two of them were silent, he discovered that the eyes and ears of the young man in his mid-twenties were bleeding. It turned out that this man's facial features were connected to the darkness for some reason. He could also see what the darkness could see. It's just that the darkness can bear it, but this man's mortal body cannot bear it. It is already a miracle that he is alive at this moment!

He raised his index finger a little higher.

Dai Feng was shaken all over. His eyes no longer hurt, and his ears no longer hurt. It was as if something cold was being peeled off from his head.

Chen Chu repeated the previous topic.

Dai Feng was torn in his heart and didn't know how to answer. He put his right hand into his pocket and held the pebbles tightly. He mustered up the courage to say: "We were chased by ghosts. We found that white light fell from the sky, which could ward off evil spirits. We followed all the way and found that it was You are here, thinking that you must be a god! So I worship you here..."

What this young man said made Chen Chu feel inexplicably familiar.

He nodded slightly and said, "There are some things I need to know."

Dai Feng said quickly: "You ask, as long as we know something, we will tell you everything!"

Chen Chu sat on the seat of a small battery car next to him and said, "You guys look panicked, just tell me what happened to you in detail."

Dai Feng thought to himself: This young man of unknown origin seems to have incredible power, can kill ghosts, and is easy-going. It seems that he will not be in danger for the time being. It is better to communicate through chat first.

He thought for a while and recounted what happened tonight when he worked overtime at the company to celebrate New Year's Eve. From the beginning, in the office, the computer screen was abnormal, colleagues died, the stairway was in danger, a white light appeared to relieve the crisis, and there were radio ghosts and scavenger ghosts encountered on the road.

Chen Chu had no reaction.

Dai Feng took out the pebbles from his pocket, raised it above his head and said, "This is the thing that can drive away ghosts. Please take a look."

Chen Chu was sitting on the electric scooter, staring at Dai Feng's face. He smiled slightly, knowing what this person's purpose was. He took the pebbles casually, and after just touching them for a moment, he knew what this thing was! What a coincidence, the blood that he shed when he fought with the strange fish actually fell into this world and turned into red and white pebbles.

The red in this pebble is his blood, and the white is the remaining power of the ash stone. When the two are combined into one, they have incredible power.

Just because it is his Chen Si's blood, there are restrictions on unlocking the power contained in the blood. The user must uphold a will and belief similar to Chen Si's, such as salvation, such as kindness!

I heard from this person that the cobblestone exerts its greatest power only when it is first discovered in the software park, pioneering security ghosts, and can even save people from dying...

Just not anymore.

Chen Chu put the pebble back into the man's hand, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and asked, "What's your name?"


Dai Feng trembled all over. His name was not important, but when encountering supernatural events, his name became particularly important. It might become a medium for ghosts to find him.

He wanted to make a fake name, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that lying would also lead to the murder. After thinking for a long time, he said: "My... my name is Dai Feng."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "Get up, don't be nervous, I'm not a ghost, I just have some abilities."

Dai Feng and Yao Xianwen looked at each other and slowly got up from the ground. There were too many things going on tonight, and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Chen Chu pointed at the pebble in Dai Feng's hand and said: "This thing has a certain power. To exert its power, you need the power of faith and character, such as salvation and kindness! Dai Feng, based on what you just said, you found When the cobblestone was on your back, you carried your friend on your back regardless of everything. Then, when your friend was about to die, you prayed for the cobblestone to save your friend.

I believe that at that moment, your inner belief must be strong! That’s why the pebbles resonate and respond to your prayers..."

Dai Feng was shocked, is this really the case?

At that time, all he could think about was "taking Yao Xianwen out of here alive", and he even thought about dying together if he couldn't escape.

I see.

Really idealistic.

Yao Xianwen, the narrator, was also shocked and said subconsciously: "Is there any other operation like this? Only good people can use this emotional thing. If it has no energy, how do you recharge it? Does it require electricity or blood?"

Chen Chu spoke very softly, which made Yao Xianwen relax a lot...

Dai Feng also had a smile on his face, but he still kept a trace of vigilance in his heart. After all, his goal was to survive tonight smoothly and survive...

Chen Chu answered Yao Xianwen's question: "It's not difficult to recharge. The power of idealism is naturally recharged in an idealistic way. As long as you keep a kind heart and don't have evil thoughts in your heart, this is the best nourishment for these pebbles."

Yao Xianwen was a little happy to learn how to use pebbles, but he couldn't be completely happy.

He said with some regret: "But... kindness often means being a fool and suffering a loss. From ancient times to the present, it seems that only by harming one's own interests and selflessly devoting to others can we be called kindness.

Kindness sometimes makes people strong, and sometimes it can also make people suffer. For example, we just met that old ghost. If we ran a step slower and had no chance to collect the bottles, then our two heads would probably be in sacks now... …”

Chen Chu looked at this person with some surprise: "What's your name?"

Yao Xianwen said: "My name is Yao Xianwen."

Chen Chu said: "Kindness is a kind of moral character. It is not equal to IQ, nor does it mean letting people hurt themselves. Don't treat kindness as a scourge..."

Chen Chu stretched his muscles. He had not yet figured out how to explore the world and how to defeat the Heavenly Dao that had merged with darkness.

When Dai Feng saw Chen Chu wanting to leave, he also realized that the man in front of him was really not a ghost. He might be similar to the kind of savior in movies, TV series and novels who came to save the world. Although this idea is a bit ridiculous, even ghosts have appeared. What's wrong with another savior? Could it be that Dai Feng is the savior?

"Help...ahem, friend, what do you call me?"

"Chen San."

"Cough cough cough..."

Dai Feng coughed violently. It sounded like a fake name. At least he had to think about it for a while and come up with a name.

He said: "Friend Chen San, seeing that you are here late at night, if you have nowhere to go, why not stay at our place for a night? There are ghosts outside and it is very dangerous!"

Not a ghost, but still a strong man.

Then drag this person into your home, and your safety will skyrocket.

Chen Chu looked at the night. There was no point in wandering around at this time, so he nodded: "Okay, I'll excuse you."

In this way, Dai Feng led the way and took Chen Chu to Yao Xianwen's Maserati. The three of them got in the car, and Yao Xianwen drove all the way from the city center to a villa group in the suburbs, parking in the yard of a luxury villa. .

Yao Xianwen dared to take Dai Feng back to where he lived, but he didn't dare to take Chen Chu back.

He thought about it while driving and remembered that his father bought a villa here, so he drove directly over. Anyway, the furniture and supplies here are all available, so there is no problem...

The three of them entered the villa.

Yao Xianwen greeted with a smile: "There are rooms upstairs and downstairs here. You can choose whatever you want. Anyway, my dad has lived here for two months since he bought it..."

Chen Chu said thank you.

He randomly chose a room and went in, sat cross-legged on the bed, looked inward at his own situation, and comprehended the world.

Dai Feng was exhausted mentally and physically. He asked Yao Xianwen for a set of clothes, then went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water to wash up. The sweat on his body and the little blood stains on the stairs of the company building were stained by the fallen ghost...

A hot bath can really relax one's nerves...

Chen Chu thought about the world for a while. On normal days, if he did this, the world would usually respond somewhat, for example, spiritual energy would automatically gather here. But in this world, all spiritual energy seems to have disappeared, and all that can be felt is the endless negative atmosphere that permeates the surroundings!

He also realized a problem.

If there is no spiritual energy in this world, will the mana he consumes not be replenished? The magic power he brings in his body is like a person walking on the desert carrying a bucket of water. The more he drinks, the less it will be. Even if he is a great Luo Tianxian carrying a water tower, as long as the desert is big enough, he can still die of thirst... …

Daluo Celestial Immortal can cultivate and absorb all things!

Even if you fall into a cesspit, you can survive by eating feces and drinking urine, but this is really...

Chen Chu felt that the world environment he was in was a big cesspit. As long as he absorbed a little bit, these negative things would enter his body.

He raised his right hand and looked at the ash stone totem on the back of his hand. The usually very clear totem became a little blurry.

Thinking of everything I went through in the dark.

Chen Chu gently stroked the ash stone totem and said: "Since I have chosen this path, I will always stick to it and will not let you down... What you want me to do is exactly what I want to do." of."

The pebbles in the hands of Dai Feng and the others are made from the convergence of his own blood and the remaining power of the ash stone. So is it possible that the ash stone totem is also the blood of some other god? It happened to be picked up by him.

He flexed his muscles. The mission this time was to [save all living things in this world], which meant that humans could not be allowed to perish.

According to Dai Feng's description, before today, this world seemed to be no different from the ordinary world. There were neither ghosts nor gods, only ordinary technological development, and friction between various large and small countries.

When the New Year's Eve bell rang at midnight, the ghost came...

Chen Chu had not officially seen the ghosts in this world. When they first arrived, Dai Feng and Yao Xianwen rushed over and knelt down. He felt that there was an evil spirit next to him. As soon as he turned around, the evil spirit... died. It died very simply. .

Think carefully about your next plan first.

Villa, one night passed.

The next day, Dai Feng and Yao Xianwen woke up. They were woken up by a phone call.

It turned out that the boss called and asked them what happened last night, why so many people died in the building, and why the two of them ran away without incident.

Dai Feng no longer expected to get next month's salary from the pocket of this ruthless boss, so he greeted the boss sternly: "Fuck you, I will work overtime for you to make money during the New Year, and I will give you a car or a house, what the hell are you doing?" If you don't care about us and ask this and that, do you think that we are murderers who killed everyone in the building?"

The boss on the phone didn't expect Dai Feng, who had always been gentle, to react so violently. His dignity was suddenly challenged and he said angrily: "Dai Feng, there are dead people in the building. There are a lot of police here today. Come out and explain yourself." , why is it okay! Now the media and the police are looking for you..."

Dai Feng's eyes twitched and he cursed: "Looking for your mother. Do you know that your shabby company is haunted? We almost died in it. If we hadn't done enough good deeds in daily life, there would still be two more corpses now." ! Don’t even think about it. The ghost appeared in your company, and I’m afraid it’s on its way to your home now. I wish you good luck tonight, I’ll quit my job!”

He hung up the phone and blocked the call.

The boss in the software park called back and heard: "I'm sorry, the number you dialed is currently unavailable..." He was so angry that he almost dropped the phone on the ground...

There were many police officers and police cars at the scene, and they were constantly bringing bodies down from upstairs.

Someone looked like a captain and asked, "How do you say that?"

The boss shrugged and said: "That man named Dai Feng has a very bad attitude. He threatened that I would die tonight and said he was haunted! I suspect that he is the one who killed so many people... You must investigate carefully and don't let it go." he!"

The captain frowned and looked at more and more weird corpses. He was extremely upset and said, "We will investigate the specific details of the matter. If you talk nonsense and disrupt our clues, you don't mind going inside to drink tea!"

Last night, the number of police calls in Ohara City was almost overwhelming. There were murders everywhere. For example, more than 20 young people died on the road in the city center. It was said that they left after drinking in a bar. Unexpectedly They were found dead on the road, their heads missing. A police officer found a sack in a nearby parking lot, which contained broken human skulls...

As long as there is a murder, the images recorded by the surveillance cameras are all dense with noise, making it difficult to distinguish the scenes and characters. Even after computer experts restored the clarity, the images were still blurry and blurry.

The captain looked haggard. He also suspected the employees named Dai Feng and Yao Xianwen in the advertising company. However, after a background check, it was found that one of them was just an ordinary office worker. Even if he had the ability to kill people, he did not have the physical strength! You must know that all the people who died were adults, and they would have resisted. There were twenty-eight people dead in the whole building. Even the killer was exhausted!

In last night's call to the police, many victims repeatedly mentioned one word, "There is a ghost!" His hand holding the walkie-talkie trembled slightly. If this kind of supernatural phenomenon existed, then the problem would be too big.

In the villa.

It didn't take long.

Someone knocked on the door. Yao Xianwen went up to open the door, but was rushed in by a group of heavily armed personnel and pushed him to the ground: "Be honest!"

Dai Feng was sitting in the restaurant eating, his head pressed directly on the rice. Other officers rushed upstairs, searching the rooms.

Two of them rushed into Chen Chu's room. Chen Chu was sitting on the bed meditating. As if they didn't see it, they turned around and went out, saying: "The search is over, there is no one here!"

Dai Feng and Yao Xianwen were taken away.

Chen Chu walked out of the room and he watched quietly.

What happened last night was too weird. A lot of people died, but these two people didn't die. There must be an investigation. As long as it wasn't them, nothing would usually happen. Although Dai Feng brought a fire axe, the ax did not hit anyone from beginning to end!

The villa became empty.

After Chen Chu thought about it, he planned to contact the ghosts in this world, look for the things left by the gods, and see if he could affect the stability of heaven through the internal destruction of these worlds...

He left the villa, took out the mobile phone Dai Feng left on the table, his face changed, he easily unlocked the phone, opened the navigation software and searched for nearby temples.

Soon, a Xingguan Temple was found.

His legs were slightly bent, the sword light on his body flashed, he jumped up, and then fell down again.


Chen Chu discovered that after last night, the negative energy in this world became even more intense. If it was clear water last night, it has become sticky today! The magic power and immortal energy in his body are mutually exclusive with these things. When he cannot completely clean up the filth in this world, the immortal energy and magic can only be withdrawn into the body to protect himself.

His state at this moment is like a super-concentrated immortal, with layers of power inside his body. Although he can no longer perform flight and long-range spell attacks, his body's strength has reached an incredible level.

On the suburban road.

Chen Chu found his old friend "taxi" as a means of transportation.

I gave the driver the address and headed to the Xingguan Temple.

The journey of more than 30 kilometers took more than 40 minutes. The driver was afraid that Chen Chu would think he was ripping off passengers, so he explained: "I don't know why, but there were a lot of police on the road today, and they had to check at almost every intersection! I listened to the group The colleague who worked the night shift last night said that some buildings and roads seemed to be haunted by ghosts, and many people died..."

He showed a lingering fear and said, "Fortunately, I wasn't on duty last night. It was really scary."

Chen Chu hummed and looked at the busy people outside the window.

The world was indeed swallowed by darkness, but Pewter sent him to the early stage of darkness destroying the world, which was last night.

Soon the Xingguan Temple arrived. Chen Chu paid the fare and got off the car. He saw a sea of ​​people in front of him. Although the Xingguan Temple was not small, he could only see half of it among the crowds.

The driver hadn't left yet. He often visited this area and said with some confusion: "It's strange. Usually there are not so many people offering incense. There are not as many people as there are breakfast shops on the roadside. I know, it must have been haunted last night. The news came out, so these people came to the temple to burn incense and pray for peace..."

Chen Chu looked at the Xingguan Temple.

Thick black air rises, and every person who enters the temple and comes out, the hall is stained with the color of ink, as black as if it was drilled out of a coal mine...

Chen Chu was not good at calculations and fortune telling, but he also knew that these people's lifespans were being devoured.

He took a deep breath and blew hard!

There was a gentle breeze at the scene, and many people felt their heads were refreshed instead of feeling dizzy from the incense.

Chen Chu's expression darkened. Although the smoke-like black energy on these people was blown away by him, other people who came out of the Xingguan Temple were dyed back with the black energy after contact.

The source must be solved.

He straightened his clothes and walked in. The temple was indeed quite big.

Pilgrims kept putting incense into the incense burner, and some aunts even reached into the incense burner to grab a handful of incense ash and sand and put them in their pockets when others were not paying attention. But with so many people offering incense, how could no one notice her little move?

The former does it and the latter learns it. People learn from each other. Everyone has to grab a handful, and some grab several handfuls. There is a lot of sand in the incense burner, but it cannot withstand the pilgrims' pockets. The sand can be seen with the naked eye. The visible speed dropped, and in the end even the incense could no longer stand...

Chen Chu crossed the threshold and looked up at the main hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a statue of a red-faced god standing there. He was wearing a brown-green robe and a divine crown. He was holding an awl-shaped magic weapon in his right hand. His overall aura was sharp.

Chen Chu knew who this star official was. He was the Pleiades star official in the Twenty-Eight Constellations. He was also the one who had helped Chen Chu several times in Journey to the West.

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