I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

068 In What State Of Mind Did The Author Develop The Game?

When Sister Zhou saw this barrage, her eyelids jumped.

"Mr. Ma, you are like a relative."

Teacher Ma typed the word "hehe" to show humility.

"However, the ghost cave script is indeed a relatively rare script.

"Because the Guidong script, the Tocharian script, and the three-language version of the Chinese characters have been found before, part of it has been deciphered now."

"I'm just ignorant, and I only know part of it."

"I should be able to understand about half of the ghost cave text here."

"I'll do my best, I can only guess, I can't guarantee complete accuracy."

After Teacher Ma finished speaking, some fans who followed Teacher Ma in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room couldn't help it.

"Mr. Ma is too modest."

"At present, experts in the interpretation of Western languages ​​in China can also recognize and read 60-70% of the ghost cave script."

"Mr. Ma is really a treasured old man."

"By the way, little girl, you are a little closer to these words, so I can see it clearly."

Seeing Teacher Ma's barrage, Sister Zhou quickly took two steps forward.

Standing in front of the black stone tower wall.

Those ghost cave texts became clear immediately.

"Well, some of the characters have been turned into Chinese characters, so I can interpret it 70% to 80% with confidence."

Obviously, Sister Zhou's ability to interpret text symbols and totems has also helped Teacher Ma a lot.

Mr. Ma put on his reading glasses and began to read it unhurriedly.

......This black tower is used to show the status of the ghost cave clan.

"The stone statues on each floor represent different levels."

"The first floor is livestock."

"If you guessed correctly, there should be another floor underground, where there are hungry ghosts in hell."

"The second layer is ordinary people, including all the Hu people in the Western Regions, their status is only higher than cattle and sheep, equivalent to slaves.

997 "The third floor is the portrait of this giant pupil. I saw it just now. The stone ball at the top of the tower is in the shape of an eye.

Worship of the eyes.

Look at the explanation barrage sent by Teacher Ma.

The black tower where everyone was dizzy and the stone statues and words on it suddenly became clear.

This black tower is obviously a building used for worship in the ancient city of Jingjue.

It represents the civilization and customs of the exquisite people.

Not only Sister Zhou, but also the people in the live broadcast room were very shocked and listened with relish.

In fact, it was not only the audience in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room that shocked.

Mr. Ma, who was sitting in front of the computer and watching carefully with his reading glasses, was also shocked.

Even the voice trembled a little.

These ghost cave words and symbols give Mr. Ma a very fresh feeling.

Mr. Ma, who has been immersed in the antique collection industry for decades, has seen too many things.

Folk, official, handed down, lost overseas and dug up from the ground.

There are hundreds of thousands of things that have just been passed.

Originally, Mr. Ma thought that his heart had stopped.

But when I saw these ghost cave characters and stone statues, I seemed to be back to thirty or forty years ago, the one who rode the twenty-eighth pole, shuttled through various university museums and Panjiayuan.

Learn all kinds of antique knowledge.

A time of fascination with various ancient cultures.

More importantly, Mr. Ma still has an illusion.

The game "Jingjue Ancient City" is not a game, but an ancient city that actually exists in the world.

The shape of the Black Stone Pagoda, as well as the ghost cave texts and various stone statues in it, are definitely not imagined out of thin air.

Everything else is imaginable.

But so many ghost cave characters are not random piles, but smooth and detailed characters.

Can this be made up?

There are only about a dozen people in the world who can recognize the ghost cave script.

Most of them are old experts around the same age as Mr. Ma.

There are only a handful of people who can apply Guidong prose.

Plus the above stone reliefs and so on.

This skill, Mr. Ma thought over and over again, but he couldn't think of anyone who could do it.

The only explanation is.

The developers of the game must have seen the real thing.

In the depths of the desert, under a certain piece of yellow sand.

There must be a real Jingjue ancient city.

Game developers have seen these things in kind by chance!

Only this explanation can convince Mr. Ma himself.

But the problem is......

Who is the developer of this game?

How could there be a chance to see these things in real?

Teacher Ma calmed down his excitement and continued to watch the game screen.

"Anchor, go up to the upper floors and take a look."

"Look what's on the back."

When Sister Zhou saw Teacher Ma's barrage, she immediately climbed up quickly.

Sister Zhou knew in her heart that she had encountered a human flesh cheater.

If it weren't for the presence of experts at the level of ancient cultural leaders in the live broadcast room, today's level would not have been able to find the gate of the palace for a few days.

Rare opportunity now.

Not just looking for the palace gates.

By interpreting these ghost cave texts, you can also better understand the history of the ancient city of Jingjue.

There must be key clues for clearing the entire "Jingjue Ancient City" game in the future.

This little bit of game sensitivity, Sister Zhou still has it.

Absolutely not to be missed!

After going up another floor, the people in the expedition team were taken aback.

The statues in this layer are a little weird.

The overall shape is the head of a snake.

The body has very thick limbs, and the muscles are full of strength.

The hind legs are animal-shaped and the forelimbs are human-shaped.

He holds a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left.

The face of the statue is a male.

He looks rather ugly and hideous.

With his eyes wide open, his style is somewhat close to the Angry King Kong in the inland temples.

The most shocking thing is that this stone statue also has a black ball on the back of its head.

Like the serpent in Zagramar.

There are also some simple ghost cave characters on the surrounding walls. (aieb)

"This layer is the patron saint of the ancient kingdom of Jingjue."

"There is also a black ball in the shape of an eye on the head", which is very similar to the one on the top of this black tower.

"Ghost cave people believe that the eyes are the source of all power."

"Interesting, the stone statue of Queen Jingjue has not yet appeared. It shows that Queen Jingjue's status is above the patron saint!"

"Queen Jingjue should be a myth."

"This is also the cultural characteristic of some small city-states among the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions."

Soon the expedition team came to the fifth floor.

As a result, this layer has nothing at all.

At the beginning, the expedition thought that there were stone statues here, but they moved away for some reason.

But after a closer inspection, it was found that there was not even a base for the statue.

There are no traces of stone statues even placed on the ground.

The members of the expedition team were all stunned.

At this time, Mr. Ma in front of the computer screen also frowned.

This floor is empty, and Mr. Ma did not expect it.

"Anchor you get closer to some walls, there seems to be some text on it."

Sister Zhou quickly took a few steps forward.

"I know, this layer represents nothingness."

After Mr. Ma finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.


What's the meaning?

Only Hu Bayi, who followed behind Sister Zhou all the way, said a word in an untraceable voice without saying a word.

Imaginary space.

Because the voice was very low, and everyone was paying attention to Teacher Ma's barrage, no one else paid attention.

But Teacher Ma heard something in a trance.

"That's right, the imaginary space."

"If you insist on translation, it should be this vocabulary."

"The ghost cave civilization in the ancient city of Jingjue seems to have a tendency to believe in the abyss and nothingness."

"The text on this layer is too difficult to understand."

"Maybe it's some kind of pronoun."

Soon the expedition reached the top floor again.

At the very center of the top floor is a black throne.

The throne was built quite high.

The base is nearly two meters long.

A narrow step leads to the throne above.

There is a statue of a woman on the throne.

The woman is tall.

He was wearing a finely decorated robe.

However, his face was carved to look like he was wearing a veil.

You can't see the woman's face at all.

The members of the expedition were all dizzy along the way.

When I saw this statue, I finally saw something recognizable.

The figure and costume of this woman are exactly the same as the image of the Queen Jingjue that the expedition team saw on the murals of the tomb of Prince Gumo.

This is the quintessential queen!

"Strange, why is Queen Jingjue's face covered with a veil?"

"Is this the custom of Jingjue Ancient City?"

The people on the expedition were very puzzled.

The ghost cave text on this layer is very rare.

Teacher Ma quickly interpreted it.

"This statue is indeed a statue of the Queen of the Absolute."

"In the minds of the Jingjue people, Queen Jingjue is deified and has a very high status.

"At the same time, Jingjue people believe that the queen's eyes have divine power."

"That's why when Wang Ping, the beautiful girl, is all wearing a veil."

"In order to avoid killing people with their own eyes."

"This kind of terrifying divine power is called by the people of Jingjue ————Unbounded Demon Eye.

"It seems to be able to transfer people into nothingness."

"The ghost cave texts on the last two layers contain too many myths and beliefs.

"I'm not very familiar with these words."

"Intelligence can understand so much, and others can't really recognize it.

Mr. Ma was shocked while translating.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also very shocked.

"Unbounded demon pupil?"

"You will die with one look? Kill you with your eyes? I like this skill."

"What does it mean to move to imaginary space? Is it a parallel world?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Is there really such a powerful person in this world?"

"If it were true, Queen Jue would have unified the world long ago."

"This magical thing came up in Brother Lang's mind?"

"What kind of mental state did Brother Lang develop this game?".

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