I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

072 There Are Still Players With Iron Heads, The Challenge On The Other Side Of The Ocean

In addition to Xu Xiaoying, there is also Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou was also the head anchor before.

But the popularity is firmly in the top 20, and occasionally the top 10.

And Sister Zhou just because of the opportunity to play "Essential Ancient City" online with Xu Xiaoying in advance, the popularity suddenly rushed to the top two without any suspense.

This situation was unexpected even by Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou's fans are also growing.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Xu Xiaoying, but these days it has also gained hundreds of thousands of fans.

For a big anchor who has already reached the top of the platform, this speed of fan growth is also quite exaggerated.

If the situation can continue, Sister Zhou will be at the top of the Shark platform sooner or later.

No longer a first sister, but directly an empress.

Of course, maybe a little longer, fans will be overtaken by Xu Xiaoying.

Other anchors on the shark platform, including Scratching Pigs, Malaysian Monkeys, Korean Hall Danzi, Duanzi, etc., have also gained popularity.

If as an anchor, if you get the qualification for the internal test of "Longling Labyrinth", it will definitely be a great boost to the development of your career.

Especially some small anchors, if they can get a place in the internal test, they can shock millions of fans without any suspense.

This attraction is too great.

For a time, almost all the game anchors on the Shark platform were excited.

The same goes for many other streamers on other platforms.

Almost all the streamers in the game circle have their eyes on these 50 places for internal testing.

At this time, as long as the live broadcast rooms of the major anchors have not yet broadcasted, all of them began to discuss this matter.

Various game forums, post bars and other places are also all related to the two announcements.

""Longling Labyrinth"? It sounds like the plot of an underground cave. This time, it should be directly to the tomb to get money, right?"

"What are the hidden plots? I don't even have the ones activated by the anchor."

"It seems that we need to speed up the progress. I must get an A grade or above!"

"I must have one of the qualifications for the internal test. Brothers, wait for my good news."

"I just took B vitamins, my yellowest, I pee first!"

"Let's go together, I have a special beer."

"I have diabetes, and the sweet one is not good. I can't make him cheap."

Soon, players were discussing the hidden plot.

After a few hours on the forum, several hidden plots have appeared.

And all of them are the kind that the anchor has not triggered.

The player group in the Dragon Kingdom is extremely large.

There are professional players and casual players.

Many of these hidden stories are triggered by casual players.

"If An Liman was contacted at the edge of the desert, he deducted his salary and lowered his pay, which would activate An Liman's revenge and throw the expedition into the desert.

"Is this also a hidden plot?"

"In the black sandstorm, when facing desert army ants, you can choose to drop those students to attract the firepower of the army ants. "However, the team fit will drop a lot."

"The line that Han Ting and Tuanzi chose before, do not stay in the oasis and continue to move forward, and the quicksand pit that Ye Yixin fell into, there are other ways to pass, and the group may not be destroyed.

After discussing for a long time, everyone soon discovered that the most valuable thing was the hidden plot on the line between Han Ting and Tuanzi.

It turned out that there was a player who also chose to continue the same route as Han Hall at that time.

Soon get lost in the black desert.

But this player was not like Han Ting. After seeing the ant lion, he was scared to pee. Later, he re-read the file and returned to the oasis of the ancient city of Xiye.

This player is also a tough guy.

After Ye Yixin met the ant lion, he tried every means to kill the ant lion.

Although the team paid the price of attrition, there was a greater discovery.

Team downsizing, this game can be played for a few more times!

Although the fit of the team will decrease, it will not drop to the level of direct disbanding.

And because this player killed the mutant army ant queen in front, he also killed many other desert animals.

After killing the ant lion, he was awarded the title of Black Desert Killer.

This title is not just a fictitious title.

Bearing this title can increase the damage to all animals in this desert area.

This is definitely a major discovery.

Almost all the anchors did not find it.

And this player's discovery is more than that.

After killing the Antlion. .

The player also led the expedition to discover a secret beneath the quicksand pit.

The bottom of the pit is actually hollow.

The expedition team was also successfully led by this player, and instead of continuing to move forward, they stomped to death near the quicksand pit.

But the dead end result is not bad.

Under the quicksand pit, an ancient tomb was found.

It's a pity that this tomb was stolen and excavated.

And it hasn't been long since it was stolen.

Obviously, there was another group of tomb robbers in this desert at this time.

This group of tomb robbers even used explosives, and in this ancient tomb of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, they also left some traces, used tools and the like.

There is nothing of value inside the tomb.

There are only a few well-preserved mummies.

The expedition team naturally sighed and condemned the tomb robbers at the same time.

After this plot, the player's team fit increased.

Completely made up for the loss of the previous team attrition.

This hidden plot is really unexpected.

After being shared by this player on the forum, many people immediately followed suit.

For players who are not in a hurry to follow the progress, but enjoy the fun of exploration, this hidden plot is worth exploring.

Other than that, it's on the Zagrama Pass.

Here, there are players who have not rescued Hao Aiguo.

However, it also successfully passed the siege of the black snake.

Because there are players who have passed the level even when the team has been reduced, so now a voice has started to appear on the forum.

The rating after the final game is completed is likely to be related to the integrity of the team.

Fatty Hu Payi Wang and Xue Li Yang are the core members, and they must not be linked.

Among the remaining members, at least for now, Ye Yixin and Hao Aiguo have died, which will not affect the progress.

Obviously, there is still a lot of content in this game waiting for players to explore.

at the same time.

Beautiful country overseas.

A building is brightly lit.

This is a game company called Bald Eagle.

In the past ten years, it has maintained the title of the largest game company in the world.

The games developed are also quite marketable.

Bald Eagle has developed a 3A masterpiece in the previous three years.

During the development period, the ticket was bounced three times.

The original two-year development plan was dragged by the Bald Eagle to more than three years.

Even so, there are still a large number of players around the world, who are looking forward to the launch of Bald Eagle's games.

The game was originally expected to be released early next month.

Judging from the previous market research, the popularity of this game is quite high.

Players have shown considerable willingness to buy.

But things have changed in recent days.

This game developed by Bald Eagle is an action adventure game.

It's called Raiders of the Lost Ark.

It tells the story of a white professor who searches for treasures in ancient tombs around the world.

The game is certainly well made.

Although there were some voices of protest (of Wang De), it was just that the people of some weak countries in the game protested that the protagonist of this game was a colonizer and a predator.

But in recent days, a game called "Jingjue Ancient City" has emerged.

After the game was released, it became very popular.

In just a few days, the market in Longguo, one of the largest overseas markets for Bald Eagle, was completely swallowed up.

And at a very fast speed, it spread among players in various countries around the world.

Because the theme of this game is somewhat similar to Raiders of the Lost Ark.

So it directly impacted the game developed by Bald Eagle.

At this time, a large conference room in the Bald Eagle Headquarters Building was filled with smoke.

The official game screen of the overseas version of "Jingjue Ancient City" is being displayed on the display screen of the conference room.

After a while, the screen switched, and it became a variety of data and charts.

A bald Caucasian man with glasses looked deeply at the people in the office.

"The situation is dire now.

""Jingjue Ancient City" has been occupying the game download rankings of various platforms for several days."

"Data from market research shows that players' expectations for Raiders of the Lost Ark are dropping significantly."

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