I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 864 The only remaining initial god

Chen Chu waved his sleeves lightly, and an altar immediately appeared on the ground. Although he was already a Daluo Celestial Immortal, he still had to pay attention to etiquette. Then, incense, candles, yellow paper, and other things were all available. He took a piece of yellow paper and folded it into the shape of a woman, then drew the eyes, ears, mouth and nose with cinnabar ink, then wrote the four characters Jiutian Xuannv on her body, and ended with a talisman at the back.

There is a gentle breeze on the mountain.

He bit his index finger, threw the blood on the ground, and drew the Nine Heavens Xuannv spell on the empty book. The talisman was red, and it swelled up when the wind blew, as if it were the size of a door panel.

"Taishang Yansheng, the fetus is bright and refreshing, keeps away the Yin ghosts, protects the Yang knot, the source of the spirit is inexhaustible, prolongs life and leads to peace, evil spirits do not enter, the true energy lasts forever, Yin follows the seven souls, Yang follows the three souls, according to me Give me advice and play to the Three Pure Ones, as urgent as the laws of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady!"

The divine mantra was recited aloud.

The blood-red spell suspended on the ground suddenly shimmered and gradually became brighter!

Chen Chu turned over the talisman and slapped it hard on the altar with both hands. He saw four rays of light emitting from the four corners of the table, connecting with each other and converging to form a square barrier that enveloped the surroundings. The light of the talisman seemed to be breathing.

Waited for a long time.

An illusory voice came from the spell: "Initially...are you calling me?"

Chen Chu regained his energy, saluted to the talisman and said, "Yes, please forgive me for inviting the Nine Heavens Xuannv rashly."

Jiutian Xuannv said: "Nothing, just tell me if you need to."

Chen Chu told him about his journey through the dark sea of ​​blood to Lingxu and the Realm of Descending, and asked about the gods by the way.

Jiutian Xuannv was a little surprised: "Chen Chu, I didn't expect you to be here already. The journey is much faster than I thought. Since you have become an immortal... you must have some means of self-protection. Yes, you are currently at your location. It’s very close to my place…”

Chen Chu also guessed that it was almost like this.

Jiutian Xuannv continued: "Actually, you should have guessed that although I am Jiutian Xuannv, I am not a deity derived from any movie, TV series or story novel in your real world."

Chen Chu asked: "Please ask the empress to clear up the confusion."

Jiutian Xuannv said: "We, the immortal gods who stand at the forefront of the battle, actually originate from your real world. We are born based on the original belief of mankind. We are responsible for protecting mankind from various natural and man-made disasters. This is the god of belief. You It can also be understood as the basic god and the initial god.

It's just that humans have given up on us... All the original gods are like rootless duckweeds, floating outside this reality. However, human beings' negative emotions are increasing day by day and becoming more and more complex, generating darkness, and in the darkness, monsters like black eyeballs are derived.

Darkness cannot affect humans temporarily, but when it accumulates to a certain extent, it will break through the illusion and affect reality.

Although we have been abandoned by humans, as the original gods, we cannot abandon humans. It’s just that the darkness waxes and wanes, and our original gods cannot maintain their true faith. In the battle with the darkness, they wear each other out, and the original divine power is exhausted. This is the moment when the gods die. You are in the sea of ​​blood and other aliens. The divine bodies that the world sees are the corpses of those dead gods..."

Chen Chu's heart became heavy.

He asked: "The struggle between darkness and light. How many original gods are left today?"

Jiutian Xuannu laughed a little lonely, and she said: "At the beginning, there were more than a thousand gods and gods in total. Now there are only eight left. Including me, we will die soon." .”

Chen Chu subconsciously clenched his fists and asked: "Excuse me, how is my current state of Da Luo Celestial Immortal equivalent to that of the Prime God? What do I need to do to suppress the darkness?"

Jiutian Xuannv said: "Based on the Great Luo Celestial Immortal in the original Journey to the West world, your level is considered high, almost at the level of the Twenty-Eight Constellations of the Primitive God, but you have grown very quickly, to my level. , even surpassing me, it will be a matter of time..."

There was something strange in her tone.

Chen Chu asked directly: "What happened?"

Jiutian Xuannv did not show off and replied: "Chen Si, but light does not exist. If you insist on saying so, only the will in human hearts can be called light. When we, the original gods, were expelled, we were always at the mercy of human will. Fighting against darkness in the most fringe realm, as I just said, we may have almost reached the limit..."

Chen Chu asked: "Please tell me, how can I suppress the darkness and save reality?"

Jiutian Xuannv said: "In fact, it is not complicated, it is just simple to do. Chen Chu, you are a real human being. If you can collect the bodies and divine heads of all the gods and integrate them into one, you can fight as a real human being." Darkness, maybe...can do it.”

Chen Chu asked: "Including those in the sea of ​​blood?"

Jiutian Xuannv said: "Including the blood sea and the bone mountain."

Speaking of this, Chen Chu suddenly remembered that he had seen mountains of bones and seas of blood several times when he experienced the world.

He asked: "You said there were more than a thousand initial gods, but the mountain of bones and sea of ​​blood I saw contained tens of thousands of corpses and skeletons..."

Jiutian Xuannv said: "This is not surprising. Each of our original gods has multiple titles and divine rights. Therefore, when death occurs, the divine rights collapse and the body will be divided into many parts."

Jiutian Xuannv's voice became more and more unreal, and she said: "Chen Chu, as the first gods of human faith, we have done our best. Next, we have to rely on you..."

The talisman suspended on the ground dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

At this moment, cracks appeared in the barrier, the altar fell apart with a roar, the scattered incense went out automatically, and the incense candles turned into a puddle of mud.

The information revealed by Jiutian Xuannv was relatively concise, but Chen Chu also understood roughly that his identity as a human being from the real world has a deeper meaning.

Chen Chu returned to the villa.

Liu Shengmin came up quickly with an anxious look on his face, rubbed his hands and said bravely: "Mr. Chen, we have an emergency and want to ask for your help! This is definitely not forcing, it is a plea..."

He was very concerned about Chen Chu's mood. This was a real god. It's not fun for a god to be angry!

Chen Chu was a little surprised that he asked for help so soon, but he also came for this world and asked: "Did something happen?"

Liu Shengmin said: "We also have two ghost melters in the Oyuan City 'patrol' team. Not long ago, one ghost melter died in order to save ordinary people in a building. The only ghost melter we have left now has been killed." He is trapped in a scenic spot and cannot come out. Just now, our satellite phone has been unable to contact us. We seriously suspect that something may have happened, so... I would like to ask you to help me take a trip to see if I can bring him out..."

Chen Chu also had to walk a little longer, he said: "The name of the location."

Liu Shengmin said: "The location is in the Hongshan Natural Scenic Area in Liming District, Oyuan City. When female ghosts kill male people, the ghost melter is here to deal with it."

Chen Chu nodded: "In that case, I'll take a trip to Hongshan to have a look."

He saw many cars and motorcycles parked at the entrance of the villa. He stepped forward, picked a racing car, got on it, put his index finger on the keyhole, and started it instantly.


The engine turned, Chen Chu turned the accelerator and sped off, the sound gradually fading away.

Liu Shengmin stared blankly at Chen Chu's disappearing figure. He thought the god would soar into the sky and take off, but he turned out to be so down-to-earth riding a motorcycle?

Chen Chu originally wanted to fly, but after talking to Jiutian Xuannv on the phone, he felt a little heavy. It would be better if he could save a little...

He was lying on the motorcycle, with the highest gear, the maximum speed, the throttle was welded, and the speed was fast. The red motorcycle was speeding through the streets like a ghost. If he had yellow hair, he would definitely be a will-o'-the-wisp boy...not a will-o'-the-wisp boy.

The speedometer has reached the 160 limit.

The index finger exuded a little spiritual energy and injected it into the fuel tank, and the speed suddenly reached 400!

Due to evil spirits, the road was in a mess. It was hard to see anyone. They were probably hiding in the houses...

Ten minutes later, in the Hongshan Natural Scenic Area, a buzzing sound was heard in the distance, and a red streak appeared. It was Chen Chu riding a motorcycle. He squeezed the brakes, and the tires rubbed against the concrete ground crazily. Bang, The tire burst under the load and the car sank.

Chen Chu jumped to the ground gently, and the motorcycle flew diagonally and hit the rockery at the entrance of the scenic spot. With a loud noise, it was shattered into pieces, the parts separated, and the fuel tank caught fire. He glanced at the remains of the motorcycle and smiled. Fortunately, his body was strong enough. If an ordinary person had hit it like this, it would have been broken here and there...

Hongshan Natural Scenic Area.

The mountains are mostly made of red soil, hence the name.

There is a huge sign hanging at the gate of the scenic spot, with pictures and text describing the origin of Red Mountain.

Chen Chu looked at the map for a while, scanning his consciousness from the bottom of the mountain up, and soon found something strange. He bent his legs slightly and shot out like a cannonball!

He ran wildly on the mountain road.

As an immortal, running like this is a bit out of character, but fortunately there are no outsiders around, so the physical strength is not wasted.

At this moment, a woman's voice came faintly from the mountain road: "Brother, wait a moment..."

Chen Chu frowned, stopped and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a girl wearing a shirt, shorts, shorts and stockings standing under a tree. She seemed a little panicked. She waved her hand towards Chen Chu and said, "Brother, there is a ghost here. I'm so scared. Can you take me with you?" I leave here, as long as I can leave here, you can do whatever you want..."

Chen Chu chuckled and said, "As long as I can leave here, I can do whatever I want?"

A blush appeared on the girl's face: "Yes."

Chen Chu said: "Then I won't be polite!"

The girl was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Chen Chu had already walked up to her while she was dazed, grabbed her neck with his left hand, made a fist with five fingers of his right hand, and hit her flat belly with such force that the shirt behind her exploded.

The girl never expected that Chen Chu's so-called rudeness was actually this kind of rudeness...

Her eyes were wide open, blood flowed from the corners of her eyes, and her voice became hoarse: "I...since you don't take me away, then you will die here..."

Chen Chu hit the abdomen with another heavy punch!

I typed back everything the girl said...

The flesh on the girl's face kept twitching, and she finally realized how terrifying the man in front of her was. She just saw him running so fast, and she thought he was just a stronger human being. Unexpectedly, these two punches almost made her ascend to heaven!

After Chen Chu punched twice, he felt a little depressed in his heart, and pointed his index finger on his eyebrows: "Let's go."

The girl staggered back at this point. She quickly got up and turned around to run away. Unexpectedly, she fell to the ground. She was horrified to find that her feet were gradually turning into fly ash... and it spread towards her upper body. Before she could scream, There was only a cloud of ashes left on the ground.

Chen Chu stretched his muscles and continued up the mountain.

There are many ghosts on this mountain. The moment the girl made a sound, he knew it and gave two punches to relieve the depression in his heart...


Hongshan, Yuelao Temple.

The Yuelao Temple is surrounded by red mist, and there are many corpses lying on the ground.

In the main hall, in front of the statue of Yuelao God, there are two figures standing in front of the statue of Yuelao God, facing each other. On the right is the bride in red robe and phoenix crown, and on the left is a figure wearing a gray T-shirt with a big red flower hanging on her chest. man with short hair. There are a pair of dragon and phoenix candles and a pair of wedding wine glasses on the incense table.

"Newcomers, let's pay homage to heaven and earth!"

The short-haired man trembled all over, followed the bride in front of him mechanically, slowly turned around and faced the outside, and bowed!

His name is Zhang Xian, and he is the only ghost melter still alive among the Ohara City patrol team, but only for now. Ghost melters can use the power of ghosts. By chance, Zhang Xian fused with a ghost suspected of being a pen fairy. He can control any tool defined as a "pen" as a weapon to harm other ghosts.

At the same time, because of the special nature of "Pen Fairy", when Mr. Zhang is in doubt, he only needs a pen and a piece of paper to play Pen Fairy alone and know the danger of the task in advance. Because of this "precognition" ability, he can complete missions almost every time. However, the price of using Bi Xian's ability every time is that the information and text will be moved from the paper to him...

So far, Zhang Xian's entire back and two arms are covered with densely written words. They are wounds in the shape of words. Although they are not deep, they have never been able to heal. No matter he is walking or sleeping, his clothes are covered with these words. Every time the wound is rubbed, a little blood will ooze out, and the pain is unbearable. It is simply torture.

His blood is not endless.

No matter how little blood flows out of these written wounds, it adds up to a lot.

Zhang Xian's complexion became more and more ugly. He knew that as long as his blood flowed more, this body would no longer be able to control Bixian. When he died, it was also the time for Bixian to escape...

He just wanted to seal as many ghosts as possible before his death and make some contribution to mankind. This time, he heard that there were at least a dozen ghosts in Hongshan. He accepted the task and worked step by step, slowly coming up from the foot of the mountain and carrying it with him. Four evil spirits have been sealed in the mercury box, but I haven't encountered any more ghosts since then. When I walked up the mountain, I saw the Yuelao Temple with a strange atmosphere.

Zhang Xiang just walked in.

He was in a daze, and when he came back to his senses, he already had a big red flower on his chest, and standing in front of him was a bride with a red cloth on her head and a phoenix crown...

He knew that he had been tricked.

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