After a while, Xu Xiaoying on the stone beam once again felt that the character Hu Bayi was out of control.

After crying for a while, Hu Bayi took out the dagger again.

Just when Hu Bayi was about to stab himself in the chest with a dagger.

The gun went off.

This time the bullet directly hit the dagger in Hu Bayi's hand.

After the dagger was blown away, it filled into the bottomless abyss as a minister.

After the gunshots sounded, Xu Xiaoying was surprised to find that she could control the role of Hu Bayi again.

It's just that Xu Xiaoying now feels that she is still in a trance and a state of dizziness.

Obviously, although Fatty Wang's shot just now threw the dagger and pulled Hu Bayi out of the hallucination, it was not so thorough.

Xu Xiaoying struggled to get up, took out the Northland Profound Pearl that had been prepared long ago, and placed it under her nose.

The choking smell of saltpeter made Xu Xiaoying cough violently for a few times, and the whole person felt like a cold air rushing to the sky.

After a jolt, the whole person was awake.

The role of Hu Bayi has completely returned to normal.

Fatty Wang next to the ghost cave was still scolding with his feet jumping.

"Hu Bayi, why are you so stupid?"

"Wake up quickly!"

"Grandma's repeat offender, I'll shoot you in the arm next time!"

Xu Xiaoying had no choice but to wave in the direction of Fatty Wang, indicating that she was awake.

At this moment, the water friends in the live broadcast room of Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying were all blown up.

"Fuck! Sister Zhou can do it."

"Sister Zhou and Xiao Ying actually passed this level!"

"They are still trying to scratch the pig again and again, and they have been tortured by the corpse fragrant konjac to the point of doubting their lives."

"Come on, 080 killed me for Sister Zhou and Xiao Ying to celebrate!"

"Fatty Wang has made a great contribution in this game. Without the sharpshooter like Fatty, this game has no solution."

At this time, Xu Xiaoying was already holding the Beidi Profound Bead in one hand and the flashlight in her hand, and came to the coffin of Queen Jingjue.

The engineer shovel in Xu Xiaoying's hand lifted up and quickly slashed at the top of the corpse fragrant konjac.

But found that it could not be cut at all.

This huge demon flower looks bright and dripping, very delicate, but in fact the water content is not high.

Like wood, it is very tough.

Even the sapper shovel left only a scar about a few centimeters deep.

There was some red-black liquid seeping out of it.

It was more like blood that was about to solidify.

Xu Xiaoying responded quickly enough.

"This demon flower can't be chopped at all, it's too late!"

Xu Xiaoying is still relatively awake now, not because she is out of the scope of the illusion of corpse incense konjac.

In fact, within the scope of Shiliang, all of them are within the scope of the illusion of corpse incense konjac.

Now it's only because of Fatty Wang's bullet and the choking smell of Beidi Xuanzhu, that he is barely able to stay awake.

This time will not exceed five minutes.

Xu Xiaoying immediately rushed to the coffin of Queen Jingjue.

Regardless of whether it was thirty-seven-twenty, he stretched out his hand and fished a handful into the coffin.

Suddenly, something was taken out of Queen Jingjue's coffin.

Then Xu Xiaoying heard a system prompt sound of the game.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Queen's Tomb token, and the exploration of the Queen's Tomb is complete."

"The main quest is updated, players need to escape from the ancient city of Jingjue before the countdown ends.

"The countdown begins..."

Xu Xiaoying listened to a series of system prompts and did not stop.

Instead, he quickly took something and ran back along the stone beam.

Sister Zhou apparently also heard the system prompt.

After seeing Xu Xiaoying running back, she had already started calling for the rest of the expedition team to prepare to evacuate.

"No, I can't go! Sadie's body is still there."

"Yes. If Xiao Sa's body is not taken back, how can we explain to his family?"

Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo did not agree to leave at this moment.

Ye Yixin witnessed the death of her classmates Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng.

"It's too late, there is danger here!" Sister Zhou shouted anxiously.

At this time, only the player can see a countdown appearing at the top of some screens.

In-game time is only one hour.

This time is not long.

Because it only took more than an hour for everyone to enter the ancient city of Jingjue from the Zagrama Pass, and then to the tomb of the Queen of Jingjue.

If you go back the same way, you can't waste a little time.

At this time, Xu Xiaoying had also run back from the stone beam.

"No, something crawled out of the abyss."

Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo still wanted to say something.

At this time, Ye Yixin suddenly screamed.

"Snake, black snake! Here comes the servants of the devil!"

At the beginning, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying hadn't reacted yet.

But soon a strange rustling sound was heard.

The voice came from inside the abyss.

At this time, Fatty Wang reacted quite quickly, and immediately aimed the searchlight at the edge of the ghost cave.

Immediately, I saw a black piece slowly rising from the edge of the ghost cave.

The searchlight shone on the rock wall that was relatively close to the expedition team, and it was immediately clear that those black things that were spreading up were actually countless black snakes.

These black snakes are the same as the black snakes that the expedition team saw at Zagrama Pass.

A little bigger.

The black scales are dense and the head flesh (aifc) ball is about two feet long.

It's just that the number of these black snakes is too large this time.

It's almost impossible to count.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the expedition did not mention the matter of robbing Sa Dipeng's body.

Everyone hurriedly climbed to the top of the steps.

It was only after a short climb that Fatty Wang shouted, "It's too late, those black snakes are chasing after him."

When Sister Zhou looked back, she almost jumped up in fright.

"Mom, it's over this time."

The audience in the live broadcast room also comforted Sister Zhou one after another.

"Sister Zhou, look at those black snakes, it must be very painful to bite them, right?"

"The number of black snakes is a bit large this time."

"In the past, hundreds of black snakes in the temple could kill the expedition team. This time, with a million snakes starting, wouldn't the expedition team be wiped out a hundred times?"

"The math in the front was taught by a physical education teacher? It was ten thousand times! I was bitten to death ten thousand times!"

Sister Zhou hated so much that her teeth were itchy.

"Who are you all?"

"Any sympathy?"

"Right! I know what to do!"

A flash of lightning flashed through Sister Zhou's mind, and she suddenly remembered that when she was in Zagrama Pass, the key to passing the test was the camera flash in her hand.

"These black snakes are afraid of light!"

After shouting, Sister Zhou took out her camera and took pictures of the group of snakes behind her.

"I will kill you!"

"Let you see the light to death!"

After the group of snakes was photographed by Sister Zhou's camera flash, they did spread out all at once.

The speed of progress has slowed down a lot.

Sister Zhou felt a flower in front of her.

Those black snakes seemed to be a little translucent, but they were in a trance under the flash.

Before Sister Zhou had time to take a few breaths, the flash in the people couldn't come out.

"I'm going, why did this thing fall off the chain at this time!"

A sense of despair came over me.

The sound of the rustling cold-blooded animal crawling came from all directions.

Like a life-threatening magic sound.

It was dark all around, and I couldn't see anything.

Still dying?

Not reconciled.

Just escape to complete the mission!

At this moment, Hu Bayi's voice came.

"Fat man! Shirley Yang! A searchlight!"

It was only then that Sister Zhou discovered that Fatty Wang was probably distressed equipment, and she actually put the searchlight on when she was leaving.

You say he is smart, this thing weighs dozens of pounds, and both of them are tired and sweaty.

You say he is stupid, this thing can emit strong light, and it is very effective against snakes.

Soon the three of them set up the searchlights and lit the group of black snakes behind them.

The bright beam of light directly illuminates even people.

These black snakes were originally afraid of strong light, and when they encountered the light of the searchlight, they avoided it almost instantly.

"The battery of the searchlight can't last for two minutes. We have to find a way out quickly." Fatty Wang held the searchlight, almost like a machine gun in his hand.

At this time, Sister Zhou and Xu Xiaoying turned their heads and looked in the direction of the steps leading to Queen Jingjue's tomb.

The steps are densely packed with black snakes.

Even the huge gate was full of black snakes hanging up and down.


Where's the way out?

"There! There is a crevice there!" Xu Xiaoying's eyes were blessed by the white camel, and she soon discovered a special place.

The surroundings are not yet surrounded by black snakes.

"There may not be a way to get in. You may be blocked inside, and the black snake will make dumplings!" Fatty Wang shouted.

"Dynamite, use dynamite to blow up the cave entrance." Sister Zhou's expression suddenly became very firm.

"I'd rather be crushed to death by a stone than be bitten by these snakes."

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