I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

080 Sister Zhou's Charming Moment, A Mountain Of Treasures

Countless flying insects flew up from the island in the center of the lake.

It was as dense as a cloud.

"It's a mayfly, a lot of them."

Professor Chen shouted.

The mayflies soon landed on the surface of the small lake.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of gray-haired mice emerged from all directions.

These mice are not afraid of people, they squeaked into the small lake and began to prey on the insects.

Fatty Wang started to look quite fresh.

At this time, Sister Zhou gave a wicked smile and said something to Fatty Wang.

"Wang Kaixuan, you just drank this water."

"These big rats prey and take baths and lapas are all in this water."

"How is it? Does it taste good?"

Fatty Wang's face turned dark, and he immediately spit out the water in his stomach.

Others who drank water also vomited.

Fatty Wang wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at Sister Zhou, just as he was about to speak, he felt sick again.

Sister Zhou immediately said again, "Oh, I'm reminding you, it's for your own good, so as not to drink too much to make your stomach upset, right?"

Fatty Wang was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all overjoyed.

"Nice job!"

"If you don't show him some color, I don't know how powerful Sister Zhou's mouth is."

"Just kidding? Sister Zhou opens her mouth, and the world changes color."

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Sister Zhou was no longer entangled.

Xu Xiaoying said at the front at this moment, "There is a small road, which should lead to the upper reaches of the underground lake."

"The water in the upper reaches of the underground lake is drinkable."

After hearing Xu Xiaoying's words, the members of the expedition immediately walked up the path.

On both sides of this path, there is a cave-like room dug out of the stone every other section.

There are still iron railings left at the door.

It was dark and cold inside, and there was rat droppings everywhere.

Occasionally, one or two broken skeletons can be seen.

Looks like an ancient dungeon.

Walking a few hundred meters ahead, I immediately saw an underground river with fast-flowing water.

"This is the dark river!"

After seeing this underground river, Professor Chen Hao Aiguo and others immediately exclaimed.

This is the upper reaches of the Ziduan River, and the water source is naturally very clean.

The members of the expedition immediately drank enough water and filled the water bladder with water.

Ye Yixin, who was already very weak, finally regained some movement.

The two player characters, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying, are naturally not as thirsty as the characters in the game.

The two were constantly observing their surroundings.

"Sister Zhou, look ahead, there is a cave on the other side of the river."

Soon Xu Xiaoying saw the scene in front of her.

With the blessing of a white camel on her body, Xu Xiaoying's eyesight was much worse than that of ordinary people.

Sister Zhou immediately walked forward for a while, and immediately saw a dark cave on the other side of the river.

There is also a stone bridge made of black stones on the Ziduan River.

Go straight to the opposite cave.

There is also a huge gate above the cave.

From a distance, it should be made of iron.

There are also reliefs of alien beasts on it.

It gives the impression that an unknown beast has opened its mouth wide.

There was also a large rock under the gate.

Apparently someone put it here on purpose.

Although the expedition team was still several hundred meters away from the cave on the opposite side, they could still feel the pressure on the cave and the gate above.

After seeing this, the expedition team immediately arrived by the river.

After crossing the bridge and standing at the gate of the gate, the expedition stopped.

"The tomb of the Queen's Essence is too rare. If I don't go in and take a look, I will die. But it's too dangerous inside. It doesn't matter if I have an old bone.

Professor Chen said excitedly.

"Professor Chen, how can I let you in? Let me come. You are too old, and the students are still young, so it's just right for me to come." Hao Aiguo wasn't afraid, he pushed his eyes and said.

At this time, the baby reacted immediately.

The two said what they were going in.

Just leave Fatty Wang to take care of a few students.

Fatty Wang quit now.

"Why is it always asking me to do Aunt's daycare? I'm going too."

When the remaining Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian heard it, they naturally wanted to go in.

The last Ye Yixin was obviously frightened.

"Don't leave me behind, I'll go too when you go."

When Sister Zhou heard this, isn't this messed up?

"Okay, Hu Bayi and I go in, and everyone else is waiting outside. We are the most experienced and can deal with danger."

Sister Zhou's remarks were decisive.

When playing games with other anchors, she is very polite to the NPCs in the game. Sister Zhou has completely brought herself into the identity of Xue Li Yang.

Usually, although I try to pretend to be as dignified and intellectual as possible, but at the critical moment, I spray it when I need to, and make a decision when it is time to make a decision.

And after a long time, Sister Zhou found out.

Isn't this the state of Lao Tzu's usual live broadcast?

If you can be dignified, you can put it on, if you can't put it on, you can slap the table.

After Sister Zhou finished speaking, the members of the expedition team stopped talking.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are also happy.

"Sister Zhou is mighty!"

"This is the sister Zhou I know.

“Glamour Moment!”

After a while, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying walked into the huge gate together.

Behind the gate is a large space.

Underfoot is a long and narrow passage.

Going all the way down, you can't see the end at all.

Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying both took out cold fireworks from the equipment bar.

A cold firework was thrown down below.

However, the red light of the cold smoke rolled twenty or thirty meters and stopped, obviously still on the steps.

Front, back, left and right are still boundless darkness, only this step goes straight down.

It's like going to hell.

Sister Zhou took a deep breath.

Walk down carefully with Xu Xiaoying.

"Strange, why aren't those mice here?"

"I remember those gray-haired mice all over it."

Sister Zhou has a deep memory of those mice that made Fatty Wang vomit.

Immediately it felt wrong.

There was also no mouse droppings on the floor of the steps, which were often seen before.

"Is there something terrifying here, so that the underground mice dare not approach..." Xu Xiaoying said.

Sister Zhou thought about it, and couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Obviously, Xu Xiaoying was right.

The two continued to descend and walked for a long time before finally reaching the bottom.

At the bottom of the steps is a platform.

There are at least hundreds of giant pupil stone figures that the expedition team had seen on the platform.

But on the platform, there is no way.

"It's weird, where do we go if we don't have a way?"

Sister Zhou looked around for a while.

It was found that the black on the top did not know how high it was.

I don't know how far ahead is dark.

"This space seems to be......a bit big..."

The two walked to the front of the platform, and found that after the light from the flashlight came out, it seemed as if it was absorbed by the surrounding darkness, and they couldn't see anything at all.

Sister Zhou did not give up, and took out a few more cold fireworks from the equipment bar.

It was all thrown down the edge of the platform.

As a result, these cold fireworks fell about 30 meters below.

Below is a flat ground.

Originally, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying planned to take a look around.

But after seeing the flat ground below, both of them couldn't turn their eyes away immediately.

"I'll go! Sister Zhou, you've developed."

"Why is this just a game!"

"How high should this be?"

"Finally, it's good for us to see the world and open our eyes."

"I want to go down, don't stop me, everyone below is mine!"

"Another crazy one..."

Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying hadn't said anything yet, and the barrage in the live broadcast room had already exploded.

It turned out that on the flat bottom below, there was a large pile of gold and silver treasures piled up like a hill.

All kinds of gold and silver utensils, precious stones, ancient jade, jade coral, amber pearls and so on.

When the light above the cold fireworks shines, it is full of jewels.

A ray of sunshine almost rose from below the entire platform. 2.9

It took several seconds for Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying to relax.

"It's terrible, is this the impact of gold and silver treasures?"

"Don't let anyone test me with this in the future, I can't stand it."

Although Sister Zhou withdrew her gaze, she still had lingering fears.

Fortunately, the two also knew that this was in the game.

Immediately return, let all the members of the expedition come down.

As a result, Xu Xiaoying suddenly stopped when she was halfway through.

"Sister Zhou, do you remember the legend that Mr. An Liman told us before we entered the desert?"

"There are countless treasures of gold and silver buried in the black desert. Whoever takes these treasures will never be able to walk out of the black desert?"

Sister Zhou was stunned, "This deception? Could it be made up by the game developers' brains?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean your big brother."

"Sister Zhou, I think it's better for us to tell the people in the expedition team. I have a hunch that if someone in the team takes gold and silver treasures, we're afraid we won't be able to complete the mission.

When they said this, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying called out a name almost at the same time.

"Fat Wang!".

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