I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 861 The wreckage of the world

It's not that Chen Chu has never watched anime before, he always felt that the skills of the female national master in front of him looked so familiar. However, thinking about it carefully, this method of using weapons as arrows does not seem to be that rare. It just depends on the user's inventory. …

He made a secret and took off the Vajra on his wrist: "Scatter!"

The diamonds turned into tens of thousands of diamonds in the air and hit each weapon, making a constant jingling sound, like blacksmithing!

The female Imperial Master slowly opened her eyes, with Chen Chu's figure reflected in her eyes. She waved the riding crop stick lightly in her hand, and the red vortexes behind her merged into a giant vortex, and a dense pile of sticky substances slowly emerged from it. Weapons together! These weapons were dilapidated and even severely deformed, like a pile of scrap copper and iron that had been refined in a steel-making furnace but was not completely refined.

She changed her hand technique.

These thousands of weapons squeezed each other with a crunching sound, converging into a majestic and peerless sword, which was slowly pushed out of the vortex like an aircraft carrier.


The giant sword resounded throughout the world.

The next second, he appeared directly in front of Chen Chu, and the tip of the knife stabbed him directly!

The space is distorted, and even cracks and fragments appear.

Chen Chu instantly increased his magic power, and finally the sword met the broadsword. Where the swords collided, the space collapsed, forming a strange huge ball. Then, the sky lost color, the ground trembled, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling continued.

The female national master's attack is the ultimate move.

A large number of human faces vaguely appeared on her body, with various expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and fear.

The red divine robe was fluttering in the wind. The female Imperial Master sat cross-legged in the air, holding a red riding crop and saying indifferently: "Good and evil are the essence of the world. Since there can be a world dominated by good, why can't there be a world dominated by evil? The world? I... know that you, Chen Chu, why are you obsessed with so-called justice and kindness, falling into madness, and destroying the balance? "

Chen Chu held the Final Yan Sword in his hand and pushed the giant sword forward little by little, and said: "This world has fallen, how can there be balance."

The female Imperial Master's eyes did not waver at all, and she said: "Good and evil are like Yin and Yang Tai Chi. White is born from the extreme black. Don't you see that there are also a small number of innocent people born in this world? White is born from black, and white is born from white. Blackness is the ultimate truth, and the darkness you see now is only temporary darkness, so why rush it."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "I know a little bit about Tai Chi Yin and Yang, but do you think there is such a possibility that when I appear in this world, I am Bai born in darkness?"

The female Imperial Master frowned slightly, stood up in the air, raised her riding whip and said: "Going against the general trend will only lead to death! I...we will grant you death!"

She appeared on the handle of the broadsword, stepped on it lightly with her bare feet, and her whole body leaped into the air. The next second she appeared in front of Chen Chu, swinging the riding whip towards his head!

It seems to be a primitive and rough fighting method, but it is to concentrate the power highly to break the surface and maximize the damage.

Heidou stood up violently and let out a meow. A black light flashed through his right paw and he rushed forward. With a click, his nails broke, and the riding crop was thrown hard on Heidou's body!

With a muffled hum.

The black bean turned into a black shadow and flew out, falling on the ground, plowing a deep ditch, and a little black blood spilled from the mouth and nose.

Heidou stood up from the ditch. He was really shocked. He was no longer the little darkness he used to be. His current body was made of darkness fused with the way of heaven. He had mastered part of the power of the rules. Even if he could not kill the national master with this claw, , at least it can destroy its magic weapon!

Its eyes were fixed on the Imperial Master.

He suddenly thought of something and reminded loudly: "In the beginning, this national master was not the person who was formed by swallowing the divine body as rumored. She was the product of multiple divine bodies coming together. In other words, she was a pure divine body. It itself is also a mixture of multiple gods.”

The female Imperial Master slowly turned her head and swung the riding whip at Chen Chu again, this time hitting him hard on the neck!

Chen Chu was in pain, shouted loudly, pushed the giant sword away, and finally slashed the female Imperial Master's neck with the sword, and the blade penetrated three points of the flesh!

The body of the female Imperial Master began to swell, turning into a giant goddess that covered the sky and the sun. She stretched out her hand to hold the handle of the giant sword, looked down from a high position, and snorted coldly. The sword, which was thousands of meters high, passed through the sky like a mountain bearing down on Chen Chu. fall!


Chen Chu blocked it, but his whole body was smashed into the ground.

His whole body was filled with immortal energy, and he stood up with the sword on his head, only to see the riding whip in the other hand of the Imperial Master sweeping towards him!

A solid blow!

The female Imperial Preceptor's unpretentious fighting style was very effective, and every move was filled with murderous intent.

Chen Chu flew out at this moment, plowed a long ditch on the ground, and fell next to Heidou.

"Chen Chu, are you okay?"


He took a deep breath and made a gesture with his hands: "The law of the sky is like the earth!" His body also swelled up, as big as a mountain, and he ran quickly towards the female Imperial Preceptor!

The female Imperial Master's riding whip struck again.

Chen Chu swung the Final Yan Sword like lightning, blocked the stick, and kicked the female Imperial Preceptor's abdomen with his left foot, sending her flying! He chased after him in the air, twisted his body, kicked him down in the air, stepped on his neck, and finally stabbed him between the eyebrows with the tip of his sword!


The indestructible Final Yan Sword was pierced between the eyebrows of the female Imperial Master, and there was a hard feeling in the hand.

Chen Chu thought that his body was already hard enough, but he didn't expect that this female Imperial Master was even better.

The female imperial master's hands were not idle. She took turns attacking Chen Chu with her whip, stick and sword. In an instant, there were constant flashes of swords and shadows!

Chen Chuge used his riding whip and broadsword twice to stab the female imperial master's eyebrows, gradually creating a shallow red pit! The female Imperial Preceptor seemed to feel threatened by her life and struggled to stand up!

So hard!

A tough guy...

He bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed the blood foam directly on the face of the female Imperial Master, and shouted: "Use my essence and blood to condense the mind!"

The blood foam formed a spell on the face of the female Imperial Master. Chen Chu pushed his magic power to the extreme and raised the Final Sword high. At this moment, a flash of inspiration surged in his mind, and he realized life and death. He created the "Breaking Dawn" and " Kaitian" are blended together to create the third exclusive magical move.

With white light in his eyes, he looked at the face of the female Imperial Master and said, "This sword... is called God Killing!"

The name is a bit cheesy, but it fits the occasion!

The tip of the sword was surrounded by countless colored rays of light, like an impact drill that penetrated the female Imperial Master's eyebrows bit by bit. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and her head was penetrated!

Heaven and earth turn into black and white.

The female Imperial Master's hands hung down feebly, and a smile inexplicably filled her empty eyes.


Chen Chu felt a little confused: "Why are you laughing?"

Mud-like blood continued to flow from the mouth, nose and ears of the female Imperial Preceptor, and she smiled slightly and said: "I know... this broken world can finally be saved. If you kill me... you will inherit the ruins of this world. As... as a reward for liberation. , I...I...I...still have a little time, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

Her voice changes back and forth, as if countless people are saying the same thing at the same time, some are men and women, some are old and some are young, some are dreamy and ethereal, and some are solid and deep.

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