I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

077 To Fry Or Not To Fry? Take A Gamble, Win The Clubhouse And Lose In The Sea

Ten minutes later, the last black snake in the temple was shoveled into two pieces by Fatty Wang with a shovel.

Both Xu Xiaoying and Sister Zhou let out a sigh of relief.

"It's not easy."

"It's finally cleaned up."

"The fat man is really powerful."

"The sense of substitution is very strong, I have killed more than a dozen flies and mosquitoes at home.

"Brother, the hygiene of your home is a bit difficult to describe."

After all the black snakes were cleaned up, Sister Zhou was at a loss again.

I have died several times in this temple in a row just now.

Come back and forth and come in many times.

But there are no other entrances in this temple.

"That's weird, where's the entrance?"

"If there was no entrance, wouldn't it be in vain to be bitten to death by the black snake so many times?"

Sister Zhou was very unwilling and was about to go to the door to see if there were other entrances.

What made Sister Zhou a little depressed was that the others in the expedition were still discussing the black snake just now.

"Could the appearance of these black monsters be related to Hu Bayi breaking the jade eyeball?"

"Or maybe that jade eye is a sacrificial vessel. Putting that piece of ancient jade on the jade eye completes some kind of ceremony and guides these strange snakes out of that so-called imaginary space?"

"It is very likely that when you first entered the temple, there were no eyeballs on the top."

"That thing just appeared out of thin air, an imaginary space? Could it be the magic of the Queen of Essence?"

"No matter what it is, if you see this kind of jade eyeball in the future, you must not take it lightly.

"There must be no fish that slip through the net. Let's check the inside of the temple carefully. If there are such eyeballs, it will be finished."

Sister Zhou listened and heard some meanings.

When the rest of the expedition team went to check, Sister Zhou also took Xu Xiaoying to check together.

After walking around the temple, Sister Zhou finally found some special places.

"There are some icons glowing on these pillars, Sakura, do you see that?"

Sister Zhou pointed to the relief on the stone pillar in surprise and said.

Xu Xiaoying shook her head dazedly.

"No, it's just the color of an ordinary stone."

Sister Zhou frowned and patted her thigh a few seconds later.

"Fuck, I remembered, I activated the ability to read the symbol totem before.

"Once you see something like a useful text totem symbol, you can see the glow."

Sister Zhou's actions startled the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go, Sister Zhou is very good."

"Sister Zhou, how did you know that I'm sleepy right now"?"

"The Coke in my hand was frightened and spilled. Guess who placed it because of the family?"

"Sister Zhou, please relax a little bit, don't ruin Xue Li Yang's image. The perfect version of Sister Zhou can't have a voice of the perfect version.

Sister Zhou didn't want to pay attention to the ridicule of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Start to study these symbols seriously.

There are a total of sixteen stone pillars in the temple.

There are six special symbols on the body of each stone pillar, which look like six swirl-shaped eyeballs.

The bases of these pillars are all hexagonal.

Each side of the hexagon is embossed on it.

These reliefs are all the same, namely the hungry ghost, the goat, the barbarian, the giant-eyed stone man, the guardian beast and the blank.

"I see, isn't this the stone statues I saw on the Blackrock Tower before?"

"The blank side represents the abyss and the void."

After seeing this, Sister Zhou immediately shared her findings with the rest of the expedition.

At this time, the system prompt sound came.

"Team fit +1."

"Team fit +1."

Being able to find special symbols in the temple can also increase team fit.

Sister Zhou is also a smart person, and soon found that the increase in fit is directly related to the player's ability to use his abilities to solve problems for the expedition team and find clues.

That is, as long as you can help the expedition team, you can continuously improve the fit.

However, it is not enough to follow the team and complete the system tasks.

There must be additional and irreplaceable assistance.

Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo of the expedition team reacted immediately after listening to Sister Zhou's remarks.

"This should be a shrine for sacrifices."

"These stone pillars are obviously related to the content of the sacrifice."

"These stone pillars are in groups of four, and the current arrangement is that the symbols of the patron saints cross each other.

"The jade eyeball just now was a sacred artifact, and Fatty's piece of ancient jade was the magic weapon to start the ceremony."

"It does not rule out the possibility of other magic weapons."

After the two scholars talked for a long time, they did not mention the entrance to the palace.

Sister Zhou quickly brought the topic to the main thread.

"By the way, Professor Chen Professor Hao, is there a secret passage leading to the palace in this temple?"

"If I continue to study like this, Xiaoye's body will not be able to hold it anymore."

"We have to find the palace and the water source quickly."

Sister Zhou knew that ordinary things could not interrupt the research interest of the two professors, so she had to carry Ye Yixin out of the team.

Ye Yixin's physical strength was quite severe along the way, and at this time, there were already some symptoms of water shortage.

After listening to Sister Zhou's words, Professor Chen nodded.

"There must be a secret passage here.

"This multifunctional sacrificial temple must be directly connected to the palace."

"However, the area here is not small, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find the entrance to the secret passage for a while.

At this time, Fatty Wang suddenly spoke.

"If I say we don't have to work so hard."

"When I was in Yamaguchi before, I passed some explosives from a few foreigner tomb robbers.

"We also brought a lot of detonator explosives ourselves."

"Just blow up the temple and you're done."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, he took out explosives from his backpack.

Hao Aiguo almost jumped up in fright.

"No, you can't blow up."

"This temple is a masterpiece of exquisite ancient city architecture."

"The building itself and the reliefs inside are treasures, and bombing it is a crime.

Fatty Wang narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"If you don't blow up, you can't find a secret passage. Xiaoye is dying of thirst. We are also a crime!"

The two of them stared at each other with big eyes, and directly hit the bar.

At this time, Sister Zhou heard a system prompt.

] Players can choose to blast the temple floor with explosives.


After seeing the options, Sister Zhou hesitated.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also began to come up with ideas.

"What are you struggling with, Sister Zhou? Blow it up and you're done."

"Exploding directly to find the entrance of the dark passage is the most efficient."

"Wait, Da Duck frowned and found that things are not so simple.

"Not so simple? Then you give the whole complex."

"The key is that this is too good, the system will not come up with a mindless option.

"Maybe there is a huge conspiracy behind this?"

Sister Zhou thought for a moment and decided to choose blasting.

"Blasts are art."

"I think it's just in line with my character to explode directly.

"Besides, I really don't know how to find the entrance if it doesn't explode."

When Sister Zhou was about to choose, Xu Xiaoying's voice came.

"Sister Zhou, wait a minute, I have found something here."

"I saw these stone pillars, in groups of four, joined together.

"And these pillars can be turned underground."

"These turning places are luminous from Hu Bayi's perspective."

After hearing Xu Xiaoying's words, Sister Zhou knew immediately.

You can see the position of the light, indicating that this place can perform skills.

(Okay) Hu Bayi has the skills of finding dragons and acupoints from the "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" and the skills of Tianxing Feng Shui.

Could it be that the stone pillars in this temple are organs?

Thinking of this, Sister Zhou gritted her teeth and glared.

"Take a gamble! If you win the clubhouse, if you lose, you go to the sea to work!"

Then Sister Zhou chose no.

Fatty Wang looked disappointed, seeing that Hu Bayi and Xue Li Yang did not support him, so he had to put away the explosives again.

At this time, Xu Xiaoying walked to the front of the stone pillar and called Fatty Wang over again.

"Look, the bottom of these stone pillars can be turned."

"The sixteen stone pillars in the entire temple are actually organs."

Hu Bayi began to talk eloquently.

"The arrangement of the sixteen stone pillars in the temple is exactly the same as the sixteen dragons.

"This layout coincides with the number of giant gates."

"The technique of dividing gold and locating acupoints can determine the changes in the sixteen dragons, five elements and twenty-four directions through the ground, and find the real dragon veins."

"I'll try it out."

After speaking, Hu Bayi began to walk around the temple.

At the same time, he was chanting words while walking, obviously calculating something.

At this moment, the water friends in the live broadcast room are all dumbfounded. .

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