I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

137 Engineering Blasting, Sister Zhou Who Was Cut In Half

Did something fall out?

Sister Zhou was also a little surprised.

After all, in the world of "Longling Labyrinth", exploring tombs is the mainstream.

Killing monsters and blasting equipment is not mainstream.

But these things also seem to be of great use for expeditions.

Especially these spider silks with black waist and honey on their faces......

Ah no, it's all over the place.

Sister Zhou really didn't know what these clumps of spider silk that looked a little hot and sticky were used for.

Can't be used to make clothes?

Thinking of using this kind of spider silk to make clothes is really a shame.

But Sister Zhou quickly recovered her thoughts from the mess.

Immediately afterwards, a system beep was heard.

"Congratulations to the player for reaching the critical level of proficiency in using explosives and activating special skills.

"Special Skill: Engineering Blasting (Elementary). w

After hearing the system beep, Sister Zhou was relatively calm.

Sister Zhou also studied the game backgrounds of "Essential Ancient City" and "Longling Labyrinth".

Hu Bayi's identity experience is actually quite rich.

He grew up in the army chief in southern Fujian since he was a child.

Familiar with water, and have a certain understanding of the customs of Tianhai and southern Fujian.

Later, he went to the countryside to join the queue at Ganggang Yingzi in the northeast.

Transferred to the army after a while.

The experience in the army is even richer.

Worked as an engineer and dug stones for many years under the Kunlun Mountains.

He has been on the battlefield, and he shed blood with real swords and guns in the years when the beacon fires in the southern border were the most intense.

Later, he became a self-employed person in the capital.

Still a legend.

Because Lao Hu has been an engineer for a long time, he still has a good understanding of various geological knowledge, engineering construction, engineering blasting and so on.

It's just that these things didn't form skills before.

Now actually activate the engineering blasting skills.

It means that as long as there is a relevant background, similar skills are used many times, and they are likely to be solidified into skills.

This discovery itself is even more precious than Sister Zhou's acquisition of engineering blasting skills.

When Sister Zhou saw this skill, she immediately took out the two detonators she had just brought from Fatty Wang from the equipment bar.

The explosive power of this thing is much more powerful than the third child's homemade bomb.

When she picked up the detonator, Sister Zhou discovered that she could automatically use the engineering blasting skills.

After this skill is displayed, some light spots will appear in the surrounding environment.

These spots of light are where explosives can be prevented.

In this way, after the explosives are detonated, the powerhouse can be exerted to the greatest extent.

Without the slightest hesitation, Sister Zhou took advantage of the few earth bombs just now to blow up the black waist honey who was chasing after him.

Start to quickly dig a hole at the position where the light spot appears on the wall of the cave.

Then put the two detonators in.

After the pesticide fuse, Sister Zhou ran desperately into the big hole in front of her.

Just as Sister Zhou rushed out of the big hole, a violent explosion sounded.

A cloud of dust mixed with gravel spewed out of the hole at once.

Fortunately, the entrance of this cave appeared directly at a height of three or four meters above the large cave.

After Sister Zhou came out of the cave, she immediately hid below.

No one was hurt by the sprayed rubble.

After the sound of the explosion dissipated, Sister Zhou shook her dizzy head and looked at the big hole in front of her.

This big hole is about ten meters in diameter.

The height is about thirty meters.

The space is not small, the whole is like a raised egg.

At this time, Fatty Wang, Da Jinya, Ma Dadan and others had already reached the bottom of the cave.

Sister Zhou immediately looked at the opposite side of the cave.

The explosion just now made the 3D three-dimensional map in Sister Zhou's mind complete.

Opposite this cave, there is a faintly visible step.

At the end of the steps is a stone gate.

Behind the stone gate is a corridor made of bluestone and blue-grey tomb bricks.

Without a doubt, this is the entrance to the catacombs!

Sister Zhou was also very excited after seeing it.

Hurry up and go under the cave.

As soon as I got to the bottom, I felt that the ground under my feet was wrong.

Turn on the flashlight and look down.

On the ground is a layer of spider silk.

It was as dense as a blanket on the ground.

Beneath this blanket of cobwebs, there are some bumps.

Sister Zhou immediately bent down, trying to see what it was.

The flashlight shines in the past, and the other hand uses a dagger to poke the spider silk.

A piece of white bone was exposed below.

And it's not one or two, it's all on the ground floor.

It can be seen that most of them are the skeletons of various animals.

Goats, rabbits, dogs, pigs, etc.

There are also many human skeletons among them.

Sister Zhou just took a cold breath.

"Xu Lang is a scumbag, he really surprises people everywhere"

"Scared the old lady."

When Sister Zhou walked forward, she was not as aggressive as before.

I was cautious, but I kept feeling the sound of broken bones coming from my feet.

Sister Zhou couldn't help but put her hands together.

"Sin of sin."

Afterwards, he put his hands on his hips, pointed to the opposite steps and shouted, "Hurry up and go to that step, you will go to the ancient tomb after entering the tunnel."

At this time, Sister Zhou saw Fatty Wang Da Jinya and even a few people under Ma Bold waving at her.

Several people also put their fingers on their mouths to keep Sister Zhou quiet.

Everyone had a look of panic and anxiety on their faces.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Sister Zhou was a little strange.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are very clever.

"These people must have also discovered that Sister Zhou is more beautiful if she doesn't speak.

"Uh, does Sister Zhou look like Hu Bayi in it? Could it be that Fatty and the others have such strong tastes?"

"That's right, Lao Hu looks like this, I can't do it without opening my mouth."

"How do I feel that these people are asking Sister Zhou to pass quickly."

"Be careful of killing your head, Sister Zhou."

Just as the water friends in the live broadcast room posted these barrages, Sister Zhou saw Fatty Wang stretch out her finger and point to the top of her head.

Sister Zhou raised her head immediately.

Soon I saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky.

This thing came down quite fast, but obviously it didn't fall directly.

Sister Zhou could also see huge claws around this thing.

Seeing this, Sister Zhou couldn't help but scream.

Then he desperately ran in the direction where Fatty Wang and the others were.

At this time, Fatty Wang was no longer quiet, and scolded "`|| Lao Hu, run, I'll kill him!"

After speaking, the short-barreled shotgun in his hand sprayed out flames.

This shot directly hit the monster above.

But there was no green juice spurting out.

Fatty Wang was stunned.

Then this thing fell directly from the sky.

All of a sudden he fell behind Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou looked back and found a huge spider appeared behind her.

At least three meters in diameter.

It looks bigger than the front of a truck.

The tips of the eight feet are very sharp.

The compound eyes on his head flickered with a faint green light, and he could see the hair count down.

It also has a layer of bristles at least a foot long.

These bristles are densely packed and look very hard.

Fatty Wang's shot just now hit these bristles with sand, and smashed many of the bristles.

But at the same time, the big spider's skin was not broken much.

Only a few small green spots remained.

Apparently it's a little more painful than scratching it.

On the back of this big spider, there is also a huge black face.

This face is more solemn and majestic.

She looked like a giant, staring at Sister Zhou in front of her.

When Sister Zhou looked back and saw this, she immediately realized that her reaction was slow.

While shooting the big (money is good) spider with the gun in his hand, he ran forward.

This shot directly hit the pair of huge jaws of the big spider's mouth.

This pair of big jaws is like a pair of guillotine knives.

About one meter in length.

The bullet hit and a series of sparks emerged.

The big jaw was not even broken.

It is conceivable that it is absolutely quite hard.

The spider rushed behind Sister Zhou, because it opened.

Before Sister Zhou could rush out, the jaws closed directly.

Sister Zhou felt a chill on her waist.

Then came the burning pain.

Immediately afterwards, he found that his body fell directly to the ground uncontrollably.

"What's the matter? I was running forward just now."

However, although Sister Zhou wanted to speak, what came out of her mouth was not the beautiful and fragrant Longguo language, but a mouthful of blood.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"That big spider... bit off Sister Zhou?"

"I'm going, isn't this Mazheng?"

"It's terrifying, this is a waist cut."

"Sister Zhou is so pitiful."

"What should I do? I'm a little afraid to play."

"Dog author, those ancient tomb treasures are really not so easy to get."

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