I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

082 Sister Zhou Is Super-Spirited, She Is The True Face Of The Queen!

Sister Zhou took a closer look and found that it was actually Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng from the expedition.

"What's the matter? Why did Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng get on the stone beam? And they didn't bring safety equipment?"

Sister Zhou immediately noticed something was wrong.

What happened next was even more shocking.

When the two walked to the middle of the stone beam, Sa Dipeng who was walking behind suddenly stopped and picked up a stone from the ground.

Chu Jian also stopped and seemed to want to ask Sa Di Peng.

But Sa Dipeng actually raised the stone and smashed it at Chu Jian's head.

Chu Jian fell to the ground, and Sa Dipeng kicked him again, kicking Chu Jian to the edge of the stone beam.

Chu Jian's body was suspended above the abyss.

His hands were lying on the edge of the stone beam, his face was full of blood and horror.

His mouth seemed to be begging Sa Dipeng for mercy.

But Satipeng quickly threw a stone at Chu Jian's hands.

A long, shrill scream came.

Chu Jian fell into the bottomless abyss.

Satipeng suddenly turned around at this time.

Then he showed a very strange smile to everyone.

Without waiting for the others to react, they continued towards the coffin of the Queen Jingjue at the end of the stone beam.

Sa Dipeng walked to the end of the stone beam, just reached the side of the coffin, and raised the stone in his hand.

Aim the tip of the stone at your temple, and then slam it down violently.

At this time, all the team members were stunned and did not make any sound.

Above the huge abyss, only the muffled sound of stones smashing bones was passed on.

After a few strokes, Sa Dipeng's skull shattered, his head was covered in blood, and he threw himself on Queen Jingjue's coffin.

The tragic and bizarre scene in front of her made Sister Zhou stunned.

The same goes for the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"What's going on? What the hell happened?"

"Can anyone tell me if I'm missing something?"

"I thought about a lot of possible dangers, but I really didn't expect this one."

"Why does it feel so weird?"

"Could it be that Queen Jingjue's resentful spirit appeared?"

"I feel that what Professor Chen said earlier, that there are evil spirits in the corpse incense konjac may not be a myth or legend."

At this moment, Fatty Wang shouted, "Fuck, this kid must be possessed by evil spirits."

"It shouldn't be dead now, hurry up and save him!"

"Old Hu, bring the black donkey's hoof and sticky rice!"

At this time, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying looked at each other.

In front of the situation, intelligence stepped forward to take it.

Soon the two of them carried the engineer shovel forward and walked along the stone beam to the end.

The two of them were trembling along the way, and they didn't dare to look beside the stone beam at all.

The abyss below the stone beams kept blowing cold winds upwards.

The airflow swept across the stone beam, making a slight whimper.

It felt like some grievance was crying in my ear.

The width of the stone beams is only a little over one meter.

Shaking his body a little, he felt like he was about to fall into an invincible abyss.

Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying were all trembling.

A few hundred meters of stone beams walked for at least ten minutes.

After reaching the end of the stone beam, the two-to-three-meter-high corpse incense konjac stood in front of the two of them.

The coquettish flowers carry an evil spirit.

It was as red as dripping blood.

Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying raised their shovels and quickly cut off the corpse fragrant konjac.

"No matter if this thing is possessed by evil spirits, it must not be kept.

"It looks a little weird."

On this point, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying have the same opinions.

The corpse fragrant konjac is also more than one meter in diameter.

The engineer shovels in the hands of the two took turns to chop for about a few minutes before they cut off the corpse fragrant konjac.

The corpse incense konjac was cut out by the shovel, and a lot of black liquid with red light flowed out.

It also had a strange smell of sweetness.

The moment when the roots of the two-meter-high corpse fragrant konjac were cut off.

Sister Zhou seemed to hear a slight sigh in her ears.

The tall and coquettish flowers fell directly and smashed at Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying.

Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying quickly retreated.

When the corpse incense konjac was poured on the stone beam, a strong fragrance rushed to Sister Zhou's nostrils.

Strangely, when Sister Zhou heard the sound of the corpse incense konjac falling to the ground, it didn't sound like a heavy object hitting the ground at all.

Rather fluffy.

But at this time, Sister Zhou didn't have much time to think, so she rushed to the coffin of the Kunlun Sacred Wood.

Sa Dipeng is still lying on the Kunlun Sacred Tree.

When Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying came to see it, they were all surprised.

The position of the temple of Sa Dipeng's head has been abruptly smashed by himself with a stone tip.

The edge of the hole is full of broken bones.

His head was covered in blood.

The smashed gray-white brains could already be seen inside the hole.

The faces of Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying were already snow-white.

Heartbeat suddenly soared wildly.

"Mom, it scared me to death."

"That's horrible."

"It's over, there's no help..."

"This game...isn't it a little too real?"

"Is it necessary to be so realistic?"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room also expressed that they were frightened, Sa Dipeng, who had been lying on the Kunlun Shenmu coffin before and had been completely cold, suddenly stood up.

The whole person slowly turned around.

A face has turned blue-grey.

The facial features are distorted, and the eyes are dull.

The hand grabbed a few times in the air.

"She...she's alive..."

This time, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying screamed in horror.

The barrage in the live broadcast room will be cleared within a few seconds.

Then it exploded completely.

The picture is no longer clear on the screen.

"I'm going! I'm scared to pee, I really pee."

"Brothers, I'll pee first as a respect."

"It's going to kill people."

"Today is also a wet day."

"Where is the geology of the dog writer's house? I'm going to drop by and send cordial greetings.

"Isn't Sa Dipeng dead? My brain has come out, why did he cheat the corpse again?"

At this time, Xu Xiaoying's live broadcast had turned black and white.

"The system detects that the player's heart rate and blood pressure are abnormal, and the game connection has been automatically cut off and saved automatically.

"Please keep up the good work."

"I'm going! The anchor was scared off the line."

"Speaking of this, Sister Zhou is still online?"

"It seems to be oh, Sister Zhou can do it.


"Well, why is Sister Zhou not moving? Is there no action you like?"

"I guess her legs are weak."

Sister Zhou's sweat at this time has already wet the body sensor suit.

The water friend was really right.

Sister Zhou can't move at all now.

Legs are already weak.

Can't move at all.

Sister Zhou wants to struggle now.

But it can't be done at all.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, I suddenly remembered that when I set off for Shiliang with Xu Xiaoying, I took the black donkey hoof and glutinous rice from Xu Xiaoying.

"Is it a corpse?"

Sister Zhou had heard some horror stories before.

But never heard of black donkey hoof and what effect sticky rice can do.

But it doesn't matter that much now.

Sister Zhou suddenly shoved the black donkey's hoof to the front.

It happened that Satipeng opened his mouth wide and seemed to mourn.

The black donkey's hoof was directly stuffed into Satipeng's mouth.

Sister Zhou didn't dare to stop at all, and frantically threw the glutinous rice on Sa Dipeng's body.

Sa Dipeng, who was still struggling before, suddenly fell straight down and fell forward.

Coincidentally, the direction in which she fell was exactly the direction in which Sister Zhou was standing.

Sister Zhou stepped back in fright.

The foot swayed, and the body lost balance.

The whole person suddenly fell to the abyss below the stone beam.

The water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly sent out a whole screen of "`" ah ah ah. "

Almost all barrages are the same word.

It's neat.

However, Sister Zhou held on, and did not really fall, but grabbed the edge of the stone beam with both hands at the last moment.

After a few seconds, Sister Zhou struggled to climb up the stone beam.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In a trance, Sister Zhou actually had a feeling of escaping from death.

I feel like I've really died.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also broke out.

"Sister Zhou's divine operation!"

"Kerry all over the place."

"It exploded, and I will never say that Sister Zhou's voice is bad again."

"Sister Zhou, you are my god."

Sister Zhou quickly regained some strength amid the barrage of praise.

Before, Sister Zhou's mind was almost completely blank.

At this time, Sister Zhou looked at Sa Dipeng who was in front of her, and she was already motionless.

The corpse fragrant konjac was also cut off.

The Kunlun Sacred Wood Coffin is close at hand.

What is the main quest?

Explore the Queen's Tomb and come out alive?

That being the case, it's all here, it's too bad not to look at it.

Sister Zhou almost struggled, exhausted her last strength, and rolled and crawled to the coffin of Queen Jingjue.

Sister Zhou looked in front of the coffin and found that the lid of the Kunlun Shenmu was actually made of tree bark.

There is almost no trace of processing in the entire coffin.

Fortunately, the bark coffin lid is not so heavy.

Sister Zhou tried her best, and finally pushed open the lid of the Kunlun Shenmu coffin little by little.

After pushing the lid off, Sister Zhou immediately found that there was almost no rancid smell inside the coffin.

There was only one female corpse inside.

The body of the female corpse was dressed in a jade robe, which was covered with a gorgeous royal robe.

There is a beautifully made black mask on his face.

The lines of the facial features and face are all outlined with gold lines.

Because the face and body were covered, the decomposing condition of the corpse could not be seen.

Underneath the tool is a white mummified corpse.

Sister Zhou also held the last bit of spirit, and with the belief that she had come, she stretched out her hand and lifted the mask of the Queen Jingjue.

In the next second, time seemed to stand still. .

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